I have a field which was put into grass after linseed (late) last September. It hasn't established very well and the linseed volunteers, as you can imagine, have done very well not being sprayed off. I was told they could be grazed off with sheep before they get too 'stemy' in the spring. But, put the sheep in as soon as ground conditions allowed and the sheep haven't touched the linseed! There are also bare patches where establishment was poor and the groundsel is trying to flower.
There was clover in the mix but I cant see any in the field. So spraying the linseed and groundsel off could be an option? Or should I top it and not worry about the groundsel?
I was thinking I might drill over the bare patches next autumn after I see the areas actually coming well. Or should I spray now for broadleaf weeds and drill over the top with grass and clover this spring?
Appreciate any thoughts, thanks.
There was clover in the mix but I cant see any in the field. So spraying the linseed and groundsel off could be an option? Or should I top it and not worry about the groundsel?
I was thinking I might drill over the bare patches next autumn after I see the areas actually coming well. Or should I spray now for broadleaf weeds and drill over the top with grass and clover this spring?
Appreciate any thoughts, thanks.