- Location
- Northumberland
For messy reasons, I want to feed gps info from my 750 to 500. I've butchered an old serial mouse cable and shoved it into the back of both units. Difficulty is what comms protocol to use. The only one I can get to work is tsip, but when use this, the 500 switches the 750 from rangepoint to egnos, rp being before the 500's time.
I thought that the slave in these arrangements didn't care how the position info was determined but it's trying to be smart. Tried nmea output on 750, ext corrections on 500, but no joy. Some screenshots:
750 output
500 input
Which when you select ext tsip you get
This is what controls the GPS source on the 750.
Any ideas? I could just use the egnos signal, but it significantly limits what I'm trying to achieve.
I thought that the slave in these arrangements didn't care how the position info was determined but it's trying to be smart. Tried nmea output on 750, ext corrections on 500, but no joy. Some screenshots:
750 output
500 input
Which when you select ext tsip you get
This is what controls the GPS source on the 750.
Any ideas? I could just use the egnos signal, but it significantly limits what I'm trying to achieve.