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Pig and Poultry Fair 2018

Chris F

P&P2018 Logo.jpg

As the leading event for the UK pig, poultry and egg sectors, the Fair is renowned for showcasing the very latest innovations and new ideas, while being the no.1 meeting place for everyone in the industry. Watch the video to find out more and register in advance to be part of it!

Venue address:
NAEC Stoneleigh,
Stoneleigh Park,
Warks CV8 2LG

Opening times:
Tuesday 15 May 2018 9am-5pm
Wednesday 16 May 2018 9am-4pm

Over 350 companies with all the very latest advice, products and services for all aspects of pig, poultry and egg production - See who’s exhibiting

The very latest innovations and technical developments will be showcased at the Fair in the New Products Innovation Trail - Innovation Trail coming soon

Our free technical forums offer a wealth of advice and opinion on topical issues from leading producers and industry experts - See the Forum Programme

We (and others) will add news from the companies exhibiting at the event in the run up to it and also add pictures on the day as TFF will be there on the day.

Click here to visit the website...
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Staff Member
Powerful new Dicam2 offers remote piggery control via smartphones and tablets

A powerful next generation of one of the pig industry’s most popular environmental control systems is being launched at the British Pig & Poultry Fair (Stoneleigh Park, 15th & 16th May).


Farmex’s new Dicam2 offers a huge advance over its predecessor in terms of features. One of these is that it allows remote access by mobile phones and tablets as well as laptops and desktop computers. This gives pig farmers the ability to check and control the environment of their piggeries from afar.

“Users can see immediately what is going on, acknowledge alarms and adjust settings,” said Farmex managing director, Hugh Crabtree.

“The chip is as powerful as a smart phone and can use multiple communication channels, including WiFi and Bluetooth. It will allow over-the-air programming, easy upgrades and servicing,” he added.

Dicam (Digital Interactive Control and Monitoring) was developed 25 years ago and, with over 6000 controllers still in use across the UK pig sector, it is estimated to have secured 30 per cent of the market. A big advantage is that it will be ‘backwards compatible’ with the old system, to maximise return on existing control investments.

The new system was developed over two years in conjunction with Mark Nowell of Dicam Technology Ltd and is another step forward in Precision Livestock Farming (PLF), or ‘Smart Farming’, pioneered by Farmex in pig production.

Livestock buildings can be monitored for numerous factors including temperature control, air flow, water and feed supply and even weight gain, allowing significant improvements in efficiency and productivity through fine-tuning. Indeed, in the United States it has even been used by large scale units for early disease detection.


“Farmers with extensive production systems are going to have to pay equal attention to regulatory compliance, health, welfare and traceability. Dicam2 is going to open the door to that for all pig producers, whatever production system they use,” said Hugh.

Dicam2 will be marketed at a similar price to its predecessor and is expected to attract attention not just in the UK but also from overseas.

Hugh Crabtree with the new, very powerful Dicam2 controller which allows piggery environment to be managed remotely



Livestock Farmer
New at the Quality Equipment stand 90 this year will be:

  • 360 Freedom Farrower pen
  • Balcony system to increase new build or existing pen space m2
  • NEDAP electronic sow feeder sow weigh module that is creating a lot of interest on the continent
Please do drop by to say hello


Staff Member
Easy@ – A Dosing Revolution – Stand 38a


Introducing Easy@, the only system to offer precise and accurate dosing of liquid supplements directly onto the feed.

Traditionally, vitamin supplements have been administered through the drinker lines, which can cause issues with biofilm development due to the level of glucose often used in these supplements. Developed to fit all track feeders, the system releases a specific preset volume of product onto the feed in each chain segment of the feed conveyor and then mixes it into the feed.

Consistent distribution is guaranteed as the supplement is applied as a fine mist over the feed. The farmer can easily calculate and change the dosage as the birds’ requirements change thanks to the easy to use, pre-set dosing system. Specialised installation is not required and the system is extremely energy efficient as it uses the motion of the already running feed chain.

This unique, patented system is designed for use with the Easy@ Stimuvital range of supplements: Hepatonic liquid, Shell improver, AD3EC, Vitamin E and Multivitamin. There is even a dedicated app which provides information on the correct dosages for your flock.

