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Buying into established wind turbines


Arable Farmer
I have private messaged the contributor in respect of the grossly defamatory and untruthful comments.

I have invited the contributor to contact the Administrator, Mr. Goderski of Geoffrey Martin who will be able to confirm the true position.

Mr. Rory McMullan the director of Aegis is currently being investigated and legal proceedings have been instituted against him by investors for fraud, and to date he has refused to answer these proceedings.

Mr.McMullan has sought to maliciously impugn my character because in January 2016 I became aware of his unlawful and fraudulant actions and I whistleblew to the authorites and investors. I am on the Creditors Committee providing assistance to the Administrators and we are hopeful that their investment will be recovered in full.

I remain at all times available for investors to contact me. If any investors wish to contact me they may do so on 07884453252.

alert - Patrick Moran has set up ' green energy' bond scams - do not be taken in .
his latest was Aegis Power - which he used to get money twice using the same security.
this company like many of his before has gone under, we as investors are trying to get some money back plus hope that he will be arrested for financial fraud either here or in Eire.
also note that the city has ruthlessly sold his bonds and anyone doing so is part of the rip off. Beauforts Security willingly went in and passed his scam as a genunine investment - they cannot be trusted either.
anyone seeing or hearing of anything coming from Patrick Moran or his brother should avoid it but also report it to the authorities

We note your comments regarding Mr Moran and your hope that he is arrested, perhaps the following will assist in your endeavours but you will need to be a bit more proactive as a group! Best wishes from an ex-insider associate who has a conscience and no longer wishes to be associated with this activity.

He alleges that there have been “grossly defamatory and untruthful comments” made and that he claims to “remain at all times available for investors to contact me.” For the record, none of the comments are defamatory under UK Law as they have been made in a true and honest held belief, opinion and facts based on full documentary supporting evidence.

Perhaps he considers that by claiming to be available for investors to contact this offers an impression of someone with empathy, of a caring individual and thus warranting the right to some magic force-field separating him from culpability. It does not, especially when (if he is contacted) no plausible or feasible explanations (let alone any basic accounting/audit trails!) are offered with regard to the ‘mysteriously’ missing millions of pounds (not mere pennies, millions!) of hard earned investment funds that he has received over the last five years.

But, nonetheless, as he now appears to claim to be such a ‘fine upright and upstanding citizen with no taint of sin’, and as many of his investors past and even potential are reading this, perhaps he’d care to offer some tangible explanations and evidence to these missing funds. Try and prove some semblance of innocence with hard evidence instead of his endless, empty and meaningless BS of laying the blame at the feet of others. The false litany he has been spouting for so long is one that only he appears to believe as truth, despite the weight of concrete evidence to the contrary.

He obviously hadn’t noticed, this is public forum in which at least half a dozen investors have written about him in the negative. A coincidence? We think not; notably no-one (apart from himself of course) has a good thing to say about him or his so-called investments, therefore let’s just short-circuit the process, save the time/energy to individually contact him yet again, we welcome his observations on the following for all to see, after all what could he possibly have to hide?

So let us start at the first relevant fully ‘documented’ moment, which also serves to offer a useful insight into the true ethics, morality and values so close to Patrick Moran’s heart as later revealed in his serial alternative energy schemes.

In early life as a solicitor, he offered cut price conveyancing, duped many clients into giving him their money after which he ignored them. Does this pattern sound familiar to anyone? Then in April 2010, the Irish Law Society took the following decision against him for ‘misconduct’, effectively struck him off and subsequently seized his files:

- “In the matter of Patrick E Moran, a solicitor practising as Moran Solicitors, 33 Pearse Street, Dublin 2, and in the matter of the Solicitors Acts 1954-2008 [10159/DT122/09] Law Society of Ireland (applicant) Patrick E Moran (respondent solicitor).

