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TexX ewes - which Tup to use?


Livestock Farmer
Used a new toy/tool today: a Sheep Trocar Cannula


Back at the start of lambing, i had a ewe with a big pea/milkstone in her tit which i couldn't strip out... the ewe had twins, so lifted one marked her cull and let her go. Both she and lamb are doing fine. But after saying to dad I hadn't had a ewe so bad, he went rumaging in the old press to produce a cattle sized one, telling me they used to use it regularly on the dairy cows... so with a bit of searching I found sheep ones on eBay and got it bought, thinking itl probably never get used!

Well, had a hill ewe lambed this morning i wasn't happy the lambs had sucked... after lunch the lambs were still empty. So into the trailer and back to the shed, checked her bag - very full, but very little coming when i pull. So i get the cannula out and gently push it up in, i strike gold and the milk flows (y)

Pretty sure it will be very handy on the odd blown tit, to drain off quickly. And maybe hopefully on peas/milkstones.
Used a new toy/tool today: a Sheep Trocar Cannula


Back at the start of lambing, i had a ewe with a big pea/milkstone in her tit which i couldn't strip out... the ewe had twins, so lifted one marked her cull and let her go. Both she and lamb are doing fine. But after saying to dad I hadn't had a ewe so bad, he went rumaging in the old press to produce a cattle sized one, telling me they used to use it regularly on the dairy cows... so with a bit of searching I found sheep ones on eBay and got it bought, thinking itl probably never get used!

Well, had a hill ewe lambed this morning i wasn't happy the lambs had sucked... after lunch the lambs were still empty. So into the trailer and back to the shed, checked her bag - very full, but very little coming when i pull. So i get the cannula out and gently push it up in, i strike gold and the milk flows (y)

Pretty sure it will be very handy on the odd blown tit, to drain off quickly. And maybe hopefully on peas/milkstones.

@jemski I think you asked about curing these blocked teats earlier in the year didn't you?


SW Scotland
Used a new toy/tool today: a Sheep Trocar Cannula


Back at the start of lambing, i had a ewe with a big pea/milkstone in her tit which i couldn't strip out... the ewe had twins, so lifted one marked her cull and let her go. Both she and lamb are doing fine. But after saying to dad I hadn't had a ewe so bad, he went rumaging in the old press to produce a cattle sized one, telling me they used to use it regularly on the dairy cows... so with a bit of searching I found sheep ones on eBay and got it bought, thinking itl probably never get used!

Well, had a hill ewe lambed this morning i wasn't happy the lambs had sucked... after lunch the lambs were still empty. So into the trailer and back to the shed, checked her bag - very full, but very little coming when i pull. So i get the cannula out and gently push it up in, i strike gold and the milk flows (y)

Pretty sure it will be very handy on the odd blown tit, to drain off quickly. And maybe hopefully on peas/milkstones.
Used a new toy/tool today: a Sheep Trocar Cannula


Back at the start of lambing, i had a ewe with a big pea/milkstone in her tit which i couldn't strip out... the ewe had twins, so lifted one marked her cull and let her go. Both she and lamb are doing fine. But after saying to dad I hadn't had a ewe so bad, he went rumaging in the old press to produce a cattle sized one, telling me they used to use it regularly on the dairy cows... so with a bit of searching I found sheep ones on eBay and got it bought, thinking itl probably never get used!

Well, had a hill ewe lambed this morning i wasn't happy the lambs had sucked... after lunch the lambs were still empty. So into the trailer and back to the shed, checked her bag - very full, but very little coming when i pull. So i get the cannula out and gently push it up in, i strike gold and the milk flows (y)

Pretty sure it will be very handy on the odd blown tit, to drain off quickly. And maybe hopefully on peas/milkstones.
Used a new toy/tool today: a Sheep Trocar Cannula


Back at the start of lambing, i had a ewe with a big pea/milkstone in her tit which i couldn't strip out... the ewe had twins, so lifted one marked her cull and let her go. Both she and lamb are doing fine. But after saying to dad I hadn't had a ewe so bad, he went rumaging in the old press to produce a cattle sized one, telling me they used to use it regularly on the dairy cows... so with a bit of searching I found sheep ones on eBay and got it bought, thinking itl probably never get used!

Well, had a hill ewe lambed this morning i wasn't happy the lambs had sucked... after lunch the lambs were still empty. So into the trailer and back to the shed, checked her bag - very full, but very little coming when i pull. So i get the cannula out and gently push it up in, i strike gold and the milk flows (y)

Pretty sure it will be very handy on the odd blown tit, to drain off quickly. And maybe hopefully on peas/milkstones.
Used a new toy/tool today: a Sheep Trocar Cannula


Back at the start of lambing, i had a ewe with a big pea/milkstone in her tit which i couldn't strip out... the ewe had twins, so lifted one marked her cull and let her go. Both she and lamb are doing fine. But after saying to dad I hadn't had a ewe so bad, he went rumaging in the old press to produce a cattle sized one, telling me they used to use it regularly on the dairy cows... so with a bit of searching I found sheep ones on eBay and got it bought, thinking itl probably never get used!

