Have a smallholding down in Devon and taken on a 2ac field that was ploughed at the back end of last year but then never got drilled. Weeds and grass have started coming through so planning to spray off with roundup over next few days but then debating the next thing to do. have access to a compact tractor with small rotavator on the back or can disc harrow it just to break up and level out a bit.
When it comes to putting seed in the ground my options are either using old Vicon MK II wagtail spreader or try to get a contractor in to do it? What are peoples thoughts? if i go down either route what do i need to do after seed gone in the ground? Will i struggle to get a contractor for such small acreage?
All advice and opinions welcome please as hoping to get sorted over the next couple of weeks.
When it comes to putting seed in the ground my options are either using old Vicon MK II wagtail spreader or try to get a contractor in to do it? What are peoples thoughts? if i go down either route what do i need to do after seed gone in the ground? Will i struggle to get a contractor for such small acreage?
All advice and opinions welcome please as hoping to get sorted over the next couple of weeks.