On 20 April 2010, the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal found the respondent solicitor guilty of misconduct in his practice as a solicitor in that he: a) Failed to ensure that there was furnished to the Society an accountant's report for the year ended 31 December 2008 within six months of that date, in breach of regulation 21(1) of the Solicitors' Accounts Regulations 2001 (SI no 421 of 2001), in a timely manner, b) Through his conduct, showed disregard for his statutory obligations to comply with the Solicitors' Accounts Regulations and showed disregard for the Society's statutory obligation to monitor compliance with the Solicitors' Accounts Regulations for the protection of clients and the public.

The tribunal ordered that the respondent solicitor: a) Do stand censured, b) Pay a sum of €1,000 to the compensation fund, c) Pay the whole of the costs of the Law Society of Ireland, to be taxed by a taxing master of the High Court, in default of agreement.
” -

Undeterred by such a minor setback, and with this disgrace on his record, Moran then diversified and moved into the alternative energy investment field, despite having no prior experience. Interestingly though, he still self-proclaimed himself as follows: “Patrick Moran was a solicitor with a leading Law firm in Ireland and prior to this a solicitor with a top 100 UK firm. He was also one of the founders and up to recently a Director of Irish Mortgage Brokers”. In light of his aforementioned recent history, this is somewhat economical with the truth; the equivalent of polishing a turd!

Over the last six years Mr Moran has registered well over twenty separate and consecutive entities, allegedly for the purposes of either creating wind/solar power sites for direct investment or subsidiaries/bonds thereof for third party investment. Mr Moran has been a director of all these companies. The Company’s Act of 2006 outlines the duties and responsibilities of a company director; Mr Moran’s record to date would indicate that he has (in his head at least) unilaterally revised this section of the Act.

Records, held at the various points of registration in UK, Ireland and Germany, show all these companies being dissolved, dormant or compulsorily struck off for lack of required submissions (accounts) all within twelve and thirty-six months. Notably, none have any formal accounts submitted despite the vast sums of monies being invested and flowing through them.

For most, if not all, of these investment schemes Mr Moran has used the initial repeat pattern of deception/fraud to entice investors to commit funds. Such as here, in this video where he claims to have vast experience in the alternative energy field:

“…15 years combined experience in the renewable energy experience….”
Aegis Power

He conveniently omits the overriding and essential fact that this experience is strictly limited, without any professional qualifications and has produced a continual record of failure and complete loss of funds to all and any investors.

As part of the inducement to invest, he also repeatedly and falsely uses logos of nationally and internationally recognised companies throughout his advertising mediums (websites/brochures) claiming that these companies are his “Advisors, Partners, Structure Providers”.

The list of unlawfully and deceitfully used company names/logos includes: KPMG, Eversheds, HSBC, Barclays, Davey Select, Ernst Young, DGI Tax Consultants, Santander and so on and so forth. When approached independently, these companies that he has claimed as business partners have not been aware of, nor agreed to, their good name being misused in this way. Many have subsequently been forced to issue ‘cease and desist’ orders to Moran.

Now let’s move on to examine some of Moran’s investment 'vehicles' a little more closely.

Each of the main companies he has attracted investors into, which he himself has bragged about receiving vast sums of monies into, has suffered the same repeated ‘mysterious setback’ and collapse with total loss of investor funds.

In the set up process of each company Moran has, quite cleverly, established a relationship with a REAL alternative energy professional to enhance his ‘smoke and mirrors’ approach; every good fraud has a measure of truth behind it. He has used their knowledge and expertise to add credence to his otherwise amateurish sales pitch. Having used their name, knowledge and professional background to shamelessly market his schemes and gather funds, Moran has then ‘manufactured’ (or in some cases it would be apparently pre-manufactured) a story of fraud on the part of these partners and laid the blame for all missing funds and associated fraudulent activity at their door.

Now, whilst some might consider this unfortunate and all part of ‘the business’ that is in fact far from the case.

Take Moran’s first instance of laying the blame for failed projects and fraud elsewhere (in this case, the fall guy being an alternative energy engineer working on the then named Blue Coast Global Projects). At a stretch, and with Moran’s persuasive but baseless arguments, this might just be considered by the more magnanimous of independent observers as unfortunate; that judgement, of course, being reached without knowledge of all the other many relevant facts.

