
  1. Headless chicken

    Pulleys to open a doorway

    We’re busy embracing not spending money so attempting to make our own doorway out of a Galebreaker type material. We’ve got the basics of it but just struggling of getting it to draw up and open. in simple terms it is a 20ft wide doorway and a 20ft drop. We need to work out a pulley...
  2. F


    We’ve had a very late planting season with many crops a month and a half behind. My earlier planted wheat looked very good in the good growing conditions of late. I’ve been gone from the uk for over twenty years and have list touch with many things. My question is what product is better for...
  3. gone up the hill

    Grain yields 2022

    Thought it would be a good idea now that harvest 2022 is well underway to have a thread with grain yields/ variety of Barley/ Wheat etc all in one place. So how are your crops yielding for 2022?
  4. teslacoils

    Varieties For 2023

    I've been to zero crop trials this year. And as much as I love gleam I'd like a field of something else to go with it. What are the standout wheats you've got? Lots of love for Dawsum I'm hearing ...
  5. Greythundercloudys

    No combines out yet.

    Will winter barley be ready next week for this good spell of weather or is it still to early.
  6. B


    Is it dry as a nuns with anyone else? Another couple weeks without a decent rain and east yorkshires going to start turning brown, and I don't just mean the crops!
  7. shakerator

    Late Nitrogen for protein and lodging

    I have some tallish wheat which probably has a lodging risk if we were to get a windy storm early July (despite strong pgr- v fertile ground) It probably wants more soluble N to achieve milling spec. I don’t have facilities for foliar treatment….my question is do I risk increasing biomass /...
  8. L

    Whats wrong with this spring Barley?

    Some of the leaves are showing this yellowing, 1st noticed it when I was spraying it with Jaunt on 28th May, it has got slightly worse since then. If it doesn't get any worse from now on it won't affect the yield much but does any one know what has caused it?
  9. H

    Spring barley gross margin

    Anybody got a spring barley gross margin? Thinking of putting it in the rotation.
  10. S

    Back to minimum tillage ?

    We have a big issue with grass weeds and it’s getting worse. We are ok if we have a big spread of crops but it simply just doesn’t pay due to poor yields of spring crops such as spring linseed, spring barley, spring beans spring wheat. We’ve also tried grass but without our own livestock we get...
  11. super4

    Winter oats pgr

    My Mascani winter oats are just coming into flag. They have had a total of 125kg nitrogen and .3 medax max at end tillering. We've had 25mm rain this last week and they are looking strong..Would it be to late to put another pgr on now?
  12. T

    How to boost direct drilled spring barley

    I’ve got a problem with some spring barley drilled with a 750 into spring wheat stubble on March 30th. The barley has no go in it, it’s all got spindly leaves and no tillers and despite an 85% establishment it still hasn’t covered between the rows after emerging about a month ago. I’m not sure...
  13. N

    chemical cost for spring barely?

    hi so i'm pricing out a new venture for next year and i'm wondering what is the cost of the sprays for spring barely per acre? i wouldn't be using round up as id be more then lightly crimping the barely. thank you for your help
  14. An Gof

    WW T2

    Flag leaf fully emerged on the KWS Extase so the T2 has gone on today. Applying 1.25L/Ha Revystar + 5Kg EpsoTop.
  15. snarling bee

    My direct drill and cultivation trial 2022

    I have split a heavy clay field into 4. Direct drill, shallow cultivation, Plough and shallow discs with low disturbance to 200mm. This is the first year. 5th winter wheat, straw removed, FYM and compost applied April 2021 in previous crop. Unfortunately the grass weeds seem to have suddenly got...
  16. Auvikki

    English agricultural transition - share your thoughts

    Dear Farmers, I need your help! For my PhD project at the University of Reading I am conducting research into how changes to agriculture after Brexit in England can be organised by government. For this research I am especially interested to learn more about what aspects motivate you in deciding...
  17. rickane

    Best round baler for straw?

    Want ability to chop and make 5 foot round bales.
  18. casemx 270

    How much N spring Barley

    How much N are you putting on your spring Barley ? Thanks
  19. W

    T1 winter wheat

    What are people using and when are you starting
  20. stroller

    Getting dry

    Anyone else think it's getting a bit dry? No rain for weeks, ground cracking, and no rain forecast.