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  1. D

    Sheep worms and rotation

    Hello. just after some advice or pointers on rotation. Having had sheep on the ground here for 3O plus years lambs are not doing so well as they used to. I’m awaiting some FEC results etc but is there any golden rule with rotation or resting ground so I can improve things. Such as ewes certain...
  2. Wood field

    The I am getting on and it’s hurting thread

    What can I say , I’ve probably ruined the shite lambing thread , with my rambling on about what to do etc so inspired by @Aspiring Peasants I thought yes that’s a good idea , a thread to share your aches and pains, your trials and hopefully your wins. As we get older things can become more...
  3. Cmoran

    Calves not thriving

    I’ve a bunch of friesian calves 75-100 days old that are not thriving at all they got a setback with pneumonia before I got them that I only found out about the other day. They have ad-lib access to calf rearer nuts and fibre first and hay and straw. I’ve them isolated from my other calves. All...
  4. jacobl741

    Poorly calf

    Anyone any idea what could be wrong with this calf? Found her with a very mucky back end as can be seen in the image... Apears to be like a bloody diarrhea, definitely blood coming too. Calf still seems lively and is eating corn and sucking it's mum but obviously something must be wrong. Thanks
  5. Smokey16

    sh!t lambing

    Hi just wondering if anyone else has had or is having a sh!t lambing this year
  6. andybk

    Nemo : keep an eye out in early lambs

    moved a small flock this week , (lost a big one last week unexplanied no scour ) couple small ones scouring a bit , all previously cocci treated , went in with a white drench as they were on very dirty ground and all dried up , dont think ive treated this early before , its normally mid april...
  7. paul&mandy

    6monthly health plan

    Ordered some more antibiotics to keep in stock over lambing and the vet won't perscribe any untill we have a 6month health plan as it's moved from every 12months. When did this come in to Force?
  8. unlacedgecko

    Lamb castration in the cross hairs

    https://www.fwi.co.uk/livestock/health-welfare/two-lamb-castration-methods-that-put-focus-on-animal-welfare How long before rubber rings are banned?
  9. beltextexel

    Orf in ewes/lambs

    We’ve ended up getting a lot of trouble with orf on ewes tits. The ewes and jan born lambs are inside and usually stay inside until weaning in late March. Usually we vaccinate lambs against orf at 5 weeks old, but unsure now of the best plan to stop it getting any worse. Any ideas?
  10. andybk

    So whats the best thing you have learned in last 12 months on farm .

    more a comment on this forum really , found myself looking at various things i have learnt in last few years , new to me but not everyone else started with blood testing for mineral deficiencies few years back , very short of selenium , bolus has sorted a lot of lambing / growth issues ewes /...
  11. Farmer_Joe

    Mixing rolled barley with sheep blend

    Someone local has rolled barley very reasonable has anyone ever mixed it with sheep blend cake to bulk it out was thinking of using it with twins, singles and std sheep cake for triplets? Gonna get a few tonne less of cake and bulk it with the barley Cake is upto 380 this year which is...
  12. andybk

    quick question regard Tolracol lambs

    First year treating month old lambs with Tolracol for cocci , how often does anyone using it need a second dose , Dont usually keep lambs indoors but due to outdoor grazing pressure have to keep them in a bit longer ,so going to start creeping them to get them off first 40 ewes ewes asap (recon...
  13. daveydiesel1

    Calf problems

    Having problems with calfs, they start off great but then after 2 or 3 weeks they just start getting smaller and die then, they get colostrum and plenty of it, its not scour or pneumonia, iv had the vet look at them when they were hear and had them dissect dead 1s and iv sent dead 1s to the lab...
  14. C

    Weaned calves very loose...

    Some of our weaned heifers (80 to 100 days old) have developed very loose, watery, grayish muck. Smells bad, not like normal muck. Current diet is 3kg calf cake + deccox (split 50/50 morning and afternoon), ad lib hay and barley straw. Vet has been out and taken samples, negative for cocci...
  15. spark_28

    Poorly ram lamb.

    Got a ram lamb who has started scouring really badly (smells too). He's got awfully thin with it and not great on his food. I've put him inside,. He's not quite at deaths door but needs to start moving in the right direction. Any tips to get him moving in the right direction? He's been fluke...
  16. jed

    Hogg deaths

    Having a mare with fattening lambs dying 30 + so far they have been dipped wormed ovivac P Alvited and there still dying talking to guy at local ag merchants he’s telling me I’m not on my own and one chap was telling him he’s lost almost 200 . We‘ve done our normal routine weaned from hill farm...
  17. Wynnstay

    Managing Clostridial Diseases in Dairy Calves

    Clostridial disease management is a common topic in sheep farming with most of the UK’s flock vaccinated before lambing for prevention through passive transfer, but it is not given much thought by calf rearers. There are multiple clostridial diseases that can affect cattle, however, the most...
  18. JohnGalway

    lamb fec sample

    Just wondering, I do have most of the gear to do this myself but haven't got around to it.. I took in field samples from lambs on the 19th, the lab report says they arrived the 22nd, and were tested on the 26th? Is it me, or does this seem like a long time, almost a week before the sample is...
  19. F

    Calf illness help wanted

    Hi all, So our aa calves, approx 6 months old, have had a bad green scour with the last month. We’ve dosed for coccidiosis 3 weeks ago and they’re done for fluke and worms. Also to note we’ve had several instances of vitamin b1 deficiency this year. In the last 3 days, we’ve had 3 die and two...
  20. B

    Buying milk calves...

    Been offered some milk calves from a local dairy herd, hereford & bb x, at £120, I quite keen, to talk over missus> What everyone thinking. Working on £3 of milk power a day - does seem right....