Written by Tom Allen-Stevens
BASF has launched its new fungicide, Revystar XE, and is holding a series of roadshows hosted by farmers who have tested the new product on their crops. Tom Allen-Stevens attended the first event in Berks. Farmer-led trials have revealed a significant benefit from including Revystar XE (mefentrifluconazole+ fluxapyroxad), the new fungicide from BASF, in disease-control programmes for winter wheat. “I’ve worked on quite a lot of Agronomics trials since we introduced this method of getting scientifically robust results from on-farm trials several years ago, and this is the strongest set of data we’ve ever had,” revealed ADAS’ Susie Roques, who presented the results at the first Revystar roadshow in Newbury, Berks, on Wednesday (29 Jan). Last year, 51 growers across the UK took part in BASF’s Real Results trials in which Revystar was pitched against their standard fungicide programme at either the flag leaf (T2) or both of the main spray timings (T1 and T2). Some of the trials were conducted without the use of multi-site chlorothalonil (CTL), which loses its approval for use from 20 May this year. Yield maps were obtained from 47 of the farms that took part and results analysed with ADAS Agronomics, an approach that…
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