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  1. News

    Bamford crop wins best wheat in prestigious RNAS cereal growing competition

    High-yielding soft wheat overcomes torrential rain and high septoria disease pressure to secure top award A first-time crop of Bamford grown by Aberdeenshire farmer Scott Campbell of Kirkton, Kinellar has won best winter wheat and judged to be the overall reserve champion in a cereal growing...
  2. CPM RSS

    Ghent visit: Biotech pioneers

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Where better to visit than the birthplace of GM crops, Ghent, to learn about research coming out of its world-leading plant science research facilities 50 years later. CPM reports. By Mike Abram It was in 1974 that two Belgian...
  3. CPM RSS

    Harvest: A season in review

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF As another harvest draws to a close it’s not only worth looking back at the past year, but also casting forward to what’s ahead. CPM assesses the results while considering the potential for 2024/25. By Melanie Jenkins This season has...
  4. CPM RSS

    Future of crop production: Arable farming 2050

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Rather than look back at times gone by, CPM marks its 25 years in the business by exploring what the future could hold for crop production – sharing the valued viewpoints of those at the helm now, as well as the next generation of industry...
  5. CPM RSS

    Cheer makes Group 1 milling

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine One of only five Group 1 varieties on the current AHDB winter wheat Recommended List, SY Cheer has now been confirmed as a full Group 1 variety by UK Flour Millers. Matthew Bull, seeds technical manager for the variety’s breeder, Syngenta, says as...
  6. News

    Grantham grower delighted with first-time Bamford crop

    High-yielding winter wheat smashes 5 year farm average despite challenging growing season Despite a double whammy of tough autumn establishment conditions and high Septoria disease pressure, Lincolnshire farmer Alex Jasinski was delighted with a first-time crop of Bamford that produced an...
  7. L

    Wheat varieties

    Are people sticking to the older trusted varieties or have certain new wheats performed unexpectedly well on a trying year?
  8. Agriland RSS

    Wheat growers urged to manage risk after ‘challenging’ season

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland Wheat growers are being urged to manage risk by taking on board the lessons of the “challenging” 2023/24 season when making this autumn’s drilling and variety decisions. According to Syngenta seeds technical manager, Matthew Bull, as well as the...
  9. CPM RSS

    Responsive rotations: Farming for tomorrow

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF As growers grapple with trying to balance rotations, a new initiative from Elsoms is claimed to help them do just that. CPM finds out more. By Charlotte Cunningham While rotations have always been the mainstay of any arable business...
  10. Pilatus

    What’s causes winter wheat crop plants to loose grain sites in the ear?

    I ask as I wonder if that is the reason that wheat yields seem to be very poor in many areas even though the crops have had usual fertiliser and fungicide program, and ample moisture. Was the lack of sunshine during grain fill a major factor?
  11. horizontal

    New Wheat Varieties

    Anyone growing any of the newly listed varieties - Beowulf, Bamford, Blackstone etc? Have some provisional seed orders in but just wondering how they compare to existing varieties in a commercial farming situation rather than plot trials.
  12. Stephensonlouis

    Alvius winter wheat

    anyone growing it? exclusive to Agrovista looks good on paper with a good drilling window but limited trials data.
  13. CPM RSS

    Insider’s View: Wheat – A glimpse of gold

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF As the challenges of modern crop production push farmers towards cutting inputs while achieving the same results, could new bread-making variety, RGT Goldfinch, be a breakthrough as the first commercial insecticide-free wheat on the...
  14. texelburger

    New Wheat Varieties

    Just wondering if many got to view local trials ,recently,and what your thoughts are on candidate varieties. I,for various reasons, was unable to visit any this year due to silaging,holidaying etc so would appreciate anyone's opinions. Our killer disease is Septoria so am looking for varieties...
  15. CPM RSS

    Early drilled wheat: Getting ahead

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With the recent washout autumn proving a stark reminder of the volatilities of Mother Nature, some growers will be conscious to drill winter cereals as early as realistically viable, to avoid missing out altogether. CPM speaks to experts...
  16. CPM RSS

    Better buying, better selling: Optimising economic wheat options

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF So far, the 2023/24 season has been one many might want to forget, but a global tightening of wheat supplies could help drive up prices. CPM examines the current market, its future prospects and what growers should consider going into the...
  17. CPM RSS

    Theory to field: RL changes afoot?

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Scoping reviews into reducing inputs in Recommended List trials have left AHDB with tricky decisions. CPM finds out more. By Mike Abram How do you design a Recommended List system that allows both the identification of varieties with...
  18. Agriland RSS

    Winter barley coming in at 4.8t/ac in Co. Down

    Written by Richard Halleron from Agriland East Co. Down cereal grower, Allan Chambers, is confirming a yield of 4.8t/ac from the first of his 2024 winter barley crops. Moisture levels are at 19% with bushel weights averaging 68kg/HL. Allan has 200ac of barley to cut over the coming days...
  19. CPM RSS

    Genetic diversity helps overcome challenging seasons

    Written by janineadamson from CPM Magazine With the past two seasons illustrating the value of spreading risk, opting for crop varieties with different parentage may pay dividends, is the message from the trade. According to Andrew Bourne from T Denne and Sons, this season has been the worst...
  20. texelburger

    Yields 2024

    With harvest upon us I wonder what yields will be like this season.Our first patches of OSR were desiccated on July 5th so probably won't start until 26th.Very difficult to predict the yield but not expecting too much.Wheat was quite diseased so I expect yield to be well down too.Spring Oats,for...