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The great global warming scam, worth a listen I think.


'Co2 is heavier than air and naturally draws back to the lowest point, the sea from when's it came as the earth cools.'

No it doesn't or we would all be walking round in puddles of carbon dioxide and small dogs would keel over suffocated. It is to do with diffusion gradients as the carbon dioxide is dissolved into the ocean water:

Air-sea gas exchange is a physio-chemical process, primarily controlled by the air-sea difference in gas concentrations and the exchange coefficient, which determines how quickly a molecule of gas can move across the ocean-atmosphere boundary. It takes about one year to equilibrate CO2 in the surface ocean with atmospheric CO2, so it is not unusual to observe large air-sea differences in CO2 concentrations. Most of the differences are caused by variability in the oceans due to biology and ocean circulation. The oceans contain a very large reservoir of carbon that can be exchanged with the atmosphere because the CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid and its dissociation products. As atmospheric CO2 increases, the interaction with the surface ocean will change the chemistry of the seawater resulting in ocean acidification [which damages ocean ecosysytems].

'O' level chemistry.


By the way sea level has risen and will almost certainly go on rising. Climate change is long term stuff, short term is called 'weather' and in between are variations that need careful analysis to unmask the underlying factors (land up/down lift, - a mere levelling of sea level change since 2014 means nothing - you have ot look at the longer term picture. By the way I think your diagram is a fake to be found on a number of the more virulent climate change denial websites - the 2017 data has yet to be published:



Banjo, wow, you're special. Not in a good way.

So do you just chose to ignore the vast majority of data that makes you look like an ignorant flatearther?
Look i read lots of threads on here ,banjo has his opinion along with many others ,and you tom have yours along with many others .there is no need for insults thanks ,and there no need for preaching like you are the pure expert .thanks


Ok, I shouldn't be offensive. Fair call.

But I take issue with the idea that for an issue like climate change people can hide behind opinions and false science when we are actually dealing with fact. There is a real threat.

Climate science isn't an opinion. Banjo ignores all the evidence presented to him and perpetuates something I considered dangerous (unlike the fact of climate change, that is an opinion).


Ok, I shouldn't be offensive. Fair call.

But I take issue with the idea that for an issue like climate change people can hide behind opinions and false science when we are actually dealing with fact. There is a real threat.

Climate science isn't an opinion. Banjo ignores all the evidence presented to him and perpetuates something I considered dangerous (unlike the fact of climate change, that is an opinion).
The problem is some of these "facts" have been shown to have been made up by those with vested interests,that is true of both sides. My own humble opinion is that the climate appears to be changing,it always has and always will,the only debate is how much are we responsible for that change,as far as I know we cant really tell as accurate recording data is just too short term, but it is surely sensible to use the precautionary principle and do everything we can to limit our emissions


Rob the way you say it implies that there is just as much uncertainty in the validity of both 'sides'. That is simply not accurate. I am sure that some scientists may falsify results to reinforce their perception, but the overwhelming majority of respected and governmental scientists agree that global warming is greatly exacerbated by man.

My frustration with this thread is that we as a country and as a globe need to act now; false science, blatant lies and manipulation of evidence to slow the pace of change towards low carbon is damaging. This matters and the sooner we embrace this the better things will be for the world our great grandkids inherit.


Rob the way you say it implies that there is just as much uncertainty in the validity of both 'sides'. That is simply not accurate. While I am sure that some scientists may falsify results to reinforce their perception, but the overwhelming majority of respected and government scientists agree that global warming is greatly exacerbated by man.

My frustration with this thread is that we as a country and as a glove need to act now, false science, blatant lies and manipulation of evidence to slow the pace of change towards low carbon is damaging. This matters and the sooner we embrace this the better things will be for the world our great grandkids inherit.
The problem is there are lies everywhere ,also a lot of these lies are cost us folk a fortune in taxes etc .there are many people who dont give a flying fig about it ,all they want to do is make sure theres food on the table,a lot of people are getting very rich on t global warming ,while us poor suckers have to pay for it.when goverments tax the ordinary joe for green taxes and the big boys get away with it ,people dont care


I'm sorry but who? Who is cashing in? The move to low carbon costs the government, it costs the taxpayer and it costs industry.

Low carbon energy producers are making money, like oil producers, but it is not their data that is setting any agenda. It is independent and peer reviewed data that informs intergovernmental decisions on targets ect.

My take is that if you want to disprove something that is different or challenging it is quite easy to shout 'vested interest, but the vast majority of scientists don't have any.
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I'm sorry but who? Who is cashing in? The move to low carbon costs the government, it costs the taxpayer and it costs industry.

Low carbon energy producers are making money, like oil producers, but it is not their data that is setting any agenda. It is independent and peer reviewed data that informs intergovernmental decisions on targets ect.

My take is that if you want to disprove something that is different or challenging it is quite easy to shout 'vested interest, but the vast majority of scientists don't have any.
Well lets all buy a new ,car, tractor ,washing machine ,to save the planet and anything else you care to mention ,buy this product to enhance your green credentials ,all major suppliers want yo keep selling you new crap,replacing stuff yhat is perfectly good.big industries need to keep selling you sh!t ,today its eletric cars , tomorrow electric cars are bad for the environment,


Yes but they're not perfectly good are they. They work, that's not the same thing though is it. Do you really think that machines today are not significantly cleaner? What about our air in cities, the rivers, the sea? Changing practices and demanding efficiencies is improving things and has been for a long time, energy production lags behind.


Yes but they're not perfectly good are they. They work, that's not the same thing though is it. Do you really think that machines today are not significantly cleaner? What about our air in cities, the rivers, the sea? Changing practices and demanding efficiencies is improving things and has been for a long time, energy production lags behind.
Take a look at the emissions of the big ships moving all this crap all over the world,20 of the worlds biggest ships emit more toxic emissions than all the cars in the world ,there are around 60000 of these boats.we are pisting in thecwind my freind


Yes but they're not perfectly good are they. They work, that's not the same thing though is it. Do you really think that machines today are not significantly cleaner? What about our air in cities, the rivers, the sea? Changing practices and demanding efficiencies is improving things and has been for a long time, energy production lags behind.
Have a look at a thread i started about the way they are going mining in the sea


It's well known that shipping is a big pollutant. It needs to improve as well. If your mentality is adopted, screw global warming because I'm not changing until shipping is clean, then we're all in trouble.

Your oil, how does that get here, how is it produced? your tractor, made down the road? Come off it.

Farmer Roy

Arable Farmer
NSW, Newstralya
Apparently there are many things NASA have been lying about, besides moon landings & climate change
There is growing research & funding by flat earth groups - interestingly corresponding with Trumps time in office - to disprove the lies the scientists have been telling us all these years

Anyway, apparently the North Pole is in the centre of the "disc" , the continents fan out from that & Antartica, rather than being a continent at the South Pole, is actually a ring or wall of ice around the circumference that stops the water running off the edges

A US citizen is currently building his own spacecraft to launch himself into the atmosphere, to prove once & for all that the earth is flat. Obviously, "globists" have been hiding the real facts for centuries. A massive conspiracy between vastly different groups of scientists, geologists, cartographers, governments, airlines, the military, even North Korea & USA working together on this. The scale of this cover up is mind blowing

The only thing is, if that wall of ice ( that we are wrongly led to believe is Antartica ) stops the water running over the edge, we better hope that global warming isn't real either . . .

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Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

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On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...