For more information please scan the below QR code:




Staff Member
Final guests confirmed for Drop-In Antibiotics Clinic at 2018 Pig & Poultry Fair

The final line-up of guests visiting RUMA’s ‘drop-in antibiotics clinic’ over the two days of the Pig and Poultry Fair (15-16 May at Stoneleigh) has been confirmed.

A dozen specialists across the pig, gamebird and poultry sectors will be spending between one and two hours each manning the ‘clinic’, which is located on the RASE stand (stand 290). They will be on hand to answer questions about responsible use of antibiotics and how vets and producers can reduce, refine or replace use.

Appearing both days are poultry vets Isy Manning from Poultry Health Services, and Christian Blake-Dyke from Hipra. Aaron Patel, head of public affairs from the British Egg Industry Council will also have slots both days, with technical director of the British Poultry Council Maire Burnett doing a stint on day one and Thomas Wornham, chair of the NFU Poultry Board, on day two.


For the pig sector, the National Pig Association’s (NPA’s) senior adviser Dr Georgina Crayford will have a spell on the stand on both days. The NPA’s president Richard Lister and Martin Smith, lead veterinary surgeon for British Quality Pigs/Tulip, will both be present on the first day, with Pig Veterinary Society senior vice president Mark White on the second.

Other specialists with wider remits will pop on to the stand at various times too. AHDB Pork’s veterinary lead Dr Mandy Nevel, who also heads up AHDB’s antibiotic resistance working group, and Professor Mark Fielder of Kingston University, current president of the Society for Microbiology, will both be on the stand on the second day.

Charlotte Wardle from Red Tractor will be present both days as well to help explain the new Red Tractor rules, and RUMA’s chair Gwyn Jones is manning the stand at lunchtime on the opening day.

Dr Crayford from NPA says: “One of the biggest tasks facing the pig sector over the next couple of years will be in reducing the burden of endemic disease, including PRRS and Streptococcus suis, in order to further reduce reliance on antimicrobials.

“Whilst this will be no mean feat, the increased collaboration between farmers and vets that will be necessary to achieve this, plus the innovations in pig health products that will arise, provide excellent opportunities to improve the health of the national pig herd.”

Red Tractor’s Charlotte Wardle adds: “Over the past 12 months, Red Tractor has taken significant steps to strengthen farm standards and ensure they are fit for purpose. Going forward, our biggest challenge is in ensuring that these standards are met 365 days of the year – hence the RUMA stand provides a great opportunity to talk to producers about protecting the integrity of the Red Tractor logo.”


Chair of RUMA, Gwyn Jones, says all livestock sectors have set themselves big challenges for antibiotic reduction/refinement and replacement over the next three years.

“While some are further ahead than others in terms of reductions, maintaining lower levels of antibiotic use can be just as hard as reducing in the first place, and that’s why events like the Pig and Poultry Fair offer a unique chance to air issues and share problems as well as successes,” he says.

“We hope people will feel they can pop on to the stand and chat with whichever expert is there at the time.”

For a full schedule of guests, please click here or visit www.ruma.org.uk/news.


Staff Member
Hi-tech ergonomics

New needle-free vaccinator delivered to UK pig industry

The IDAL® 3G needle-free, intradermal vaccination system makes its debut at the British Pig and Poultry Fair.


Developed by MSD Animal Health and leading medical and veterinary technology specialist Henke-Sass Wolf, this third-generation IDAL device brings the very latest in needle-free vaccination technology to the pig sector at a time when producers are seeking innovative disease prevention strategies that will help them reduce antimicrobial use on-farm.

Launched in mid-April, visitors to BPPF will be able to learn more about IDAL 3G’s radical new design and try out the for themselves on MSD’s stand, No.82 in Hall 2.

The new ergonomic shape embraces customer feedback and the device is lighter, more balanced and easier to handle. It also has a two-component surface for maximum grip, a soft trigger action and simple two-button control with graphical display. It also has an interchangeable belt hook for simple, secure stowage when not in use.

