Had a massive interest in the Herbal Ley Mixes over the weekend , so I'm now posting the Organic Version
We have a massive range of organic seed in stock
Please get in touch if interested , advice is free
Company has been involved in Herbal leys for over 40 years
Organic Herbel Ley Mix
Organic Herbal Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack)
12.50% PERUN Festulolium
20.00% ASTONKING Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
7.50% ORG RAGNER Timothy
10.00% ORG SWANTE Cocksfoot
12.50% ORG ROZETA Red Clover
5.00% ALICE White Clover
2.50% LIFLEX White Clover
4.00% ORG Lucerne
16.00% ORG Common Vetch
2.50% TONIC Plantain
2.50% Burnet
2.50% Sheep’s Parsley
0.50% Yarrow
2.00% CHOICE Chicory
100% (12.50 kg per acre
We have a massive range of organic seed in stock
Please get in touch if interested , advice is free
Company has been involved in Herbal leys for over 40 years
Organic Herbel Ley Mix
Organic Herbal Grass Seed Mix (Acre Pack)
12.50% PERUN Festulolium
20.00% ASTONKING Perennial Ryegrass Late Dip
7.50% ORG RAGNER Timothy
10.00% ORG SWANTE Cocksfoot
12.50% ORG ROZETA Red Clover
5.00% ALICE White Clover
2.50% LIFLEX White Clover
4.00% ORG Lucerne
16.00% ORG Common Vetch
2.50% TONIC Plantain
2.50% Burnet
2.50% Sheep’s Parsley
0.50% Yarrow
2.00% CHOICE Chicory
100% (12.50 kg per acre