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  1. Agriland RSS

    Keeping vigilant for parasites in autumn

    Written by Colm Ryan from Agriland Farmers are being warned that as a result of the early autumn warm weather leading to an extended grazing period, they should be vigilant for increased parasites. The current wet weather means that hoose or lungworms could be an issue on many farms. Due to...
  2. Agriland RSS

    SCOPS podcast to act as parasite control tool for sheep farmers

    Written by Eva Osborne-Sherlock from Agriland The first two episodes of a new podcast series from the Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) group came out this week, aiming to offer another tool to the UK sheep industry on parasite control. SCOPS chair and sheep farmer, Kevin...
  3. Ih885xl

    Suckler shed design

    Hi there I would like to build a new building to house my suckler cows. I have planning permission for a 60 x 40 ft shed. At current we have 14 sucklers however are struggling for housing space so cannot expand and cannot calve inside leading to calves being sold younger. I would also like to...
  4. R

    Really mucky back end!

    I've got two kerry hill lambs (8months roughly) with really mucky back ends. Rest of the flock is alright. Wormed last week with albex 2.5 and fluked mud July. They are on slightly over grown land which they have grazed well, but rains been pretty consistent so it's wet. Thoughts? What do i need...
  5. 9

    What to dose cattle with this time of year?

    I have bullocks in the house approx 600kg which would be the most effective dose to use on them. They where last dosed for fluke and worms in june
  6. WillYorkshire

    Climate myths

    Watch this. Very interesting counter arguments to the CC monster.
  7. T

    Flukiver for Haemonchus

    Have only had issues with haemonchus here for the last 2 years, so slowly learning how to deal with it. Got some lambs in today to draw for market and they've lost condition for the 2nd time since weaning due to haemonchus. They had only just put it back on again 2 weeks before 🤬 All wormers...
  8. TelesnaAg

    Australian livestock Industry Price Collapse

    The ozzie cattle and sheep markets have more than halved in 9 months, and every week trending lower, elnino has spooked many and numbers flood onto the market, restockers arent game to buy, feedlots a little nervous but we do have plenty of grain. Cattle prices were at record highs 15 months...
  9. DrDecColbert

    Mineral Boluses

    Hey all, My PhD involved developing a new form of mineral bolus for cattle and sheep, if you have a spare 5 mins and want to help guide the research would you be willing to complete a 13 Q questionnaire linked below. I'm very much focused on providing what farmers actually want Many thanks...
  10. A

    OP dip and Levamisole

    Does the 14 day advice apply both ways? Bits I've found say not to dose with Levamisole within 14 days after dipping. What about dosing 8-10 days before dipping? Got a mobile dipper booked for end of next week, lambs look like they could do with a dose and I've got enough Levamisole on the...
  11. Man_in_black

    Drafts off a dealer

    Bought in 50 draft ewes from a dealer who was selling several hundreds. I wasn't here when they were unloaded (yesterday). Going through them today & few with bad feet,some with established rot! Is this acceptable? Yes they were cheap, and teeth & bags seem fine, just wondering if it's something...
  12. A

    Kelso sale averages

    This gives guide as to the relative demand for various breeds. Just look at the average for Texel tup shearlings and Blue faced Leicesters. And Lleyns!!! https://borderunion.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Results-Summary-for-Shearlings-2023_v2.pdf
  13. mrsmojos

    Combinex on ewes.

    Hello - Couple of questions - it's our first year for our ewes breeding this autumn - having had them from lambs last summer. When they were due fluking I was told by the breeder that it was ok to use combinex on the lambs, but not on ewes (which they now are!) - having already bought a bottle...
  14. andybk

    Worm resistance ( Trichostrongylus )

    Just had our welfare review , with defra , where they do fec resistance as part of it , turns out we have a slight resistance to ivermectin at one of our very dirty farms we rent , nemo is ok had a few lambs scour about 2 weeks post treatment , farm was continuous sheep long before we had it ...
  15. D

    It’s a weird and alien attitude that now pervades our industry.

    Anybody else feel the above? We aren’t to be problem solvers or wealth creators any more. No, sit back and let nature take back control. Let it rewild essentially. Wait for some mystical beneficial force of nature to right all the worlds wrongs. Wait for “beneficial” insects etc to reduce pests...
  16. S

    This Farming Life. New series.

    Started last night on BBC Scotland. All seem like decent folk. Wonder if we will see a dry day on Uist...🤔
  17. M

    Drench or bolus.

    Pros cons of both. Sheep blood tested and need a trace element boost plus copper. Would you opt for a liquid drench or bolus?
  18. J

    Store cattle how much profit?

    Hi was thinking of buying some store cattle and wondered how much profit is there? Thanks
  19. twizzel

    Suckler cow boluses

    We are thinking about changing to bolusing our sucklers rather than using Lifeline and GP mineral buckets. Primarily because in the last 12 months we’ve spent over £1200 on the aforementioned buckets for 40 sucklers, which seems excessive to me? The calving pattern is v drawn out so to get the...
  20. K

    Wormer and Vit Drench

    Is it ok to give sheep a vitamin drench at the same time as a wormer?