The second instance of Moran blaming a partner followed shortly thereafter (in this case, the fall guy being yet another alternative energy engineer working on the then named Solas Power Projects) would beg credence and indicate circumstances beyond careless, beyond coincidence and smell of total negligence and/or compliance on the part of the other directors (Moran). Moran claimed to investors that this second engineer was the bad guy (much the same as he is now with McMullan!) and that he was doing his utmost to retrieve lost funds by attempting to sue the engineer in order to reclaim these funds (publishing a simple professional audit trail might have been more useful!). What Moran then didn’t reveal to these lawyers, whom he half-heartedly retained in order to keep up appearances to investors, was that he had already agreed and signed a partnership dissolution document with this engineer which totally absolved the engineer of any wrongdoing and future prosecution. When this document was pointed out to Moran he stated that he had been duped and didn’t know what he had signed. Lo and behold, as it turns out, no prosecution was followed through with!

The third instance of Moran blaming a partner followed, again, shortly thereafter (in this case, the fall guy being yet another unsuspecting alternative energy engineer working on the then named Glas Energy Projects). As the third claim of fraudulent partnership in a row was disclosed and used as an excuse for failure to the investors, and despite Moran’s protestations that he even as director and creator of the schemes was as much the victim as any of the investors, there was and remains a high probability they were conceived as fraud from the outset.

The fourth (disclosed thus far) instance, as outlined by Mr Moran himself above, of him blaming a partner for complete loss of funds and fraud is ongoing, as Mr Moran claims. “..Mr. Rory McMullan the director of Aegis is currently being investigated and legal proceedings have been instituted against him by investors for fraud, and to date he has refused to answer these proceedings. Mr.McMullan has sought to maliciously impugn my character because in January 2016 I became aware of his unlawful and fraudulant actions and I whistleblew to the authorites and investors. I am on the Creditors Committee providing assistance to the Administrators and we are hopeful that their investment will be recovered in full….”. (Moran's misspellings not ours!)

It doesn’t take a great deal of mental resource to strongly consider and conclude this sequence and similarity of events resulting in four financial collapses, with the accompanying total “disappearance” of investor funds and the subsequent Pontius Pilate act by Moran, have all been designed as criminal conspiracies to defraud from the outset.

We have no doubt that Mr Moran will have (what to him sounds, at least) a plausible explanation for all the above and paint himself as an innocent party. Meanwhile he will be paddling furiously to maintain an air of alternative energy professionalism and solid experience worthy of your investment in his future schemes. Is Matthews of Farming Energy Solutions being lined up as his next fall guy?

So, for starters, we’d like to know how Mr Moran can explain these few simple questions with regard to fundamental issues in the failed alternative energy schemes he has created, promoted and directed, after which we will provide him with a few more taxing questions:

- Firstly, where has all the millions of Euros gone from the investments over the last six years (from Blue Coast Global, Solas Power, Glas Energy, Venture Tricity, Aegis Power to name but a few) ?

- Secondly, where might the proclaimed accounts be available for perusal showing the full money audit trails for these projects? Those accounts that he alleged were in place for each and every investment project and undertaken by his professional accounting firm partners (KPMG etc) and not by himself on the back of a fag packet?

- Thirdly, why has he partnered with (as he has alleged) at least four fraudsters in the short space of four years, yet claim to remain a totally ignorant and innocent party; is he stupid, naive, totally duplicitous or all three?

- Fourthly, why (given his claimed alternative experience going back years, allegedly), when the German Projects collapsed and the money ‘disappeared’ did he in fact do a complete 180 and excuse his part in the failure/loss by declaring that he knew nothing about solar-related matters and relied solely on the expertise of his partners?

- Fifthly, as he is still proclaiming through related material and in the media that he is an alternative professional with a strong track record of success, could he now provide concrete examples and details of all the contented investors and amounts returned to them from these investments over the last six years?

