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Download PDF A carefully managed programme of cropping, cultivations and complementary activities is helping a Kent farming business sequester impressive amounts of carbon. CPM visits to unearth the business opportunity this holds. Agriculture should be at the forefront of delivering solutions for climate change. By Tom Allen-Stevens Admittedly it’s the first week of February, but there doesn’t seem much to see in the field of lucerne that Doug Wanstall is striding across. It’s not what’s happening above ground that counts, however. He puts the spade in the clay loam soil and eases up a clod around one of the close-cropped plants. The first thing you see is a burst of worms, and then there’s a root that seems to go on forever. “A couple of years ago we dug down to see just how far they do go. We got to six feet and still hadn’t reached the ends,” he says. Lucerne is now part of the rotation on the 485ha farming business Doug runs with his father Richard and uncle Geoff. Alongside the arable cropping and forage, there’s a 74-head Sussex beef suckler herd and 12,000 laying hens that supply the diversified enterprises of the business, based at Aldington,…
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