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Download PDF A lot of thought and attention goes into picking the best fungicide products and rates to do the job, yet efficacy is highly dependent on good delivery to the target. CPM discovers how an adjuvant can help achieve this. The leaf cuticle is the most challenging barrier for the penetration of pesticides. By Lucy de la Pasture “When you master the things under your control, the uncontrollable eventually becomes irrelevant.” Those may be the words of an American motivational speaker, but they also ring very true when it comes to considering disease control. Many factors that can influence fungicide efficacy are relatively uncontrollable – the weather, the mutations that evolve during the season, the fungicide chemistry available and breakdowns in varietal disease resistance to name a few. SDHIs and azoles have acropetal movement, so will only move from where they land on the leaf towards the leaf tip, explains David Felce. At a time when the sensitivity of septoria pathogens to the two main fungicide groups continues to shift, getting the best performance out of products has never been more important and is largely under grower and advisor control, says Agrii regional technical advisor and Cambridgeshire grower David Felce. Agrii…
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