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£1000 Paid for exclusive metal detecting permissions

I will pay any Land owner or farmer £1000.00 for exclusive permission for our club members to metal detect on their land (land owners must have approx 400 Acres) The land owner will also get a percentage of the fees taken on the days that we hold events on that land. This is a metal detecting business. We hold events and charge our members. Those members are regulated, verified and vetted before they come on anyone's property. They have finite rules to obey or they are removed from the club and land. The business The Metal Detectorist runs a database on a secure website that holds all personal information beyond that required by the current NCMD (national council for metal detecting). The Metal Detectorist. Is insured and is a subscribed member of The Purple Guide. A must for all event operators in the UK. All liability lies with The Metal Detectorist during any event held by us on your land. All members agree to a strict set of conditions that place an obligation on the detectorist to follow. Failure to means they forfeit their membership and chance to metal detect some of the countries significant sites. The Metal Detectorist runs all of its events on the understanding that we are your advocate and ensure that all land owner interests are followed when things are found. We ensure that all the correct procedures are followed and adhered to when significant finds have been uncovered. We do not allow members their (MY Precious) moment. On our events we have regularly found gold sovereigns guineas silver hammered coins and artifacts, Roman & Saxon. Any find over the value of £300.00 has to be shared with the land owner. As an example recently we had four significant gold finds and all of the gold coins ended up in the possession of the land owners after quotes were found and a values established. Silver hammered coins can sometimes have a value that runs into the thousands. All coins found are valued before they are allowed off site. All documenting is completed by the club. All referencing and find liaison processes are followed closely by the club and the land owner kept informed every step of the way.

We have designed The Metal Detectorist for the land owner. Many of you, im sure agree, that a huge section of the metal detecting community use the hobby as some kind of get rich quick idea. This club has created a process that limits any damage or theft one way or another. All of our members are the type to have disposable incomes. All have verified their personal details including DOB. All of the members have to attend an event and are observed to see if they are the type of member we want in our club. Mainly we have Elderly, Young Children the Disabled and Working people looking to de-stress normally from a nice day out. Good members. The kind you dont mind !

If you are interested in seeing how using The Metal detectorist could benefit you or your business and you have land that you can give permission for us to metal detect on please get in touch. You can either contact me on my mobile Nigel 07873296685 or on our freephone for members 0800 567 7701

References are available from every land owner we have held an event with. All we ask is if you will allow us to use you as a reference in the future
Its going as you would expect but when its completed, all of the characters will be informed. The case is basically about how people and members of businesses really should be careful when they start to make libelous claims in public forums. The law is there to protect people from certain people within our hobby and in general. I feel sorry for the people who feel that it is ok to cast derogatory comments in public. After all its those kind of people that are classed as spammers and keyboard warriors.


As this is in a more "neutral venue" than FB or detecting forums & media I have a few questions, these are personal questions and not related to any voluntary roles I may hold, and you may not wish to answer them.
1. What "details beyond that held by the NCMD" do you hold exactly?
2.Are you a registered business like, for example, Lets Go Digging?
3.What processes "limit damage & theft"?
4.If you are only paying landowners "a percentage" then are you not also running a "get rich quick scheme" ?

No reason for any club not to either give the landowner 100% of the money or donate 100% to the charity of their choice and sort them out a receipt is there?
Thank you for your comments John. I will not be drawn into "One of your conversations" When the majority of your comments made on metal detecting posts are negative. I am not lets go digging, This is not a get rich quick scheme. What professional affiliations i hold are for me to know and the land owners to access. Why would I want to give the organiser of metal detecting rallies any information. The arrangement I have with my land owners is exactly that. An arrangement I have with my land owners. Your interest into the division of any proceeds is inappropriate, feel free to ask but you will not receive an answer.


I suggest as you all have so much money to throw about, you all club together,buy your own farm,metal detect and dig up your own land to your hearts content (y)

That`ll be like getting farmers to form a national co-op and sell their products at an agreed price to supermarkets/processors.... ;);)

Our club see it as "day rental" so we can wander round aimlessly, doing no harm........ Mrs M thinks its more like Care in the Community!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I`m very positive about the hobby if it is done properly, finds are shown & recorded as it is everyone's collective history not just the landowner & finder.

We will be doing our annual Museum day at the end of July as part of the Festival of Archaeology so that people in Loughborough can see "hands on" what we have discovered both locally & further afield. :)


That`ll be like getting farmers to form a national co-op and sell their products at an agreed price to supermarkets/processors.... ;);)

Our club see it as "day rental" so we can wander round aimlessly, doing no harm........ Mrs M thinks its more like Care in the Community!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I`m very positive about the hobby if it is done properly, finds are shown & recorded as it is everyone's collective history not just the landowner & finder.

We will be doing our annual Museum day at the end of July as part of the Festival of Archaeology so that people in Loughborough can see "hands on" what we have discovered both locally & further afield. :)
We got stung badly,suppose it's left a nasty taste..


@mtx.jag sadly you aren`t alone and there a re plenty let the hobby down.

