Why are families such a pain in arse.

som farmer

Livestock Farmer
this must ring true, in many farmers eyes.

forget the insignificant bits, like the drill, just thank them for removing some junk from the workshop, that will definitely hit home. And don't worry about a permanent fallout, looks like on the card already. At least you know there's going to be hassle, prepare for it, speak to your accountant, get advice from a specialist solicitor, not a run of the mill one.

She/they are already fighting for max amount they can, and by doing so, they don't give a damn about you. So fight your corner, there's no family love, when it comes to large amounts of money, on the table. But willing to bet, that specialist solicitor knows how to help you, well worth the money you spend.


New Member
My brother in law stabbed his two brothers in the back big time. Father and mother made mirrored wills leaving farm to each other then equal shares to the three sons. Father died 1st, mother changed the will leaving £1.5k farm complete with equipment to one son, the other two got £10,000 each.
If making mirrored wills, make sure it can't be changed on the death of the first spouse.
If they are that way incline over a worthless pillar drill, they will certainly be after all they can get later down the line. "By their deeds ye shall know them".
No one is ever happy in these situations- I might think "The bugger took the drill he gave to dad" but he might think " I haven't seen him use it and he's had it for 10 years to use for free so I'll take it back cause I need it for a job of my own."
As dad used to say, no good deed goes unpunished, and no matter what you do for people, they will become aggrieved when you stop. No one says thanks for the time you allowed me to shoot/detect/ride over your land, they just call you an old misery when you tell them to stop, even though 99% of those asked didn't even give them the time of day.

Jackov Altraids

Livestock Farmer
Meanwhile, on a forum far far away; . . . . . . . .

I've just got married to an amazing lady and life would be perfect if it wasn't for her family.
We've been together for well over a decade and I've always tried to fit in but they just seem completely paranoid that I'm going to 'steal' the farm.
It's got so bad, we couldn't have the wedding she really wanted but had a lovely little private affair instead, just to avoid the hassle and accusations of money grabbing.
When her Mother sadly passed, we tried to have a constructive discussion about inheritance so that it could be forgotten and no longer be an issue but it only seemed to create more resentment.
We thought it might have just been too emotional to sort it while grieving so have tried a couple more times to get everything written down so that they can relax.
And now, we have just been to collect a shed from the farm and I hoped they would have felt more positive towards me know that I've 'made an honest woman' of her but today got a snotty call because I picked up a drill I let them borrow god knows how long ago and had never even moved!!
What more can I do?
I would love for my wife and I to have a good relationship with her family but I really feel like giving up.


North West
Meanwhile, on a forum far far away; . . . . . . . .

I've just got married to an amazing lady and life would be perfect if it wasn't for her family.
We've been together for well over a decade and I've always tried to fit in but they just seem completely paranoid that I'm going to 'steal' the farm.
It's got so bad, we couldn't have the wedding she really wanted but had a lovely little private affair instead, just to avoid the hassle and accusations of money grabbing.
When her Mother sadly passed, we tried to have a constructive discussion about inheritance so that it could be forgotten and no longer be an issue but it only seemed to create more resentment.
We thought it might have just been too emotional to sort it while grieving so have tried a couple more times to get everything written down so that they can relax.
And now, we have just been to collect a shed from the farm and I hoped they would have felt more positive towards me know that I've 'made an honest woman' of her but today got a snotty call because I picked up a drill I let them borrow god knows how long ago and had never even moved!!
What more can I do?
I would love for my wife and I to have a good relationship with her family but I really feel like giving up.
So it was your shed.... :rolleyes:
I regularly count myself lucky that, as a family, we have always had very little to argue over.

When my Dad passed away he left my sisters and I just about enough to buy a second hand runabout car. The business, quite rightly, went to my Mum and brother, who was Dads right hand man. Dad always paid my brother and I a good hourly rate because he said there would be nothing but an overdraft and depreciating machinery once he was gone.
A couple of years later I bought the spreading business from them.

So over the last 20 years, all that we each have has been earned by us individually. No questions, no arguments. We all get on really well and we are all pleased to see each other and get together several times each year for a good old time. Not once have we ever fallen out about any family property or money, because there is none.

This idea of entitlement some people have is a bloody disgrace. If you want something in life, get off your arse and earn it and don’t whine when the parents will doesn’t go your way because you didn’t give much care about them when they were alive.

If I had wealth and property and children with their hands held out I would tell them all they are to expect absolutely nothing. I would soon find out which of them cares about me then.

Maybe I’m just lucky, in that I don’t have money grabbing, materialistic siblings. It must be hard going if you have, especially if they have a partner stoking the fire.

som farmer

Livestock Farmer
I regularly count myself lucky that, as a family, we have always had very little to argue over.

When my Dad passed away he left my sisters and I just about enough to buy a second hand runabout car. The business, quite rightly, went to my Mum and brother, who was Dads right hand man. Dad always paid my brother and I a good hourly rate because he said there would be nothing but an overdraft and depreciating machinery once he was gone.
A couple of years later I bought the spreading business from them.

So over the last 20 years, all that we each have has been earned by us individually. No questions, no arguments. We all get on really well and we are all pleased to see each other and get together several times each year for a good old time. Not once have we ever fallen out about any family property or money, because there is none.

This idea of entitlement some people have is a bloody disgrace. If you want something in life, get off your arse and earn it and don’t whine when the parents will doesn’t go your way because you didn’t give much care about them when they were alive.

If I had wealth and property and children with their hands held out I would tell them all they are to expect absolutely nothing. I would soon find out which of them cares about me then.

Maybe I’m just lucky, in that I don’t have money grabbing, materialistic siblings. It must be hard going if you have, especially if they have a partner stoking the fire.
one of my money grabbing siblings, is trying to sell the farm, even makes it sound as if she had !


Wait until there's millions in property and land involved ! Someone said to me not so long ago that "I'm going to make sure you get nothing" in not such a polite manner! Jealousy can make people act in very strange ways !

PI Stsker

Mixed Farmer
South West
Out of interest, everyone saying about inheritance. If you’re one of three children all born equal why does one have more rights to more of the farm than any of the others?

BRB John

Mixed Farmer
Out of interest, everyone saying about inheritance. If you’re one of three children all born equal why does one have more rights to more of the farm than any of the others?
Because there's a culture of farmers promising their children the farm as long as they work for nothing for the next 40 years.
If I could I would ban all such promises.
All born equal yes but that doesn't last long.


Because there's a culture of farmers promising their children the farm as long as they work for nothing for the next 40 years.
If I could I would ban all such promises.
All born equal yes but that doesn't last long.
They still get the farm but need to buy out the siblings. Not a broken promise just no way of achieving it

SFI - What % were you taking out of production?

  • 0 %

    Votes: 120 38.8%
  • Up to 25%

    Votes: 118 38.2%
  • 25-50%

    Votes: 42 13.6%
  • 50-75%

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • 75-100%

    Votes: 5 1.6%
  • 100% I’ve had enough of farming!

    Votes: 18 5.8%

Expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive offer for farmers published

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  • 1
Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer from July will give the sector a clear path forward and boost farm business resilience.

From: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and The Rt Hon Sir Mark Spencer MP Published21 May 2024


Full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer available to farmers from July have been published by the...