Well, had a hill ewe lambed this morning i wasn't happy the lambs had sucked... after lunch the lambs were still empty. So into the trailer and back to the shed, checked her bag - very full, but very little coming when i pull. So i get the cannula out and gently push it up in, i strike gold and the milk flows (y)

Pretty sure it will be very handy on the odd blown tit, to drain off quickly. And maybe hopefully on peas/milkstones.
I would give her a jag of AB after using the cannula. Like your dad, I can remember using them on the dairy cows years ago but can also remember that in almost every case mastitis developed soon after, probably due to the cannula damaging the inside of the teat canal allowing infection in.


Used a new toy/tool today: a Sheep Trocar Cannula


Back at the start of lambing, i had a ewe with a big pea/milkstone in her tit which i couldn't strip out... the ewe had twins, so lifted one marked her cull and let her go. Both she and lamb are doing fine. But after saying to dad I hadn't had a ewe so bad, he went rumaging in the old press to produce a cattle sized one, telling me they used to use it regularly on the dairy cows... so with a bit of searching I found sheep ones on eBay and got it bought, thinking itl probably never get used!

Well, had a hill ewe lambed this morning i wasn't happy the lambs had sucked... after lunch the lambs were still empty. So into the trailer and back to the shed, checked her bag - very full, but very little coming when i pull. So i get the cannula out and gently push it up in, i strike gold and the milk flows (y)

Pretty sure it will be very handy on the odd blown tit, to drain off quickly. And maybe hopefully on peas/milkstones.

Had two ewes last year like that. I pulled a lamb off them and sold as culls at year end. Vet said nothing you can do and rummaging would probably give them mastitis

Have you a link to the online site? Definitely worth a try


Livestock Farmer
Had two ewes last year like that. I pulled a lamb off them and sold as culls at year end. Vet said nothing you can do and rummaging would probably give them mastitis

Have you a link to the online site? Definitely worth a try

Just type: "Sheep Trocar Cannula" Into eBay. The one i bought you had to select the size... i chose the smallest (2mm). Definitely wouldn't want anything bigger for a ewe!


Used a new toy/tool today: a Sheep Trocar Cannula

How far in do you insert/push it?


Back at the start of lambing, i had a ewe with a big pea/milkstone in her tit which i couldn't strip out... the ewe had twins, so lifted one marked her cull and let her go. Both she and lamb are doing fine. But after saying to dad I hadn't had a ewe so bad, he went rumaging in the old press to produce a cattle sized one, telling me they used to use it regularly on the dairy cows... so with a bit of searching I found sheep ones on eBay and got it bought, thinking itl probably never get used!

Well, had a hill ewe lambed this morning i wasn't happy the lambs had sucked... after lunch the lambs were still empty. So into the trailer and back to the shed, checked her bag - very full, but very little coming when i pull. So i get the cannula out and gently push it up in, i strike gold and the milk flows (y)

Pretty sure it will be very handy on the odd blown tit, to drain off quickly. And maybe hopefully on peas/milkstones.

How far in do you insert/push it?


Livestock Farmer
Ewes are slacking off now. Lambing is well through. 8 pairs, 1 triplet and 4 singles in the hill ewes.
A pair and a single in the TexX ewes
And just single in the commercials.

Nothing much to report. 1 ewe decided to reject one of her lambs... but seems to be settling again now they are in a pen. Also a maiden gimmer lambed a pair, licked her lambs clean but then was more interested in every other lamb in the mob. So she got shut in for an hour or 2 then put into a field by herself.

Rain forecast for tomorrow... but it's to stay warm. Should be good weather to bring on the late lambers


Livestock Farmer
Not much to report here. Getting 12-18 ewes lambing a day, seems very quiet compared to a week ago. Yesterday and Monday i was getting a lot of miss-mothering in the hill ewes. I think it's been a combination of not really enough acres for them (they've a field less as usual as there's a handful hogg's still running), not quite enough grass either - because they are a field short, really good weather lambs laying sleeping as mum walks off - and a ridiculously high number of ewes lambing each day for 3-4 days on the trot. Young lambs EVERYWHERE. Chaos. Iv had 3 or 4 ewes rejecting lambs because of it.

Had a Ewe with twins yesterday and not much milk. And I'm getting the usual problem big singles hung which is a strong sign the end is near... 3 ewes in getting twinned on, and I'm bottle feeding 4 lambs, plus the 10 or so on the Shepherdess. Atleast the twin ons have reduced 'pet' numbers a bit:rolleyes:


Livestock Farmer
Weather has turned f**king awful here. Serious rain this afternoon, and now mega pea-souper. Can hardly see 15 yards infront of the bike! Absolutely lost driving round the fields.

