For sale structural steelwork for shed 78ft9in (5 bay) x 40ft x 14 ft eaves
4 No. gable posts
4 No. wind bracing roof bars
Steelwork 8x5
Gable posts 7x4
All steelwork shotblasted and painted
4300 sterling plus vat
Now I am actually going to go back to him and ask for the shed to be 16ft to eaves so price will go up a fraction. But more so than the importance of price, I am wondering what do ye think of the metal size for this size shed? Is it adequate? Anything further I need to check. Where I live can get windy at times.
4 No. gable posts
4 No. wind bracing roof bars
Steelwork 8x5
Gable posts 7x4
All steelwork shotblasted and painted
4300 sterling plus vat
Now I am actually going to go back to him and ask for the shed to be 16ft to eaves so price will go up a fraction. But more so than the importance of price, I am wondering what do ye think of the metal size for this size shed? Is it adequate? Anything further I need to check. Where I live can get windy at times.