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ICL fertilisers operates the Boulby Mine on the North Yorkshire coast, the first and only place in the world where polyhalite is extracted. This natural mineral, marketed as Polysulphate, is the base ingredient for ICL FertilizerpluS range of products offering a sustainable approach to production for UK farmers. A unique natural mineral which is high in a number of major nutrients is being mined in the UK, yet much of it is being exported for use in agriculture worldwide. CPM finds out how UK farmers could benefit from using this ultra-low carbon footprint fertiliser. Polysulphate release matches the growth of the crop, meaning better nutrient-use efficiency. By Lucy de la Pasture Boulby, on the North Yorks coast, is home of the UK’s deepest mine. Its network of underground tunnels extends deep under the North Sea, which since 1973 has produced potash. Earlier this decade extraction switched to another mineral source, found some 150-170m below the traditional potash deposit. The natural multi-nutrient mineral, known as polyhalite, offers an alternative source of sulphur, along with several other key essential elements. Polysulphate has a very low carbon footprint as it’s made from crushed polyhalite and no other processing is needed. ICL…
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