Abandoned checking ewes tonight, a few were miss mothered but i think i would make things worse - got the ones 1-2 days old back with mum (i think/hope) and the rest can survive til tomorrow.

But, right enough - the rain brings the ewes on, they start lambing again. 17 pairs and 5 singles today! Lost 1 Suffolk lamb 3-4 days old. First bit of rain, it was dead after lunch - very quickly taken. Obviously something else underlying.

Anyone elses pure Lleyn lambs abit... well, f**king nuts!?!?
They've always been very lively, and social/inquisitive of everything. But this year is something else! Lamb miss mothered, put it back with mum and it just belts off top speed in the other direction... sometimes repeat twice before it stays with mum :banghead: it's doing my nut in a bit, i must confess.


Livestock Farmer
Ever get a lamb that decides the quad bike is its mum and chases after it? That is also very annoying!

Always get the odd one does it... berry annoying when you realise you have a follower but no idea where it has came from!!

Interestingly, the lambs do it much less since i switched to the diesel - must be something to do with the sound of the engine.

Bill dog

Mixed Farmer
Scottish Borders
Weather has turned fudgeing awful here. Serious rain this afternoon, and now mega pea-souper. Can hardly see 15 yards infront of the bike! Absolutely lost driving round the fields.

Abandoned checking ewes tonight, a few were miss mothered but i think i would make things worse - got the ones 1-2 days old back with mum (i think/hope) and the rest can survive til tomorrow.

But, right enough - the rain brings the ewes on, they start lambing again. 17 pairs and 5 singles today! Lost 1 Suffolk lamb 3-4 days old. First bit of rain, it was dead after lunch - very quickly taken. Obviously something else underlying.

Anyone elses pure Lleyn lambs abit... well, fudgeing nuts!?!?
They've always been very lively, and social/inquisitive of everything. But this year is something else! Lamb miss mothered, put it back with mum and it just belts off top speed in the other direction... sometimes repeat twice before it stays with mum :banghead: it's doing my nut in a bit, i must confess.
Hope my lleyns aren't that bonkers tomorrow. Have to bring in 20 or so with pairs into a shed for the local Brownies to ooh and aaah over. Between them and the 9 pets on the machine there should be enough cute lleyn lambs to hug!
But I do enjoy telling them all about sweetbreads and how tasty they are. Wonder how many will go green!!:)


Mixed Farmer
Hope my lleyns aren't that bonkers tomorrow. Have to bring in 20 or so with pairs into a shed for the local Brownies to ooh and aaah over. Between them and the 9 pets on the machine there should be enough cute lleyn lambs to hug!
But I do enjoy telling them all about sweetbreads and how tasty they are. Wonder how many will go green!!:)
had my sons primary school class here today was telling them about stuff walking around and then i said "right which one we having for tea" expecting the little buggers to be put off they where right in about it picking the one they wanted to eat.:LOL::ROFLMAO:
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had my primary school class here today was telling them about stuff walking around and then i said "right which one we having for tea" expecting the little buggers to be put off they where right in about it picking the one they wanted to eat.:LOL::ROFLMAO:
Plus one for that. My five year old daughter demands that sheep be slaughtered if there are none of her absolute favourite, chops, in the freezer!


Livestock Farmer
Plus one for that. My five year old daughter demands that sheep be slaughtered if there are none of her absolute favourite, chops, in the freezer!

Got a very small lamb in cades at minute. My 4 year old said she doesn't want to eat that one....Not because too cute but she thinks she'll still be hungry!!


Livestock Farmer
Must have been some serious rain through the night. Lost a few young lambs :(

Peering through the fog, i thought everything was fine before dark. So I'm quite disappointed this morning. 1 young lamb was huddled in behind a hi energy bucket, driven into the gutters... i probably missed it last night. Just feels like a kick in the teeth - especially as i had found a triplet earlier. All 3 lambs had clearly been up and going, but when i find then first thing, 2 were dead.

Just 3 pairs and the single (was triplet) new this morning, and what is living all seem strong. So damage limitation, a handful ewes were twins are now away as singles. Just have to see what the next day or 2 brings...


Livestock Farmer
It has rained non-stop here today. With varying thickness of fog rolling in/out.

Only 4 pairs in total, and 3 singles (including the one which was a triplet).

After the bad weather in 2013 i wondered if the ewes can 'hold on' to their lambs to a degree... after seeing the rain today, and also last Wednesday, and how both days very few ewes lambed compared to before and after, I'm now almost certain they can - it can not just be coincidence.
@scottish-lleyn have you noticed your ewes do this?


Livestock Farmer
Hope my lleyns aren't that bonkers tomorrow. Have to bring in 20 or so with pairs into a shed for the local Brownies to ooh and aaah over. Between them and the 9 pets on the machine there should be enough cute lleyn lambs to hug!
But I do enjoy telling them all about sweetbreads and how tasty they are. Wonder how many will go green!!:)

How did you get on fetching some in?

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

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Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

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On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...