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  1. yellow belly

    SFI - Self Help and Tips

    Starting a thread with solutions to application please keep it to practical solution there are other threads for rants and complaints
  2. Bruce Almighty

    Kyleo equivalent

    How many l/ha Glyphosate & how many l/ha 2,4D do you need on rape stables pre-drilling We’d normally use 3 l/ha glyphosate but some rape volunteers are strong Thanks
  3. Corteva Updates

    Autumn weed control in oilseed rape

    Harvest is underway, as is some oilseed rape drilling. With a lot of rain around, conditions should be good to get oilseed rape established. Despite continued challenges growing oilseed rape, it remains a strong break crop option, giving the opportunity to control blackgrass with another mode...
  4. CPM RSS

    Research Briefing: Waxing advantage

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Research aiming to explain the impact Avadex has on weeds from follow-up herbicide treatments has found how it links to its mode of action. CPM learns more about the science. By Mike Abram Any grower who’s used Avadex (tri-allate) over...
  5. B

    OSR this year ?

    So is Osr still part of your plan, with some decent rain around conditions good. Is osr worthwhile, bit weary of slugs and csb...
  6. Rothamsted

    Seven Things we’ve Learnt from the World's Oldest Experiment

    The Broadbalk Winter Wheat experiment was established in 1843 to better understand the impact of adding varying amounts of manure or man-made fertiliser on both wheat yields and the soil it was grown from. Still running today, the experiment has seen various additions and modifications to help...
  7. W

    Cutting after forefront spray

    Silage field was sprayed this past with with forefront, been assured it’s safe to cut it won’t forefront as the much from the resulting silage will only ever be used back on grassland. But what I was wondering how long after spraying is it safe to cut it ?
  8. APJ

    Harvest 2023

    Let’s start a harvest 23 thread! So how far do we all think we are from starting? Winter barley rapidly ripening here early start is on the cards. First week of july maybe, rape just starting to lose its greenness also!
  9. M

    Hybrid barley v wheat

    Hi Never grown hybrid barley and wondering in a first cereal position if the yields would be comparable but cost less to grow and be a better bet against grassweeds using lower N ,lower fungicide, possibly lower drying costs ? what’s others thoughts ? cheers
  10. M

    Spring barley wholecrop spray

    Hi, I have a field planted with spring barley at the start of May and intend on putting it in the pit when suitably ripe along with grass silage. What's the minimum spray plan needed to not effect the crop negatively? It will be cut with a chopper without a cracker so will be took earlyish.
  11. Bigjon44


    Seem to be more of a problem every year around this time.what are people using to take them out or would a higher rate of stomp/picona in autumn be more effective?
  12. D

    Charlock Invasion

    We’ve never really seen it before but what started as a small patch on an environmental strip has now swamped 4 acres of crap OSR. It’s a carpet of small yellow flowers atop a small dark green plant that looks like a tomato plant type leaf. I think I will glypho the 4 acres soon as the OSR isn’t...
  13. CPM RSS

    Systemic change in tillage

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF It’s horses for courses when it comes to establishment systems. CPM visits a Lincolnshire farmer who’s been on the journey that’s encompassed the extremes of tillage before settling for a strip tillage system. By Rob Jones When it comes...
  14. matt@mepengineering

    Choc spot on beans best spray

    I know it’s bin covered time and again but what is everyone using for it at the moment and best place to buy online Only a couple Ha Little lad wanted to grow some crops Thanks
  15. Wigeon

    Spring linseed and tolerance to rolling...

    Odd-ball one this, but any views on the above? Basically I have a lot of linseed to go in, and blw control is not great having lost Bromoxonil. I have a big set of comb harrows, which might do a job once the linseed is big enough to stand it. I also have a lot of flints, which obviously the...
  16. CPM RSS

    Farmers urged to act early against spring-emerging weeds in OSR crops

    Written by Charlotte Cunningham from CPM Magazine Although autumn herbicide programmes are working well in most oilseed rape crops, reports of spring-emerging weeds means growers may need to keep a close eye on crops and take decisive action. Many crops with dense canopies are offering good...
  17. Wigeon

    How early for spring linseed.

    I know I know, its too early for linseed yet by about a month and a half, on normal metrics. But what would happen if.... Slow emergence? Flax fb problems? Poor weed control?
  18. CPM RSS

    Heptad of new pulses for 2023

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF With growing interest in pulse crops, breeders have been working hard to bring forward varieties with better agronomic traits. CPM looks at the additions to PGRO’s Descriptive List, which was unveiled last month. By Lucy de la Pasture...
  19. Laggard


    I assume it’s still warm enough to apply? Some plants only just at 6 true leaves, would 0.5l/ha be ok or cut rate to 0.25l/ha? Cranesbill has 8-10 whorls.
  20. Laggard

    Cranesbill and cleavers in OSR

    Would Astrokerb and Belkar be better or would Kerb and Belkar kill/slow up cleavers and cransbill please? Or Korvetto in the spring?