Another key advantage of this third-generation device is its long-lasting Li-Ion battery and extended service interval that’s almost twice as long the previous 2G model. Routine service checks, every 20,000 injections, are performed on farm, while factory servicing will be every 100,000 injections and carried out at an HSW-certified service centre.

The UK’s IDAL development manager and the Technical Global Director from MSD Animal Health will be on the stand throughout the Fair to introduce the new device, share expertise and talk about future developments. MSD veterinary advisors and product managers will available to discuss ‘The IDAL Way’ and the company’s range of intradermal vaccines, its comprehensive range of other pig vaccines and the many porcine veterinary products and diagnostic/management services it can provide to vets and producers.

Within ‘The IDAL Way’ concept, MSD currently offers a range of five intradermal (ID) pig vaccine, three of which – Porcilis® PRRS, Porcilis® PCV ID and Porcilis® M Hyo ID ONCE – are commonly used in the UK to protect herds from some of the most significant disease challenges facing commercial pig production.

Producers and veterinarians can contact their MSD Animal Health representative for more information.


Staff Member
Keeping pigs in their comfort zone

A new method of comparing the environmental performance of pig houses has been devised by Staffordshire-based ARM Buildings.


Using an environmental monitoring system and employing the parameter of +/- 3 deg C of the set temperature – termed the ‘comfort zone’ – has enabled the company to compare similar buildings on different farms, old buildings with new and those of varying designs.

The company has produced some remarkable figures involving over 130,000 weaner-growers and a similar number of finishing pigs in controlled-environment houses over a five-year period. These will be available to pig producers at the British Pig and Poultry Fair on the ARM stand (no 63).

“The figures show that the ‘comfort zone’ has been retained for an average of 95 per cent of the time, both in summer and winter, though there have been interesting variations between old buildings and new and the way they have been managed,” said Tim Miller, ARM’s environment specialist.

“As far as we know, no-one has ever done this before,” he said.

“In a weaner building in cold weather, for instance, we can see if the temperature drops below 3 deg of the set temperature, which may be an indication of a heating failure. Similarly, in finishing sheds in summer the temperature may soar way beyond the set level and this could show fans not working or a poor level of insulation.

“Such cases warrant further investigation. Farmers may claim their pigs are doing well, but only by monitoring can you really see how a piggery is performing day-in, day-out.”

Since July 2009, ARM Building has been fitting data-loggers as standard equipment to all their new pig houses. These enable the buildings’ performance to be independently monitored though Farmex’s Barn Report system. It is believed to be the only company doing so in the pig sector.


Staff Member
Merlin water treatment/sanitising system

Contained benefits of clean water for all
Outdoor herds can now acidify supplies


Delivering a consistent supply of clean, good quality water to every pig on a farm can be challenging, but a pioneering water treatment system that’s being launched at the British Pig and Poultry Fair by Con-Tented Products could solve this problem and offer opportunities to improve pig health and performance

Developed by Clean Water International (CWI), the Merlin Clean Water System, is an innovative, self-contained total water management system, that will accurately dose and maintain drinking water supplies to ensure that all pigs receive 100% clean water at all times. It is supplied complete with Brenntag biocides and organic acids within an encapsulated portable, steel container. The system simply ‘plumbs in’ to the mains/bore hole supply and once set up is ready-to-use. No capital investment is required as CWI installs and manages the system it and replenishes all the sanitising/treatment products as and when required.

Tom Neat from Con-Tented Products believes it could revolutionise water hygiene and quality standards on pig farms, particularly outdoor units. He says, water hygiene and quality is coming under the spotlight as it will have a pivotal role within antibiotic reduction and control strategies going forward. A sanitised drinking water supply is vital for health and will can help minimise microbial challenge.

“Many indoor units are now chemically treating their water supplies to prevent and minimise the risk of bacterial contamination. With Merlin, every outdoor herd has an opportunity to sanitise and acidify their water supply and take advantages of the production benefits this offers,” he adds

He says the pigs sector needs to change its mindset about how it manages water supplies on farm and farmers also need to think carefully about how they measure water quality and how it can be maintained throughout the whole pipeline – from source to drinker.


