Farming in France

will l

Arable Farmer
22€ isn't it......
Might be more if you are in a producer coop was supposed to be 28 but i think 26 is the max possible but others will know better than me, with DPB ICHN PMTVA payments on sheep quota, the annual sub cheque in certain areas of elevage has increased at the expense of the larger arable farms,


Lathus st remy
Might be more if you are in a producer coop was supposed to be 28 but i think 26 is the max possible but others will know better than me, with DPB ICHN PMTVA payments on sheep quota, the annual sub cheque in certain areas of elevage has increased at the expense of the larger arable farms,
Arable men don't need it ,it's the poor eleveur that needs the dosh !


There might be more subsidy in the vienne/haute vienne though

Funny you say that , first farm we looked at in france just down the road from roger and annie , 80ha of crap 55 pmtva 600 ewes , in 2005 they received 73k in sub ffs
David Wilson put us off it ... well that and the neighbours .

will l

Arable Farmer
pigs at the ministry of ag building today! Some weaners coming out of negotiations as well!


New Member
Hi guys

Apologies, first time poster here as it were. I have read through entire post (some time ago), and I could post a million questions and do have a great deal of research to do, but thought I'd pose a couple of quickies up for consensus. I'm not coming from a blinkered view of 'wow look at this property' as there would be a hell of a lot of due diligence, but want to just get some ideas on bits and pieces to maybe investigate further.

I would love to move over to France, and it's the only place my wife will consider moving to outside of the UK. We have young kids (4 yo and 18 months). Ideal world situation I would like 'some' land for the freedom etc. That said, I have a Degree in Ag from Harper, and whilst I don't work in agriculture now, my parents still farm and I've been brought up with that background.

There is a property on the market we fancy investigating further; nice house, old-style barns and 50+ acres of pasture with some woodland. From what I can see, cattle graze it currently - no idea on what arrangements that is done under; there is no mention of tenancy within the scant information. The property is on the market for a touch more than our UK house is valued at, with the potential to add a couple of bedrooms quite easily. As far as I can see it's being marketed as a house with pretensions rather than a farm - there's no mention of any subsidy/title anywhere that I can see either.

I currently work as a business/marketing consultant, predominantly from home. I had had the notion that if I plan block return trips to the UK I could potentially make it work, but as I come further along the line think this would be difficult. It might be possible, maybe it's a case of scaling back to just the clients with whom I know it can work... All that said, with maybe £60K 'extra' mortgage to cover on what we have now, can we we make that acreage return enough to move even if it is more of a subsistence life (If I was to say broadly in UK terms I think that would be a mortgage of sub-£1K/month still) I'm certainly not afraid of moving back to agriculture, and appreciate there is investment on that side of the business if we were to go that way.

I have a couple of ideas of a little niche tourism that we could investigate at a small scale to potentially help things along. What are the realities for a smaller scale farm operation such as that? My thoughts if we were considering in the UK would be the 'straight to market' route of value-adding from the product (lamb/beef on the grazing, pigs possibly in the woodland (if there are no truffles...). Does this stand in France or are there too many hurdles? As a very rough rule of thumb, how do the types of figures in Nix transpose to France (so I can do some fag packet calculations).

Apologies for the waffly, slightly indirect post, but I just want to get a feel for what may be possible.

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

  • 257
  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...