I'm after some advice with regards to collie pups and how to discipline them. I have an 8 week old and so far she's responding well to me, knows her name, sit and here, but she's still a monkey as pups are. She'll be used for hill and park work.
Admittedly I'm quite soft but I want to know how to be firm with her without leaving her scared. My colleagues are much quicker tempered than I am hence looking for advice from a broaded audience. My other bitch is 4 and fully trained when I got her so I'm quite confident with her. Ta!
Admittedly I'm quite soft but I want to know how to be firm with her without leaving her scared. My colleagues are much quicker tempered than I am hence looking for advice from a broaded audience. My other bitch is 4 and fully trained when I got her so I'm quite confident with her. Ta!