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With cover crops becoming a more frequent part of rotations, Claydon Drills and Hutchinsons have been carrying out trials to assess the interaction between different stubble management techniques, establishment methods and cover crop mixes. CPM explores the findings so far. As with every decision on the farm it had to be commercially viable, balancing costs against the potential benefits. By Rob Jones As pressure mounts on growers to protect soils and diversify – in terms of what they’re putting in the ground – the benefits of cover cropping have gained significant momentum in recent years. Cover crops can be relatively inexpensive to grow and when used in combination with an effective stubble management programme can deliver significant agronomic, economic, and ecological benefits. Claydon Drills and Hutchinsons have been carrying out the trials at Claydon’s 360ha farm in Suffolk. And to explore the full extent of these benefits, crop establishment specialist, Claydon Drills, and Hutchinsons have been carrying out trials at Claydon’s 360ha farm in Suffolk to assess the interaction between different stubble management techniques, establishment methods and cover crop mixes. “The initial findings are very encouraging and mark a significant step forward in our understanding of how to get…
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