

Livestock Farmer
The back and fourth here shows how similar our arguments are, the side you find yourself on just depends upon whose information you believe to be true.

I fundamentally believe that huge global corporations and our governments (often at the behest of the former) are incredibly corrupt (this happens wherever money/power are concentrated, a major flaw in human nature), and do not have our best interests at heart, and it obviously affects what I believe to be true and what I believe to be lies. I think my views on covid and certainly it’s response are quite inline with these fundamentals.
I totally agree with your opinion about global corruption

As I sit here coughing, unable to climb the farmhouse stairs without stopping to catch breath, I must disagree with you though about the benefit of vaccination

I have to believe the debilitating side effects of covid upon my pre-existing farmers lung would be far worse without vaccine, or my mental health would be significantly worse

Belief in getting better is a very strong medicine. Depression from belief the vaccine made it worse, would be poison
You mean like HIV?

That was deadly and thought to be man made. Can't remember what initially caused it in the monkey brains before they were eaten and it went zoonotic?

Was that the intended route to world domination all those years ago?

HIV infection has been a thing in humans since at least the early part of the 20th century, although there has been a lot of work to track the viruses genetically which possibly indicate earlier transmission to humans. There are at least two types of HIV virus that infect man- these have been termed HIV-1 and HIV-2. Both are related to very similar viruses found in primates- simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) of which there are many strains infecting many different species of primate, although in a proportion of strains these viruses do not seem to do the infected individuals any harm and last I read it wasn't fully understood why this was the case.

Neither SIV nor HIV were really 'discovered' until relatively recently in the 1980s and much of the serious work on them has actually been done post 2000 when the technology to really investigate them genetically got going. Research is complicated by the fact that SIVs are found in primates which only reside in certain remote parts of Africa and many of these are critically endangered so you can't exactly go capturing hundreds of them to take to a Western laboratory. My understanding of this is limited but I don't think any SIVs have ever been found in wild primates living in Asia. This seems odd given that these viruses must have been circulating for thousands of years.

The current theory is that man became infected with an SIV from contact with blood contact which would be pretty routine where wild animals are killed for the purposes of bushmeat. Of course records and infrastructure in Africa in the late 1800s and beyond would have been pretty scarce to begin with much less following the demise of the European colonial systems there. However, blood and biopsy samples from much earlier in time (1960s I think) were collected and retained for what original purpose I do not know, only they were tested and found to contain HIV indicating that the virus was infecting people far earlier than when it became big news in the 80s.

One fairly logical but now discredited theory was that HIV jumped the species barrier because of big polio vaccine efforts in place in the world at the time (early 1950s). The concern was that the use of kidney and other tissues obtained from monkeys was being used to propagate virus to use in inactivated polio vaccines. Hence there theory was that lots of people being dosed with these vaccines in a short space of time were inadvertently given doses contaminated with HIV which then precipitated the AIDs epidemic. Unfortunately the only real evidence you could point at for the theory were the geographic and temporal patterns relating polio vaccination and HIV infection but this was based entirely upon administrative records which were likely incomplete.

The HIV epidemic was basically the first stepping stone for a lot of antivaccine sentiment and similar medical distrust or misinformation and a lot of that kind of sentiment continues today on the back of it. It is especially prevalent in America where culturally in some areas there is a big distrust of government or authority in general. I don't think a genuine lack of accessible healthcare helps in these matters, as the belief is fostered that anything medical is purely done out of the motive of profit and also people tend to avoid services due to financial concerns so their entire perspective of healthcare starts off negatively.
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I believe the true number to be much higher, looking especially at sudden cardiac and stroke related deaths and cancers. I’m involved in a sports club locally and was saying to a couple of close mates of mine to be aware during trainings and games of possible cardiac issues, last year at one of the trainings sure enough one of the young lads dropped, he was seen to very quickly and taken to hospital where he arrested and was brought back around, this is not normal

How many professional athletes have dropped on the field recently too? I understand it happened here and there in history but it was never this prevalent.

Cardiac issues are listed in the side effects of the vaccines, so I don’t think this classes as conspiracy theory territory. How many more folk have been wondering around with compromised cardio systems completely oblivious?

Young and fit people having sudden cardiac events is not unheard of.

Professional athletes having unknown cardiac issues, again, not unheard of.

Where are you equating 'young' and 'fit' with 'can't possibly have any cardiac issues'?? Have you been monitoring these people with ECGs or something? The fact is that unless someone has had a number of investigations to determine their cardiovascular health, they can't know if they have anything untoward and in all likelihood won't ever know because not all of us are endurance athletes who will strain our bodies to the absolute maximum constantly.

If you want a smoking gun mechanism for strokes, cardiac issues and similar have you heard of covid-19? It can do more than affect folk's lungs and cause a little cough.

Cancer is such a complex disease that you will be waiting many years before anyone could possibly link any vaccine to cancer incidence.

On wikipedia is a rather morbid list of football players who have died on the pitch. A number of them from cardiac causes. You need to reorientate your understanding of 'normal' when it comes to health. I could be sat here now with a degree mitral valve regurgitation and not know. I see people all the time with AF who don't yet know it nor do they realise they are at a higher risk of stroke because of it.

Anyway, the list is below. Note the number of suspected cardiac arrests.

Here is a journal study of sudden cardiac deaths in football players, updated from 2014-2023. Being an athlete or sportsperson does not mean you are immune from any disease process.≤,1%2C%206%25%20each).