- Sixthly, in June 2012 he advised the then 35 investors, in German solar projects that he was director of, that none of these projects were retrievable due to the “…the mismanagement of the project development by the Contractor…”. and asked for a further EUR 80,000 to proceed legally against the contractor. Yet he refused to provide (or was unable to because in reality they didn’t exist!) a professional audit trail for the multi-million investment monies that he had induced and lost to that point. Where did the millions go to? Why do he not have a fully accountable audit trail by the professional accountants he claimed to have in tow at that time? As the main Company Director of these alleged projects, and with his considerable alternative energy experience, why did he not have better oversight and take action sooner? Or is it, as the evidence indicates and we all believe, that his ‘investment projects’ are complete scams and he is in fact the perpetrator of serial fraudulent conspiracies?


New Member
C'mon Patrick, lets be having you - your explanations that explain how the millions invested in your various projects went missing that is... are the claims made by Victor Meldrews Brother and others about you baseless and defamatory? We all hope to hear from you soon...

The Farmer's Wife

New Member
We have been looking for information on this man, Moran and this company for ages, and so relieved to find this thread but with so many other people who seem to have lost money to him. We fell for his gab and lost almost 100k in 2015, but what is anyone doing about him, he is such a crook. My husband has had a heart attack and is hospitalised since we lost the money and i'm having to run the small-holding on my own. How can such a crook as Patrick Moran keep on getting away with these crooked deals? Is no-one reporting him to the police? We have done to the Fraud office and City police but they want more information from more investors......please do something to help, please report him, get together over this or he will keep on defrauding more and more peopl.e

The Farmer's Wife

New Member
And as D-Reality has asked and someone else before him, where are your answers Patrick Moran? Or is the truth to much for you to admit? Are you in hiding now? Do you have no conscience you horrible excuse for a human being!


New Member
Under Rule 59 of Ireland's Prison Rules 2007 as amended, the vast majority of prisoners serving sentences are entitled to remission at a rate of one quarter. In practice, this means that this person who was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment would have been expected to serve only 2 years 3 months in custody. However, he appealed the sentence case and was re-sentenced to three years’ imprisonment with the final 12 months suspended. Therefore, it is my understanding that this prisoner actually only served 1 year and 3 months and is currently out of jail having been originally jailed in July 2015.

If only that were the same Patrick Moran; seems the commonality of the name and life of crime has increased at least two fold.

This, the alternative energy fraudster, Patrick E Moran is dob:22/08/75 of Ballynatona Lodge, Ballynatona, Manor Kilbride, Wicklow, Ireland.

Talking of whom, despite his blab and blather on here when he claimed on 10th November 2016 to have: "...private messaged the contributor in respect of the grossly defamatory and untruthful comments..." he failed to mention which of us (all?) he was messaging nor did he specify which of the numerous commentator's seemingly well-founded appreciations of his true self he had taken exception to!

At that same time he also categorically stated, which as we all know means nothing in the world of Patrick E Moran that ".......I remain at all times available for investors to contact me.....".

We raised a few pertinent questions, through this medium as he had seen fit to emerge from his hole to contact us by the same means; none of which he has answered a month onwards. Those who have been waiting for months and years for an answer from Patrick E Moran know that one will never be forthcoming.........no substance, all BS.

However, in the mood of eternal optimism we have just one more question to add. When 'lazyfarmer' (as commented) "....met Patrick Moran in London via Swan Securities and advised him to invest in his wind Bond..... and told him that he was a solicitor and his wife a Barrister in Dublin (Tara Madden). He failed to inform me of his checkered past....." this would have been well past Moran's striking off; why then did he, as the serious and honest alternative investment energy expert (yet again) fraudulently claim to be a solicitor?