“Merlin provides consistent chlorination and complete bacterial control so any bugs entering a pipeline through the nipple/drinker won’t proliferate, so the drinking remains clean and uncontaminated.” he explains.

A number of outdoor herds are now using Merlin and say pig health and vitality has improved noticeably since it was installed. A 5000-place free-range finishing site in Norfolk reports increased feed consumption, improved well-being and fewer enteric problems since it installed a system and started acidifying its water supplies for four months.

Producers visiting the Fair can find out more about the CWI’s Merlin water treatment package and the range of Brenntag products it uses to sanitise and acidify drinking water on Con-Tented’s stand, number 172, in the outside plaza.

The company will be exhibiting a portable containerised unit, like those installed on outdoor units, throughout the event, along with its range of Clean-water drinkers and tanks and rota- moulded plastic farrowing arks and equipment.


Staff Member
Boehringer Ingelheim launches HatchPak IB H120 NeO vaccine at Pig and Poultry Fair 2018

Boehringer Ingelheim has launched HatchPak IB H120TM NeO, the latest poultry vaccine product in its NeO effervescent tablet range, on its Avian stand at the Pig and Poultry Fair on 15th and 16th May 2018.

The product, which featured in the show’s new product innovation trail adds to the existing NeO range, which includes world-leading poultry vaccines AvinewTM NeO and Gallivac IB88TM NeO.

HatchPak IB H120 NeO vaccine is a freeze-dried live attenuated virus of Bronchitis disease, H120 strain, for active immunisation of one day-old chickens in order to reduce infection with Massachusetts serotype of Infectious Bronchitis virus.

NeO effervescent tablets were designed to significantly improve vaccination practices for poultry producers while maintaining reliable virus protection. This dispensing form reduces the risk of stock solution contamination and, when compared to glass vials, the small blister packs make vaccine management safer for operators, take up less room in the fridge and reduce packaging waste by 90%.

HatchPak IB H120 NeO will be available shortly in packs of 10 tablets of 1000 doses or 10 tablets of 2000 doses.

The Boehringer Ingelheim Avian stand 283 at Pig and Poultry also provided poultry producers and vets with an opportunity to meet the new Avian team, which has recently been announced following the acquisition of Merial Animal Health.

Callum Blair, Boehringer Ingelheim Avian and Swine Brand Manager, says: “The addition of HatchPak IB H120 NeO to our NeO product portfolio is evidence of our continued investment in the poultry sector.

“The new Avian team members were delighted to meet visitors at Pig and Poultry 2018 where we discussed our range of poultry vaccines, equipment and services designed to improve bird health and productivity.”


New Member
It was very good. Much larger than I expected. Full of optemistic people. There must be something about being in an insustry where you can work in all-weather and get paid every week or so. And yes, the totty was well worth it. Apologies to all who had to suffer my idiot arable farmer questions.....one especially idiot one springs to mind. But yes, quite interesting.


Staff Member
It was very good. Much larger than I expected. Full of optemistic people. There must be something about being in an insustry where you can work in all-weather and get paid every week or so. And yes, the totty was well worth it. Apologies to all who had to suffer my idiot arable farmer questions.....one especially idiot one springs to mind. But yes, quite interesting.

so are you getting pigs or poultry then ?


It was very good. Much larger than I expected. Full of optemistic people. There must be something about being in an insustry where you can work in all-weather and get paid every week or so. And yes, the totty was well worth it. Apologies to all who had to suffer my idiot arable farmer questions.....one especially idiot one springs to mind. But yes, quite interesting.


Both industries seem to be booming judging by the amount of food and drink on offer. Hyline UK had basically installed a free pub.


New Member
Eggs certainly more exciting, but enormous startup costs. I've always preferred pigs. The idea is to get my ball-bag away from Lloyds TSBs anvil, and another fifteen years at their behest puts me off eggs.

Certainly eggs were better represented than pigs. If only we could make those returns from something that ate grass.

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

  • havn't been invited to apply

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • have been invited to apply

    Votes: 14 17.9%
  • applied but not yet accepted

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • agreement up and running

    Votes: 8 10.3%

Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

  • 2,399
  • 49
On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...