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  1. CPM RSS

    Winter linseed trials: Survival of the fittest

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Trials suggest that when managed correctly, winter linseed has the potential to thrive even in Scotland’s challenging climate, achieving some of the highest trial yields in Europe. CPM reviews the findings. By Janine Adamson Even as...
  2. Headless chicken

    How windy is too windy

    I’ve got a lot of acres of very tall maize to cover and the window is getting smaller and smaller. Spraying all says that but could really do with getting on today if we can. bbc saying 15-16 mph but seems gusty. running hypro nozzles. Can get the pressure fairly low to help with droplet...
  3. SpottedFlycatcher

    Spray contractor hasnt triple washed containers

    I've just been removing lids and crushing empty spray containers to send for recycling and have realised the contractor hasn't triple washed most of them, but only after I've crushed a load of them. I've got my PA tickets and am sure he should have been washing each empty can back into the tank...
  4. Martyn


    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-68215777 I can think of two sprayer operators who got to early 60s but no longer with us, both with chemical related body conditions, is this a national wide scandal?
  5. CPM RSS

    BP2023: Further blight complications

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Once every two years, anyone with a serious interest in the potato industry heads to the Yorkshire Event Centre for a specialist trade show. CPM attended BP2023 in Harrogate for insight into the latest sector developments, including what’s...
  6. CPM RSS

    BP2023: Further blight complications

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Once every two years, anyone with a serious interest in the potato industry heads to the Yorkshire Event Centre for a specialist trade show. CPM attended BP2023 in Harrogate for insight into the latest sector developments, including what’s...
  7. CPM RSS

    Real Results Pioneers: An honest approach

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF The risks of growing specialty crops like potatoes are on the rise and the mitigations available are decreasing, meaning tools to help growers maintain yield and marketability of crops are vital. CPM finds out how a Scottish grower is...
  8. E

    Should we be worried about pesticides on food?

    Should we worry both as consumers and producers? Glyphosate on oats is the obvious one.Recently highlighted by tim Spector on one of his zoe podcasts. Do we know if glyphosate is toxic in any way. Is it messing with our microbiome? Also as a strawberry grower I am well aware of the very short...
  9. Bruce Almighty

    Kyleo equivalent

    How many l/ha Glyphosate & how many l/ha 2,4D do you need on rape stables pre-drilling We’d normally use 3 l/ha glyphosate but some rape volunteers are strong Thanks
  10. 4

    sfi you can now apply

    5.45 am this morning rec email from defra saying as youve registered your interest you can now start your application. ok thinks me will try . First thing to do will be go get some more ink and a couple of reams of printer paper as will have to download the 40 pages of the new guidance of how...
  11. No wot

    More Roundup bad PR

    I'm not savy enough to supply a link , but big piece on the Daily Mail website regarding Roundup and cancer
  12. APJ

    Harvest 2023

    Let’s start a harvest 23 thread! So how far do we all think we are from starting? Winter barley rapidly ripening here early start is on the cards. First week of july maybe, rape just starting to lose its greenness also!
  13. N


    G'day everyone! I am from Australia and we have had a horrifically wet start to our cropping season I have been unable to plant 300ha or there about of my annual program. I am now looking to grow something in the early spring instead on those unspent hectares. Sunflowers seem like a good one to...
  14. bobk

    Settings for combining beans

    I know drum open and slow , drive as fast as possible , Anything else ? change bottom sieve ? tia
  15. Clive

    New information about what Environmental Land Management schemes will pay for

    Moderator notice OK we have done this now in the resource section to try separate he questions and answers from the general chat - we will update it as new questions and answers are added to this thread...
  16. melted welly

    Gatekeeper stock take

    Fresh produce audit tomorrow, printing out stock sheet on gatekeeper, does anyone know how to stop the feckin thing including products with zero quantity in the stock sheet? My stock report runs to 6 pages, where it would all fit in one and a bit. Sure there used to be a check box for “ignore...
  17. C

    Effect of Pesticides on Farmer Health

    Hi all, I'm conducting research for an article (for a leading UK media platform) about the impact of pesticide exposure to farmer health. I'm also interested in how pesticides may affect the health of those living in close proximity to farms. Is anybody experiencing any physical / mental...
  18. Pilatus

    Does combining grain maize play havoc with the combine?

    I ask the above after picking a maize cob today, and I believe the crop is destined to be combine harvested with a maize header on the combine. I guess one has to have the concave wide open to get a Maize cob through it. Also I imagine the grain maize might cause one grief as regards getting it...
  19. F

    Desiccating wheat

    Have 800 acres of lodged wheat in various stages of maturity. I’ve swathed 220 acres yesterday and today but the rows are very heavy and will take a serious amount of drying out. Hoping to be picking it up by the weekend as it’s a decent week ahead. chemical rep reckons roundup won’t do much fir...
  20. TFF

    Desiccating mown ryegrass seed crops 2022-08-04

    Previous work in the United Kingdom has evaluated diquat and glyphosate as a pre-harvest desiccant for direct heading. In perennial ryegrass with two cultivars, Roberts & Griffiths (1973) reported a high percentage of abnormal and low germination rates when diquat was applied and the crop...