Patrick Moran, Neil Bongard and Swan are also being commented about adversely here: http://www.redd-monitor.org/2015/07...is-article-from-the-internet/#comment-2575215


New Member
I understand that Bongard and Moran set up Swan together with Moran making false representations to Kession to get the regulatory seal of approval. The confusing multiple Aegis companies then sold other stuff under the cover of the 'passed for sale' wind power bond. There was certainly a Waste to Energy bond and whatever else they were pushing. Bongard and the Moran brothers had set up their escape route, a well capitalised Bongard Capital PLC to which they moved when they sold the sinking Swan earlier this year. Bongard Capital PLC was selling bonds in several also very well capitalised businesses all owned or controlled by the Moran brothers and Bongard.

Apparently the new owners of Swan were told that it had not done well and there were a lot of debts. Makes you wonder where all the money for the new PLCs came from then. They had to bring in a new director to Swan who knew renewables, had never heard of anything actually being done by Moran or Aegis and who alerted Kession and the authorities after it was found that the company had sold stuff without records and with a contract administrator who was a barred person. The complaints were so many and the history so bad that Swan's new owners packed it in . It seems amazing to me that there is more paperwork and double checking to own a single beast and fleece it than there is to own a financial services company and 'fleece' savers and investors.

Victor Meldrews Brother up the page says be pro-active. I don't expect much will happen, lots of complaints have already been made but the authorities have too many mates who will get egg on their faces if they actually do anything having already done nothing several times over. With the Aegis affair alone Bongard and Moran deceived Kession then they tried to do the same again but Kession were warned off by the new owners at Swan. The Morons have deceived Companies house by filing many presumably false details so that they don't show up as a single person with multiple failures to their name. Do that with your herd and you'd be sorted out pronto! The regulators are asleep on their watch and Action Fraud is just that. Amateurs like those above in this thread have dug out real evidence without police powers, where are the professionals? I suppose they are collecting fees and salaries for signing off another set of scams or ignoring them and knocking off early on Fridays to go to the county to watch us work. And that's it, tea drunk, 6pm and its back to work just as the townies traffic starts arriving.
Whilst I appreciate and applaud much of what GritstoneTop has mentioned above I have to take issue with his seemingly negative view of my suggestion that we should all be pro-active and report the likes of Moran/Bongard/Swan to the authorities.

Yes of course many of the regulators are 'common bedfellows' with the scammers, however every voice counts and eventually if enough complaints are made, through the right channels and with loud enough voices attention has to be paid. I speak from the experience of being part of a recent well-publicised 'confrontation' with Foxtons, which has borne fruit! Dum spiro, spero!

Following on from this, whilst I have my own misgivings about the Kession 'platform' and the latitude given them by the FCA, you should note that they (Kession) state quite clearly and proudly that "....they are required by the FCA to ensure that all customers and investors are treated fairly and we and the industry appreciate your efforts in reporting scams and boiler rooms. If you have firm evidence of mis-doings by the individuals and firms mentioned in your article, I would be grateful if you could contact me directly at the above email address ([email protected]) so we can collectively review and take appropriate action and inform the FCA...".

If nothing else a weight of complaints to Steve Garner of Kession should force him to put his money where his mouth is, do as he is legally required to do as Kession Compliance Officer (FCA regulated) and inform the FCA, which in turn 'should' have greater effect than individual reports.

After all, what does it take other than a mere 5-10 minutes of your time to send an email and at least try and get these criminals looked at properly.

You might also care to ask Mr Garner what basic due diligence they carry out on the entities they offer their platform services to? After all, as GritstoneTop also points out, we as rank amateurs have quite easily uncovered the stinking pile of corruption left behind in Patrick Moran's wake, why didn't Kession?

Or if it is the case, as GritstoneTop alleges, that "...Moran made false representations to Kession to get the regulatory seal of approval....". surely Kession must have been obliged (as part of their code under FCA guidelines) to already have submitted a full and damning report on Patrick Moran and his activities through Blue Coast Global, Solas Power, Glas Energy, Venture Tricity, Aegis Power to the FCA for full investigation?

