
  1. G

    French protests

    On bloomberg now
  2. Exfarmer

    Mathew Syed The Times today

    Well worth a read in my opinion
  3. Agriland RSS

    Is a secondary lice treatment needed in the cattle shed?

    Written by Agriland Team from Agriland Often at this time of the year, farmers who have their cattle housed for the winter notice a resurgence in lice symptoms on their cattle, and a secondary lice treatment may be needed. These cattle may have been treated for lice at housing, but a once-off...
  4. D

    transporter authorisation

    can you apply online to renew a type 1 authorisation or is it not that simple ?
  5. FlukEVal

    Resistant Liver Fluke

    Does your farm or animals suffer with a liver fluke burden? Do you think you may have a flukicide resistant problem? We would love to hear from you! Here at Ridgeway Research Ltd we are looking for liver fluke which are resistant to Closantel or triclabendazole. Would you be interested in...
  6. ajd132

    Red tractor stakeholder survey on governance I have just had this bought to my attention. Red tractor survey to ‘inform’ the reviewers. first I have heard of it, nothing in the latest member matters, on any email or on social media. feels like they are trying to keep it quiet as usual.
  7. Scholsey


    Have had what has turned out to be a neospora outbreak, not sure on source but 20% of 170 adult cows have aborted most of which in a 3 week period and milk testing at drying off looks like another 50%+ is infected, how have people got on managing a large neospora outbreak out of a herd?
  8. neilo

    Fencing cost

    Rent review is due soon and LL's agent is a greedy bugger who thinks it only goes one way. As last time, I expect it will come down to a discussion about the state of the place when I came here and how much I have spent sorting it out for them. On a bit of informal advice from an agent, I have...
  9. melted welly

    Is it me??

    So I use the RBS banking app, and last month I noticed it had a carbon footprint calculator. Obviously this will be a highly accurate calculation mechanism, so I was keen to investigate. Well, I need worry not, I can sleep with a clear conscience- Notice the “suggestion” along the bottom on...
  10. D

    Maximising Output Per Acre is The Way to Reduce Carbon Footprint

    Well isn’t it? If you can grow 4t per acre of wheat then isn’t the carbon footprint per ton less by virtue of the fact you’ve spread the fixed part of the carbon cost in growing the crop over more tons. This fact begs the question of what to do with marginal land. It would suggest it should be...
  11. P

    Question for farmers with children/youngsters just starting farming etc, etc?

    As above. A question,If you’re a farmer with children, a youngster interested in farming,a farmer’s son/ daughter just started farming at home on parents farm/ estate, and anyone in their 30s’ to 55’s actually running a farm for themselves or someone else( by running a farm/ estate I mean you...
  12. S


    Just attended NRoSO saying spraying/spreading equipment mounted on seed drill will require operator to hold PA certificate for special equipment even if one already holds PA4G/PA4S comments please
  13. J

    Drain covers

    How often should these be changed for new ones? I had a cow put her leg through one last night, she's sliced her ankle down to the bone so unfortunately has had to be pts. There's no-one in our area anymore who does emergency slaughter so that option was out the window. The drain itself is...
  14. F

    Invitation to Participate in Agricultural Survey

    Dear Community, I hope this message finds you well. I'm Flavio Proietti, a student at KU Leuven(Belgium), conducting research for a entrepreneurship class. Your opinion would be very important. I invite you to participate in a brief survey on an agricultural drone. The product is presented...
  15. Wood field

    Tarmac farming

    Can it pay ? We are farming four blocks one is two minutes walk but two are 15 minutes by car Chap on the phone to me was saying his tractor finance was over £600 a month ( plus vehicle finance, plus farm rent etc etc ) They cover ground up to an hour away yet he said to me , 500 odd sheep...
  16. Agriland RSS

    Mole Valley Farmers, AHDB and Elanco to collaborate on sheep post-mortem event

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland Mole Valley Farmers, the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and Elanco are set to jointly host an event focused on the internal effects of parasite damage in sheep. This will be done via demonstration of sheep post-mortems...
  17. andybk

    New one on me , golf courses poisoning earthworms

    come on @Defra Farming , if we as farmers did this , there would be hell to pay
  18. M

    Hi, anyone ever grown animals and crops together?

    Hi, I'm a student, and not directly related to farming. You see a lot these days about plant based diets and the like, in common media, so I just wanted to do some fact checking with you guys. Anyone grown animals and crops on the same fields (perhaps in rotation)? Does it produce better...
  19. Agriland RSS

    Is it cost-effective to finish lambs on concentrates?

    Written by Colm Ryan from Agriland As farmers move towards bought-in concentrates over the winter, sheep farmers should take a closer look at the growth of their lambs. Assessing the performance of the lambs can help to protect both margins and next year’s crop, and will influence the decision...
  20. Agriland RSS

    Keeping vigilant for parasites in autumn

    Written by Colm Ryan from Agriland Farmers are being warned that as a result of the early autumn warm weather leading to an extended grazing period, they should be vigilant for increased parasites. The current wet weather means that hoose or lungworms could be an issue on many farms. Due to...