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  1. CPM RSS

    Insider’s View: barley – Buzzard against BYDV

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Growing more comprehensive and steadfast disease tolerant and resistant varieties has become increasingly important in agriculture and with the launch of SY Buzzard, growers now have the option of BYDV tolerance in hybrid barley. CPM takes...
  2. C

    Landini 8830

    hello I have a landini 8830 that could do with some repairs on body panels and cab etc, it's impossible find any online. someone has suggested that massey should be similar. would anyone know what model massey would be the same as this? I'm thinking maybe the 690 but doors etc look different...

    Coverage of the Farm to Fork Summit at Downing Street

    Coverage of the Farm to Fork Summit at Downing Street Written by Defra Press Office Coverage of the Farm to Fork Summit at Downing Street There has been widespread media coverage in the trade media following Defra’s publication of full details of the expanded and improved Sustainable...
  4. BenAdamsAgri

    SFI 2024 link and details

    See below https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sustainable-farming-incentive-scheme-expanded-offer-for-2024
  5. Kingston

    Cat 3056e (Perkins 1106C) with Bosch VP30 fuel pump non start

    Hi, I have had a non start issue with the above engine and fuel pump on my SP sprayer. Had someone plug into pump which showed faults so have had pump refurbished. Still no joy. Is anyone on here a particular specialist with these engines and fuel pumps? Or does anyone know of a mechanic that...
  6. Jsmith2211

    Chafer T2500

    Are they any good? One advertised locally. Would like one that adjusts the rate as you slow down I imagine this one’s too old for that? Would also be looking to add auto sections using ag open gps eventually...
  7. B

    Risky or not

    Sprayed some stubble off with glyphosate on Saturday, hoping to drill on Wednesday, weathers changed and could do with getting grass undersown with barley in today, agronomist says I shouldn't do it because it needs 5 days before drilling anything into it... Do I risk it?
  8. Dman2

    Black grass

    So Finally succumbed to the dreaded black grass. Only 1 field fortunately and must have come in seed:mad: plan to work stubble to get it to chit, then spray off Am I right in thinking it just needs tickling on the top and not too deep to get it to chit?
  9. CPM RSS

    Biostimulants: Breaking down biostimulants

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF The increase in biostimulants available on the market has given farmers and agronomists much more choice while delivering exciting new technology, however, the number of products on offer can be confusing. CPM investigates whether the...
  10. Flat 10

    Post em blw control in peas

    Peas are new to me. Thought I’d try something for a change but probably shouldve just gone sfi. Never really bothered with basagran in beans but I guess peas tolerate competition less well? I believe you can mix mcpb if you are feeling brave. Good idea? Cut rates of both? Rain has stimulated...
  11. Northeastfarmer

    Best sprayer for quad/Land Rover

    I’m wanting to buy a sprayer unit like the one in the pic I’ve posted below to go in the back of the Land Rover that runs off a battery to go around spraying the thistles as it’s too time consuming with a knapsack sprayer….can anyone recommend one please….no more than 100 litres
  12. CiderJan

    AB6 overwintered stubble, planting cover crop after 15 May

    I've taken on some land with AB6 overwintered stubble. It's pretty weedy and I was planning on spraying off now with glyphosphate. Does anyone know if I can broadcast or drill a covercrop afterwards? Thinking stubble turnips or rape. Broadcasting may fit better with the recommendation to for...
  13. Flat 10

    Knight sprayer keeps bursting pipes

    As above. EU model. Must be blocked somewhere but intermittently as works for several loads with no problem. Filters are clean and sprayer works fine mostly. Very frustrating. Has blown blanking plug off by the the 3 way valve a couple of times recently. The diaphragm on the air bypass thing on...
  14. CPM RSS

    Cereals Event preview: Demo for days

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF This year’s Cereals Event is lined up to present a jam-packed ensemble of working demonstrations. CPM explores what the event has to offer for all of those keen to see the latest innovations in machinery and technology. By Melanie...
  15. S

    Number 11 of 12.

    1997 Gem Emerald out spraying today. Number 11 of only 12 made.
  16. J

    Sprayer rate controller and ramsey valve pressure control

    My (new to me) Gem sprayer has a ramsey type pressure controller and an RDS Delta 34 rate controller. I've only ever used a sprayer with valve/bleed off type of pressure control before and no rate controller! I understand that I pressurise the ramsey valve to the pressure I want to spray at...
  17. D

    Hot air balloons landing in fields

    Seem to be getting a lot of these this year. They tend to land and scraper fairly quickly. What do others do when this happens? As kids we used be taken up in them and dad was given a bottle every time they came.
  18. muleman

    Is there less thistles?

    Is there less thistles? Has all that wet weather rotted them?🤔
  19. CPM RSS

    Varieties: Overcoming adversity

    Written by CPM Magazine from CPM Magazine Download PDF Oilseed rape breeders continue to be busy behind the scenes exploring genetic traits to help growers overcome the many challenges associated with the crop. CPM looks at some of the latest varietal launches shared at press briefings and...
  20. D

    Ground Nesting Birds, Bees and Leverets.

    It’s quite noticeable now the extent to which SFI options including over winter cover crops, bird seed mix and pollinator mix require the wholesale obliteration of thousands of acres of ground cover at this time of year followed by redrilling / rotating to another option or spring crop. I can’t...