Or is Steve Garner, the self-proclaimed Kession Compliance Officer, one of those GritstoneTop suggests would be sitting behind his desk with large amounts of egg on his face?

I think we need to know the answer from Garner/Kession; email them now!

For consideration and a little email action please!
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New Member
"A wounded rat is the most dangerous rat".. Aristotle, around 344 BC.
Moran is such a rat, now in hiding in a rat hole in Wicklow Ireland.

The Irish are onto him, rest assured as the guy is an outright criminal. A rat whose business is about robbing his neighbours, is finished. A solicitor to act as a focal point is required, do we have the name of one ..
"A wounded rat is the most dangerous rat".. Aristotle, around 344 BC.
Moran is such a rat, now in hiding in a rat hole in Wicklow Ireland.

The Irish are onto him, rest assured as the guy is an outright criminal. A rat whose business is about robbing his neighbours, is finished. A solicitor to act as a focal point is required, do we have the name of one ..

Agree with the sentiments that Patrick Moran is a rat........but he's yet to be 'wounded' and, given his general modus operandi to date, he'll be re-inventing himself and hiding behind relatives/colleagues even more..........can't see any danger there. Whilst a solicitor would be a focal point for civil action, let's not overlook that all his activities with Aegis, Solas Power, Bongard etc has been out and out criminal, under law fraud and/or conspiracy to defraud.

Under the specific Sections of the Irish Criminal Justice Act, 2001, his offences have been in direct contravention of:

- The Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act, 2001 6.—(1) A person who dishonestly, with the intention of making a gain for himself or herself or another, or of causing loss to another, by any deception induces another to do or refrain from doing an act is guilty of an offence. (2) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on conviction on indictment to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or both.

- Under the provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 2011 3.— (2) The Minister may by order specify as a relevant offence an arrestable offence under a provision of an enactment, or at common law, relating to any of the following areas, namely— d) theft and fraud.

There are similar provisions under the UK Criminal Justice Act for his activity in that jurisdiction.

As he is an Irish national, living (hiding) in Ireland, in the first instance a report might best be forwarded to Detective Superintendent Gerard Walsh of the Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation ( [email protected] and/or [email protected] ) who, I am reliably informed by a colleague in the Minister's office, already has a file open and under investigation on Patrick Moran and his fraudulent activities. Walsh will then be best placed (as is his responsibility) to co-ordinate all the reports, Moran's activities in whichever jurisdiction and liaise with all the other relevant authorities.

Maybe a civil proceedure after that event but at least with the criminal reporting route there will be a chance to bring the 'rat' to justice and prevent him from taking advantage of other unsuspecting and vulnerable victims!,
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Before I forget to ask, has anyone else heard anything further from the administrator of the Aegis collapse (under Patrick Moran's fraudulent guidance, of course) Mr. Goderski of Geoffrey Martin??

Or has everything been on hold for the last few month whilst they all have a jolly holiday (at our expense!)?

..........I haven't heard a dickie bird since last September.........not that I'm expecting to recoup any funds as Moran will be down his rat hole with them.
hiding in a rat hole in Wicklow Ireland.
Hello D Reality..........just noticed your comment about Moran's possible whereabouts........I'm popping over to Ireland next week with a couple of 'friends', do you have any more detail/update on an actual location? Even just the rough vicinity and we should be able to 'sniff' him out! Thanks. (Just message me if you do)


New Member
Ballynatona Lodge Manor Kilbride in Wicklow and is the Ranch (sorry, Rat Hole), referred to. You could get directions from the local horsey set, as 'Le Rat' enjoys spending his downtime and plentiful funds belonging to others on the gee gees and horseboxin' around with other knobs. His missus Tara Madden has an office in the Law Library behind the four courts in Dublin, her mobile number is +35387 4188362 and she should be able to put you right on his whereabouts. +35387 2284599 is the mobile number for 'Le Rat' himself - if you can get through that is .. Keep us posted ..


