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  1. CPM RSS

    Real Results: Little measures

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Making small improvements is helping to keep a Norfolk farmer ahead of blackgrass. CPM learns more about his approach to grassweed control. By Mike Abram It’s the little things that matter when you have a grassweed problem you’re...
  2. CPM RSS

    Redekop: Same weeds, new thinking

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF During a particularly intense year for grassweed pressure, what learnings can be shared by three growers who’ve been investigating a novel method of control at harvest? CPM finds out. By Janine Adamson Although well-proven across the...
  3. CPM RSS

    Grassweeds: Switching the narrative

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF The hot topic this season has undoubtedly been grassweeds and the challenge they’ve become. CPM collates some of the latest expertise to help reinforce the message that best practice will eventually prevail. By Janine Adamson and Rob...
  4. Farmer mk1

    Owning and old combine

    Evening folks, Just wondering on a wet evening, how many people own and old combine like a 1990 machine to an early 2000 machine so like 20/30 year old machine. Do you find them reliable or just a pain as they are on the period when electrics started to come into the agriculture sector fast...
  5. Pilatus

    Do stewardship payments etc set a base rent tenant farmers can pay?

    I ask as land agents know that tenants can get “x” amount if they put their tenanted farm into “y” scheme. Not good🤦🏻
  6. Agriland RSS

    Hybrid barleys – improved nitrogen use efficiency

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland Hybrid barleys are well recognised for their high biomass potential. This is an evolving, good news story for Irish grain growers. This has significant benefits in terms of grassweed suppression, but new data suggests that it also has a benefit...
  7. Grass And Grain

    NUM3 - Legume Fallow, now rotational

    Latest SFI update has now given option for NUM3 Legume Fallow to be rotational. See screenshot of the guidance. Non-rotated we have to establish within 13 months of agreement start date, so say we start agreement 1st Sept 2023, then we'd need to establish by 31st Aug '24, then leave it there...
  8. G

    Sfi versus crop

    Just jotted some rough figures down i could be miles out please discuss
  9. skye @ bofin

    Farmer ‘Seed Scouts’ wanted

    Growers struggling with grassweed control are invited to take part in a new farmer-led project. The call is for ‘Seed Scouts’ – farmers who’ll monitor and sample grassweeds in their crop as harvest approaches. Those interested should register for a webinar, hosted by the British On-Farm...
  10. skye @ bofin

    Farmer ‘Seed Scouts’ wanted

    skye @ bofin submitted a new resource: Farmer ‘Seed Scouts’ wanted - CPM Article 16/05/2023 Read more about this resource...
  11. skye @ bofin

    Welcome to The Seed Circle

    The Seed Circle is the BOFIN Knowledge Cluster around this project of those with special interest, including scientists and representatives of machinery manufacturers who have opted in, share experiences and knowledge and help shape the project. It currently has 143 members, if this sounds like...
  12. CPM RSS

    Grassweed survey: The year of the grassweed

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Word in the field this season is grassweed pressure has caught some off-guard despite deploying a range of control methods. CPM draws on insight from growers to help unpick the reasons why and understand whether IPM is having a positive...
  13. CPM RSS

    Grassweed control: A challenging year

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF There’s no disguising the fact that grassweed control isn’t as good as it should be in some fields this summer. CPM attends a BASF briefing to hear why it’s been a difficult season and the lessons that can be drawn from it. By Mike Abram...
  14. CPM RSS

    Grassweed control: A challenging year

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF There’s no disguising the fact that grassweed control isn’t as good as it should be in some fields this summer. CPM attends a BASF briefing to hear why it’s been a difficult season and the lessons that can be drawn from it. By Mike Abram...
  15. CPM RSS

    Pushing Performance: The strongest start

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Optimising crop health begins long before establishment – it starts with the seed. CPM explores how a biostimulant seed treatment can help plants to overcome challenging conditions right from the off. By Janine Adamson With plant...
  16. czechmate

    Field bean - leaf and pod spot

    For myself, leaf and pod spot is the biggest problem of growing field beans - maybe made worse by slightly early sowings, pushed by some wet autumns. is anyone growing a variety with resistance/tolerance? Is it effective? Does it come with different issues (like no yield?🙄) Or does it reinvent...
  17. TFF

    Managing Uncertainty: The value of vigour 2023-07-08

    Download PDF From grassweed suppression to improved NUE to early entry for oilseed rape to flexible end use, hybrid barley has cemented its value to growers over the past two decades. CPM discovers how the crop offers both resilience and yield stability. By Lucy de la Pasture By its very...
  18. Janet Hughes Defra

    Sustainable farming incentive - handbook for 2023 has been published

    Afternoon all, Today we've published a handbook containing all the detailed information about the sustainable farming incentive offer for this year. The handbook is here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sfi-handbook-for-the-sfi-2023-offer An overview blogpost is here...
  19. colhonk

    Harry`s Farm AB6

    Whats this AB6 he was on about, leaving stubble over winter and get £522 pounds a hec. Been trawling through dozens of gov. uk pages where they say a lot but typicaly tell you nothing. :rolleyes: :facepalm:
  20. M

    Hybrid barley v wheat

    Hi Never grown hybrid barley and wondering in a first cereal position if the yields would be comparable but cost less to grow and be a better bet against grassweeds using lower N ,lower fungicide, possibly lower drying costs ? what’s others thoughts ? cheers