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  1. T

    Help needed - identify Parasite

    Hi all, does anyone recognise this 25mm long parasite? Any light on this would be greatly appreciated.
  2. B

    Cobalt overdose?

    Can lambs be over supplemented with Cobalt?? If I recently gave lambs Smartshot injection, would it be safe to use white wormer since it also supplies cobalt? If not, the same answer should apply to a mineral drenching at weaning? Thank you 😀
  3. Jerry

    Coccidiosis drench

    Anyone done one yet with Feb/mar born lambs? Just started to notice the odd mucky bum, need to do a FEC count tomorrow to check levels of nemo as wells guess.
  4. F

    Shearlings Having Weak and Premature Lambs

    We have a batch of a 100 Shearlings that have just started lambing that are causing a concern. Unusually we can trace the history of these since birth, so all home bred. First 12 months after weaning grazed away on a farm with no other sheep. They did have an issue with wormer resistance but...
  5. ladycrofter

    Rumen Fluke

    Rumen fluke here, and if it's here in the Highlands, it's everywhere 😱. We suspected a missing link, with losing a few healthy lambs last summer. Just suddenly going downhill for no reason, looking flukey but shouldn't be, and in spite of a very effective health plan. After reading the comments...
  6. Y

    Post lambing dosing.

    Up until now it's been a single dose of Ivomec, but apparently research shows that the residuals of using it can persist in the dung for a considerable period of time after use and still have considerable detrimental effect on soil health after spreading. Sheep are typically housed about four...
  7. paul&mandy

    Pre lambing fluke and wormer

    Bit of a background. Last yr we didnt dose pre lambing. We then went on to loose a load of ewes with lambs at foot and it was unknown. Fec come back good. Pms inconclusive then we bit the bullet and dosed all the ewes with cydectin triclomox off our own backs and it pretty much stopped deaths in...
  8. Ed @ Farmdeals

    Send me your shopping lists!

    We've released a new feature on the app and web where we can know quote for any product even if it's not on the shelves on the app. Just click the bespoke request icon and tell us what you need. Have you got a full shopping list of supplies, chemicals, fertiliser, feed and more? You can email...
  9. graham mc

    no farmers no food

    whos actually involved in this and does anyone know who set it up?
  10. B'o'B

    AHDB announce Ministers have approved levy increase

    I feel the AHDB "consultation" over the levy increase was a complete sham. I was never asked if I approved of the levy increase, or given an opportunity to give any feedback on the proposed levy increase. I remember being told a levy increase was being applied for, but that is not a...
  11. Bury the Trash

    If farmers are supposed to why cant suppliers up their game.

    Ear tags :mad:etc . but this time drench gun bottes why cant they have a standard neck thread size theres 3 pr 4 different bottles types by different makers ..... why cant they be standardised size :mad: in real life it faffing around wasting time setting up different caps on pipes which has to...
  12. S


    I have never double dosed my sheep with Hep P. I just give them a single dose every year 4-6 weeks before lambing. Is this a total waste of time or does it give them some protection? I've never had a problem health wise so far touch wood !!
  13. FlukEVal

    Resistant Liver Fluke

    Does your farm or animals suffer with a liver fluke burden? Do you think you may have a flukicide resistant problem? We would love to hear from you! Here at Ridgeway Research Ltd we are looking for liver fluke which are resistant to Closantel or triclabendazole. Would you be interested in...
  14. Wood field

    Fluke and mineral together

    Probably been asked some where but.. as above , fluke drench and mineral drench together yes or no (sheep)
  15. M

    Sheep attestation

    Sorry if this has already been discussed. We went to a seminar in the summer with our vets who told us about the upcoming sheep attestation and small farm productivity grant for worms in sheep. We were advised to apply for this and double it up with the sheep attestation. The grant would cover...
  16. Wolds Beef

    Animal Health and Welfare signup.

    Is anyone having problems signing up to this? It was recommended by my vet. But on trying to sign up it appears my SBI number will not link up with my CPH number!!. RPA are trying to sort it out. All to do with the SFI job!!. WB
  17. j6891

    Bolusing cows

    Have been mineral bolusing my cattle for about the last 5 years and thinking there must be a better way that my current battle. Has anyone got any good tips for streamlining this as can be slow when I have to halter individuals who thrash their head about. Keep feeling I'm close to getting...
  18. W

    Drenching Cattle

    Thinking of changing wormer this year. Always used an ivermectin injection before but not happy with results, especially during the grazing season. Going to use a drench that does fluke too. I know I'll have to treat lice separate now. Are hook drench guns any good? Can you do a row of cattle...
  19. K

    RUMEN Fluke

    Have a batch of ewe lambs that are not putting on condition, and sone going backwards, despite plenty of good grass. Just been emailed the results of a worm count and is (almost) clear of worms. Liver fluke is negative, but positive for Rumen fluke. From what I have read, there is no routine...
  20. T

    Last lambs left losing their appetite

    I have a handful of lambs that I’m trying to finish but they seem to have lost their appetite. I’ve been feeding them creep and recently been able to do this ad-lib but they just don’t seem interested. The field they’re in isn’t brilliant for grass now but they also have access to a shed with...