New Member
Oh how I wish that I had the time to go hunting in Wicklow, maybe 'ratting' is most appropriate. Did anyone catch sight of him?

In response to the comment above I did not really mean do nothing what I meant was do not expect much from the people within the system. It's like the banks and their shenannigans or all the scandals in childcare or hospitals, chaps look after chaps don't you know.

My money would be on the press and the politicians to get a result as it is their dogs that are not barking let alone biting. Perhaps not just the obvious press either, this may interest Private Eye, the blogging press (Reddit have already had a chew at some of this) and special interest press, this is a Farming Forum, how many farmers have been scammed one way or another? Politicians, start with your MP, I have, enough communications to get four or five MPs talking about it to each other and it might build a head of steam of the 'what is being done about it?' kind. As I think we have all agreed the 'professionals' have not done a lot, maybe their masters should be held to account?

Oh well, teatime rant over, it's raw outside but I don't have any more excuses.


New Member
I see you all seem to wish to meet me to discuss your failed investment and seem to be of the opinion that I am living the high life. Well this could not be further from the truth. In respect of the German Solar investment, I myself lost over €250,000 and a further €40,000 in legal fees chasing the contractor who cocked it all up. I have a full legal opinion from Graf Von Westphalen Lawyers in Germany, which was shared with investors and which I can share with Glas Energy Investors (if they contact me directly) and which shows clearly who is responsible for the loss to investors. I have never taken investor funds and never would. If anyone is willing to be upfront and contact me directly then I will prove everything I am saying. I have never attempted to hide or avoid investors. In fact I have always taken Investors calls and assisted them where I could. The loss of investors funds was of deep sorry to me as they were the ones who put their faith in me. In respect of these comments about the Irish Police, there is no truth to it, in fact I made a complaint myself to the German Police about Kilian Lange who was the Contractor, but they never saw fit to pursue it. At the time I was aware that he had used the funds to purchase property in Germany and I advised investors of this and the Police. In respect of Aegis, I became aware in December 2015 that Rory McMullan who was the director of the company had misappropriated funds by way of double mortgaging one of the sites. I brought this to the attention of the Board and its advisers. The companies (or some of them) are now in Administration and I was asked by the Administrators to be a member of the Creditors Committee and have been assisting them. In a recent report by the Administrators they stated that Rory McMullan was still refusing to assist them and to my knowledge there are substantial amounts missing. Mr. McMullan is to date refusing to cooperate or file accounts. I find it odd that despite all you seem to think that not one of you has the decency to contact me, despite me leaving my contact number on the forum. I believe you should all reflect on what you say and if you want answers I would urge you or your advisers to contact me and put an end to this witch hunt. 00447884453252.
So Patrick me boy.....as you would have us believe that you are a honest John, let's start off by having a few simple answers to a few VERY simple questions right here in an open forum, not hidden away on your phone:

1. Why, as part of the inducement to invest, did you repeatedly and falsely uses logos of nationally and internationally recognised companies throughout your advertising mediums (websites/brochures) claiming that these companies were your “Advisors, Partners, Structure Providers”?

This list of unlawfully and deceitfully used company names/logos includes, but is not limited to, such companies as KPMG, Eversheds, HSBC, Barclays, Davey Select, Ernst Young, DGI Tax Consultants, Santander and so on and so forth. When approached independently, these companies that you had claimed as business partners have not been aware of, nor agreed to, their good name being misused in this way. Many have subsequently been forced to issue ‘cease and desist’ orders to you Patrick Moran.

So the question is, what possible reason could an honest businessman, as you claim to be, have for employing such deceit?

So sure, you are right about one thing, we want answers; it's in your hands to put an end to this "witch hunt" as you laughingly call it by answering this simple question, and the following half dozen questions, here and now in this open forum.


