A distant neighbour of mine has a 2wd 3085 MF that he uses as a raking tractor in the summer, when he's folding up the trailed rake its somewhat slow and he was wondering if it was possible to speed things up slightly, not at the charge of the light brigade or anything just a bit quicker is all.
its faster on the more modern tractors they have so its not the rake's fault.
They changed the pump thinking it might be getting tired but it wasn't at fault.
now i dont know much about them tbh but I do know its an open center hydraulic system (bosch tandem pump) and im somewhat aware its not the highest lpm at the best of times but my question is, has anyone ever modified or changed the pump for one out of another model that would up the lpm a bit or is there something he's missed?
They arent short of tractors and hes not for selling this one as they like it for raking, he was just wondering if there might of been some form of a solution to the problem.
i said id ask here that someone else might of had a similar problem and solved it, I/He would appreciate any constructive answers if there even was one, it may be a case of having to live with it.
its faster on the more modern tractors they have so its not the rake's fault.
They changed the pump thinking it might be getting tired but it wasn't at fault.
now i dont know much about them tbh but I do know its an open center hydraulic system (bosch tandem pump) and im somewhat aware its not the highest lpm at the best of times but my question is, has anyone ever modified or changed the pump for one out of another model that would up the lpm a bit or is there something he's missed?
They arent short of tractors and hes not for selling this one as they like it for raking, he was just wondering if there might of been some form of a solution to the problem.
i said id ask here that someone else might of had a similar problem and solved it, I/He would appreciate any constructive answers if there even was one, it may be a case of having to live with it.