Many contagious diseases, mostly wiped out by elevated living standards (better hygiene, sanitation and nutrition), will be increasing in the certain parts of the world that are suffering influx of illegal immigrants, that is the root cause, not the lack of vaccines.
No. Vaccines save lives. Childhood vaccines cause adults. Go for a walk around a graveyard or cemetery from the early 1900s, 1800s and older. See the number of memorials to children. Look through deaths records for children up to the dates when vaccines became available. These days, children rarely die, and not from preventable diseases because of vaccination programmes. Covid is taking a toll on children now because of lack of vaccination.
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I believe the true number to be much higher, looking especially at sudden cardiac and stroke related deaths and cancers. I’m involved in a sports club locally and was saying to a couple of close mates of mine to be aware during trainings and games of possible cardiac issues, last year at one of the trainings sure enough one of the young lads dropped, he was seen to very quickly and taken to hospital where he arrested and was brought back around, this is not normal

How many professional athletes have dropped on the field recently too? I understand it happened here and there in history but it was never this prevalent.

Cardiac issues are listed in the side effects of the vaccines, so I don’t think this classes as conspiracy theory territory. How many more folk have been wondering around with compromised cardio systems completely oblivious?
Why do you think defibrillators have been supplied to sports clubs and community centres for years before the pandemic?

Hidden health problems have been in existence since the beginnings of humanity. Modern medicine addresses them, treats, cures, and prevents them.

Rare effects on the heart are known shortly after covid vaccines. They are rarely other than mild and transient. Covid-19 as a disease is proven to cause heart problems. The likelihood and severity of covid-19 related heart problems is orders of magnitudes greater than from vaccines. This was established in 2021. We are now in 2024, yet anti-vaccine disinformation campaigns continue to recycle lies about covid vaccines. Sadly, they've got to you.


Livestock Farmer
No. Vaccines save lives. Childhood vaccines cause adults. Go for a walk around a graveyard or cemetery from the early 1900s, 1800s and older. See the number of memorials to children. Look through deaths records for children up to the dates when vaccines became available. These days, children rarely die, and not from preventable diseases because of vaccination programmes. Covid is taking a toll on children now because of lack of vaccination.
I’m sure some of them do, but not as much as sanitation, clean water, good food and accommodation do, which many of the poor souls being trafficked into various countries just now are sorely lacking.

I’ll take mine, and my children’s chances against covid, and subsequently building much more effective and longer lasting natural immunity, than start jabbing them every full moon with the latest dose, how many are we on now anyway?

First dose, then second to be “fully vaccinated”, then, since language surrounding vaccines has lost all meaning, boosters mk1, 2, 3…..


Livestock Farmer
Why do you think defibrillators have been supplied to sports clubs and community centres for years before the pandemic?

Hidden health problems have been in existence since the beginnings of humanity. Modern medicine addresses them, treats, cures, and prevents them.

Rare effects on the heart are known shortly after covid vaccines. They are rarely other than mild and transient. Covid-19 as a disease is proven to cause heart problems. The likelihood and severity of covid-19 related heart problems is orders of magnitudes greater than from vaccines. This was established in 2021. We are now in 2024, yet anti-vaccine disinformation campaigns continue to recycle lies about covid vaccines. Sadly, they've got to you.
So vaccines can cause serious cardiac issues in recipients, and cannot be touted as completely safe, and obviously not very effective. I’m glad we’re agreed.


I’m sure some of them do, but not as much as sanitation, clean water, good food and accommodation do, which many of the poor souls being trafficked into various countries just now are sorely lacking.

I’ll take mine, and my children’s chances against covid, and subsequently building much more effective and longer lasting natural immunity, than start jabbing them every full moon with the latest dose, how many are we on now anyway?

First dose, then second to be “fully vaccinated”, then, since language surrounding vaccines has lost all meaning, boosters mk1, 2, 3…..
All immunity is natural, whether vaccination immunity, or from unprotected survival of the disease (survivor immunity). Medical terminology is clear and precise, so there's no point in you trying to fudge. A course of vaccination is taken. Additional doses are necessary. Nobody bats an eye about flu jabs.

You are starting to sound as though you are reading from the book of antivax. Maybe sport to you. Carry on and you'll look like just another jacking off troll.

Bury the Trash

Mixed Farmer
Just a suggestion but how about Take this argument to the politics section please this is the all important manflu section we don't want to turn off otherwise shy of doctors men form commenting asking for help , now do we. :unsure:

and perhaps best not to go fishing for a while.

Seriously though Horrible thing constant cough , can even cause rupture /hernia in extreme cases and men have a weakness down in that area be aware.
Do try to take rest indoors in the warmer air to allow chance of recovery.

getting on

Mixed Farmer
You’ve got to be joking.

Bill Gates, a frequent flier on Epstein Airways, turned a $55m investment (in Sep 2019) in BioNTech who partnered with Pfizer into $550m in two years. Do you think that was just a regular old lucky $50,000,000 punt?! And I’m being accused of siding with rouges and liars, like i said, you’ve got to be joking.
What about people like me who has had jabs for pnuemonia, polio, shingles,TB and MMR. You do as you like but i am still here.


Livestock Farmer
And Bingo! You are clearly doing this for kicks.
Not at all, just sharing my concerns. I bet if you went out and asked, you’d find proportionally much more folk that regretted having the vaccine than folk that regretted not having it. Vaccine uptake has fallen off a cliff, you can only fool folk for so long.


Livestock Farmer
My bloods come back showing low in b12. Might explain why I've been ill pushing 2 months now.
Few people I've mentioned this to have had a b12 injection and they said it made a big difference. my Dr given me 4 months of pills to take every day.
Do you eat any liver? Liver and onions twice a week wouldnt do you any harm 👍
My bloods come back showing low in b12. Might explain why I've been ill pushing 2 months now.
Few people I've mentioned this to have had a b12 injection and they said it made a big difference. my Dr given me 4 months of pills to take every day.

It takes a long time to deplete the body of it's B12 stores- the daily 'use up' is on the order of 1 microgram a day, with the liver storing entire milligrams of it.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 247
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...