New Member
Firstly, I can firmly state that no company has ever issued a "cease and desist" order in respect of any material that was issued. I never sold anything to any investor and all investors were advised to seek independent advice prior to investing. Many of the firms referred to were either connected by way of a relationship or indeed advisers. Davy Select for instance were Pension Trustees for some Pension investors and DGI Tax Consultants were engaged in respect of Tax advice. I wish to ask one thing why if you thought that you had been cheated out of your money did you never take legal proceedings. If an investment was mis-sold why did you not take the appropriate action at the time. It should be noted that the basis of the investment was that investors were offered a investment in German Solar projects. These projects would benefit from the Feed-in-Tariffs provided by the German Government, as the Information Memorandum stated these projects would obtain finance from DKB (a large German Bank) and thus with leverage of investment comes higher risk as well as higher returns. A due diligence process was put in place, which included a recommendation from a DKB in respect of Kilian Lange who was held out to be an well know and competent solar installer and developer. Loans were granted to the SPVs and works commenced. However, due to an issue with one of the Roof tops, Mr. Lange sought to cover this up and misappropriate investor funds to paper over the cracks in the hope that he could rectify it later. It was this "cover up" by Kilian Lange were the investment went wrong. If he had just come clean and admitted to the negligence we could have claimed on his insurance. However, the deceit and cover up, resulted in the insurers stating that they did not cover fraud. When we became aware of what happened, it was too late, Lange had used funds which were to be used on another project to fix the issues on the project he negligently installed. When we became aware of these we advised investors and sought to instruct other installers. But funds were not available to rectify the issues and then the whole build schedule was affected, thus the FIT started to degress and a chain of events had started that there was no way of saving the projects. In some cases, some larger investors put more money in to save their own projects and we gave whatever assistance we could. All during this time we were pursuing Lange for compensation from our investors. I even paid upwards of €40,000 in legal costs to GVW a large and international law firm to pursue Lange, but at this stage GVW were just "burning" through legal costs and we seemed to be getting nowhere and I had no more money to throw at them. I do have a legal opinion which details the entire legal case and who in their opinion was to blame. I believe that most people would have given up a long time ago, but I sought to try and chase down Lange to get investors back their money, but the majority of the investors did not wish to throw "good money, after bad", and I could see their point. As far as I can see the only person who profited from this investment was Lange and lawyers. Only, some months back one of the investment companies was put into liquidation by DKB and I was contacted to provide documentation (which I did). I took the opportunity to give the liquidator the Legal Opinion hoping that they might seek to chase Lange for losses, but they just wanted to take their fee, and close their file. I know that a lot of investors who invested lost their money in this investment, including some of my own family and myself. It is a pity that at the time all this was going on, there were not more investors like you who wanted proper answers and were willing to do something about it. If you want to private message me I don't have a problem in sharing the Opinion with you. If you have any further questions, I am more than happy to answer these.
So we have Patrick Moran falling at the first fence.

See below, for just one of several email communications (we have the ones from KPMG, Eversheds, HSBC, Barclays, Davey Select, Ernst Young, DGI Tax Consultants which iterate the same TRUE story) we have which directly contradict your Walter Mitty version of life:

On Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 6:54, [email protected]> wrote:
Subject: Re: Your Company Logo Is Being Used To Tacitly Endorse A Probable Fraudster - Patrick Moran
Dear Mr Mxxxxxx,
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. As you suspected, this is a false association and we have sent a cease and desist notification to the company in question.
Kind regards,
xxxxx xxxxxx
Senior Compliance Executive
Davy House, 49 Dawson St., Dublin 2, Ireland
Direct +353 1 614 8719 Fax +353 1 679 6423
Switch +353 1 679 7788 www.davy.ie

So, let's move on to question 2 to see if you have any better 'luck':

2. Why have you partnered with (as you have alleged) at least four fraudsters in the short space of four years, yet claim to remain a totally ignorant and innocent party; are you stupid, naive, totally duplicitous or all three?

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

  • havn't been invited to apply

    Votes: 30 34.5%
  • have been invited to apply

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • applied but not yet accepted

    Votes: 29 33.3%
  • agreement up and running

    Votes: 11 12.6%

Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

  • 2,560
  • 50
On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...