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  1. TFF

    5 benefits of miscanthus

    Miscanthus Not only is Miscanthus an ornamental grass species, it is also a high yielding energy crop, growing more than three metres tall. It produces a crop every year without the need for re-planting and thanks to wider benefits, has the potential to play an important role within regenerative...
  2. CPM RSS

    In with the new

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF It’s been a tricky year for maize growers, but despite this, harvest has wrapped up early. So what should growers keep in mind ahead of next year? CPM looks at the coming season and some of the new varieties on the market. By Melanie...
  3. TFF

    Expanding the plant breeding toolbox

    External influences such as climate change, pest pressure and availability of crop protection products have placed greater emphasis on the role of plant breeding in agriculture. Although a significant shift in understanding has already expanded the breeding toolbox, there is more to be done to...
  4. Agriland RSS

    Arla to reward farmers for sustainability practices via milk price

    Written by Agriland Team from Agriland Arla Foods has today (Friday, October 7) announced that it will start paying its farmer milk suppliers for sustainability activities they undertake. Through its new points-based Sustainability Incentive, the co-op will pay up to 3c/kg of milk per point...
  5. B

    Small scale AD?

    As the title alludes to, anyone with experience of small/farm scale AD plants, eg Farm250? Looking to power farm, several houses, drying facilities, possibly vehicles and utilise fym/grass in order to make compost and digestate for an organic farm.
  6. B

    Smart solar systems

    I have a dairy with a 30k solar system. I'm looking for a system to turn appliances (water heaters, cooling compressors) on and off to match the solar power available. The water heaters are 3 phase and have a high load. Does anyone know if such a system exists?
  7. TFF

    How to make circular use of agricultural residues?

    By-products from the agrifood sector are increasingly being put to other uses. A new assessment framework, co-developed by Wageningen University & Research scientist Wolter Elbersen, helps to select the more circular application. Until two generations ago, there was often a pungent smell in the...
  8. thesilentone

    Concentrating Digestate

    Given the current and future situation regarding the supply of N Fertilizer, surely now is the time to start looking at existing technologies to improve the quality of digestate. Exploring the use of dried and prilled, or concentrated liquid fraction to increase N values could be a possible...
  9. TFF

    Bright farmers help others navigate towards sustainability

    Bright farmers help others navigate towards sustainability Published onDecember 11, 2019 For agriculture to be able to feed the world in 2050, rapid improvements in sustainability are needed. That’s the message Rogier Schulte will be sharing in Redesigning Sustainable Foodscapes, his inaugural...
  10. TFF

    Why growing crops for green gas production makes economic – and environmental – sense

    Why growing crops for green gas production makes economic – and environmental – sense By Future Biogas Ltd The age of renewable energy is upon us. For the sake of the environment, we must transition away from fossil fuels and embrace a range of clean energies. Green gas is integral to this...
  11. C

    Ammonium sulphate liquid

    Has anyone tried this on grassland. I might be able to get some from a digestor. Analysis says 10%n and 10%s. Could I spray some on and save on n?
  12. BSPB

    Maize variety selection for the 2023 growing season

    Nine new varieties have been added to the British Society of Plant Breeder’s 2023 Forage Maize Descriptive Lists (DL), published on 1st September. Saxon and Dignity from Limagrain, alongside KWS Anastasio and KWS Pasco from KWS, are new entrants on the 2023 Favourable First Choice List. Debalto...
  13. Vernon

    Maize harvest

    Anybody thinking of cutting forage maize next week? Been looking at ours and much as the calendar says it shouldn’t be fit, it looks like it needs to come off soon.
  14. J

    Diesel generator

    Hi all we are having massive massive electric company problems due to a fire last year, switching suppliers etc. Anyway they're now charging 60p/kwh as we've been shoved on a variable rate tarrif and have no way of changing until the issues are sorted. I'm trying my best to get it sorted but...
  15. TFF

    Anaerobic Digestion: maximising the outputs and reducing reliance on subsidies

    The UK was one of the first major economies to commit to reaching ‘net zero’ emissions by 2050 in June 2019. Yet, at present ,the UK agriculture industry is a significant producer of carbon dioxide and methane - which is significantly more potent in causing global warming. Anaerobic digestion is...
  16. TFF

    Precision in the field: Images from space show the right time to harvest corn

    Background: precision farming – the digital revolution in agriculture Some call it “smart farming,” others “precision farming.” But both mean the same thing: tailored cultivation of a field with the help of data analyses and digitally controlled machines. They might be drones that are equipped...
  17. TFF

    Unlocking the potential of less productive land

    Are you interested in the benefits that the low maintenance, highly profitable crop – Miscanthus – offers? …. Read our handy beginners’ guide to find out whether it’s the right diversification option for you… Miscanthus is a crop that is rapidly growing in popularity with both farmers and...
  18. Farming Monthly National RSS

    5 reasons to upgrade your legacy on-farm CHP engine

    Written by Administrator from Farming Monthly National Combined heat and power (CHP) engines are one of the most crucial components on an on-farm anaerobic digestion (AD) plant, converting biogas into usable heat and electricity. As the UK AD industry continues to mature, many of the CHPs...
  19. HasthorpeGrange

    Running digester on chicken litter and FYM

    Is anyone running a digester on broiler litter and cattle muck from straw yards? The ad plant would be around 250 kw so not massive. Could have a daily supply of 3 ton cattle muck and 17 ton chicken muck. What would I need to balance out to creat a ‘ration’ for it? What are the complications of...
  20. Pilatus

    The conflict of growing crops for biomass or food.

    The looming world tight supply of cereals/ maize(corn), makes me question the growing of crops , worldwide, for biomass to feed AD facilities , versus using the same amount of ha’s to grow cereals for human /animal consumption. Worldwide I wonder how many ha’s of biomass crops are grown to feed...