Written by Charlotte Cunningham
With the late drilling window now open, correct variety choice will play a crucial role in crop success, according to the latest advice from Limagrain. Charlotte Cunningham reports. Delaying wheat drilling is increasing in popularity, with proven success in situations including blackgrass management, second wheats, wheat after sugar beat or potatoes, or even in cases where growers have been forced into optimising the later slot due to the weather. Despite this success, it’s important to consider the specific challenges this poses to the crop, says Ron Granger, arable technical manager at Limagrain UK. “Delayed or late drilling of winter wheat — considered to occur from mid-October onwards — is common practice on farms today. However, as autumn progresses and soils inevitably become cooler and wetter, it’s important to make a distinction by choosing varieties that will cope well, rather than be challenged by the situation,” he says. “Get it wrong, and you could be facing fairly substantial yield penalties — but this is all totally avoidable.” Vigorous varieties According to Ron, crops drilled later will not be in the ground as long as those drilled earlier in the autumn, so the chosen variety needs to establish well and once growing…
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