Got some areas around the yard and buildings that if money were no object I'd ideally like to concrete, for extra hardstanding etc but also to eliminate potential rat burrow sites near the grain store and other buildings. These are places that won't get a lot of traffic, so I'd have thought hardcore/chippings etc would do the job, but what's best (keeping costs to a minimum)? 803 well packed? Chippings? How about road planings - look quite neat a couple places I've seen them used, any disadvantages? What about rat-proofness - I take it you don't get problems with them burrowing in to chippings or compacted hardcore?
Along similar lines, I've been considering getting a shipping container - a lot of websites recommend a concrete slab underneath but it seems like a waste (??) - surely one of the above would be sufficient as long as the corner blocks were on firm ground? Again the rat proof question applies as obviously wouldn't want them burrowing under the container. Cheers
Along similar lines, I've been considering getting a shipping container - a lot of websites recommend a concrete slab underneath but it seems like a waste (??) - surely one of the above would be sufficient as long as the corner blocks were on firm ground? Again the rat proof question applies as obviously wouldn't want them burrowing under the container. Cheers