Written by Tom Allen-Stevens
Download PDF A change in arable machinery can often expose variable farm performance where none was recognised before. CPM finds out how two growers are using on-farm trials to get a greater understanding. We hadn’t seen the yield variability in quite such clarity before. By Tom Allen-Stevens More and more growers are using precision farming technologies to vary inputs of both seed and fertiliser, but few can pinpoint the efficiencies or benefits of what either brings. For two farmers in Agrii’s Digital Technology Farm network, it was a change in farm machinery that prompted them to seek a better understanding of varying inputs. That quest has led them to take part in a series of on-farm trials. Game-changing technology Farming 4000ha from west of Edinburgh to Duns in Berwickshire, Gus Seed can trace his family business’ involvement in precision agriculture back over 12 years. But the real game-changer for him came with a technology switch they took just three years ago. “We upgraded the combines and invested in four John Deere 785i models, equipped with weigh cells in the grain tank and the latest telematics. It’s phenomenal technology and really opened our eyes to how the crop varies across a…
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