From a "decent detectorists" point of view its about communication with the landowner. If you go and find nothing, and there are plenty of days like that, then still let them know. As a club we even show them the "rubbish bins" and identify the historical items as well as letting them know what we found. There are some TFF`ers can confirm my rabid enthusiasm for identifying coins & mints!! :D:D

However there are many times poor communication leads to this scenario:
Landowner thinks "If they aren`t finding anything , why are they coming back?".
The detectorists view is that they might find something with the next sweep or visit in the meantime they have a lovely day out in the country pursuing their hobby and "getting away from life", finds are a bonus.

i would say 96% of what we dig is "tat" 3.9% is "historically identifiable & recordable" but of little financial value. The 0.1% is when its time to talk to the landowner and be honest.
I was lucky enough to find a single coin, so its not Treasure, but its value (circa £4,000) was over our agreed value so met the landowner and between us neither wanted it sold so I gave it to him on the proviso that I can "borrow it" for displays etc......... and you can`t put a price on honesty. (y)


Its going as you would expect but when its completed, all of the characters will be informed. The case is basically about how people and members of businesses really should be careful when they start to make libelous claims in public forums. The law is there to protect people from certain people within our hobby and in general. I feel sorry for the people who feel that it is ok to cast derogatory comments in public. After all its those kind of people that are classed as spammers and keyboard warriors.

I`m not sure if Nigel still frequents "here", it appears the court case against another "commercial metal detecting enterprise" was just another bit of over active imagination.....or he didn`t turn up......or it was resolved out of court.....or.... well..... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::)

Daniel Larn

I`m not sure if Nigel still frequents "here", it appears the court case against another "commercial metal detecting enterprise" was just another bit of over active imagination.....or he didn`t turn up......or it was resolved out of court.....or.... well..... [emoji23][emoji23]:)
We had someone asking us about metal detecting a wee while ago, they were offering a lump of money for the privilege as well.

What was the story with this chap? Or can't you say?


We had someone asking us about metal detecting a wee while ago, they were offering a lump of money for the privilege as well.

What was the story with this chap? Or can't you say?

@Daniel Larn there was a "falling out" with two commercial detecting business.
Nigel attempted to sue the registered company which ceased trading at around the same time as the court papers arrived.
The registered company are still operating run by two individuals.
The usual approach is "We will pay you £500".... they then put 50 people on the field at £20 and pocket the difference. There are no costs for the organiser unless its a weekend affair with camping where portaloos, skips & marquees etc come into the mix.

The traditional clubs, like my lot,agree a day fee. Then tell the landowner how many turned up and give them the cash which is used to support anything from Air Ambulances to children's Rugby clubs. There are a few TFFers who can vouch for that. ;)
We have a committee, accounts and are answerable to our members.
The "gain" we make is having a lovely day out,with friends and finding a little bits of history that get recorded for clever folk to research. If you have arranged a day out and one of the members finds "something" special or rare, not necessarily valuable the other reward is the look on someones face when they realise the last person that touched the item was 2,000 years ago....if you "get" that bit its a great hobby...its not about £££`s.

TBH I can see the commercialisation of everyone's collective history causing the hobby to become either more restricted and/or licenced.
Not necessarily a bad thing as the traditional, long established, clubs will carry on doing their bit by educating people, fund raising etc.
There are more good than bad folk out there....same as any walk of life!

Daniel Larn

@Daniel Larn there was a "falling out" with two commercial detecting business.
Nigel attempted to sue the registered company which ceased trading at around the same time as the court papers arrived.
The registered company are still operating run by two individuals.
The usual approach is "We will pay you £500".... they then put 50 people on the field at £20 and pocket the difference. There are no costs for the organiser unless its a weekend affair with camping where portaloos, skips & marquees etc come into the mix.

The traditional clubs, like my lot,agree a day fee. Then tell the landowner how many turned up and give them the cash which is used to support anything from Air Ambulances to children's Rugby clubs. There are a few TFFers who can vouch for that. ;)
We have a committee, accounts and are answerable to our members.
The "gain" we make is having a lovely day out,with friends and finding a little bits of history that get recorded for clever folk to research. If you have arranged a day out and one of the members finds "something" special or rare, not necessarily valuable the other reward is the look on someones face when they realise the last person that touched the item was 2,000 years ago....if you "get" that bit its a great hobby...its not about £££`s.

TBH I can see the commercialisation of everyone's collective history causing the hobby to become either more restricted and/or licenced.
Not necessarily a bad thing as the traditional, long established, clubs will carry on doing their bit by educating people, fund raising etc.
There are more good than bad folk out there....same as any walk of life!
Oh dear, the model doesn't sound too bad, but if club's are out there doing it for charity it kind of undermines it.

Never mind, pleased we didn't take the fellow up on his offer now.


I fail to see why anyone would want to be involved with this idea. A measly £1000 to give access to 400 acres to the unwashed and unknown and all armed with a spade and a trowel. You’d have to be nuts to become involved with this.

I make you right.

The traditional clubs build relationships with their landowners, and give them a bit of an insight into what has happened on their land over a huge period of time.
Now and again very exciting stuff turns up,which can be both a blessing & a curse!
It must also be said I have been know to get excited by incredibly rare coins that have no great commercial "value" !
I once found a small 3rd century Roman bronze coin that was minted in Antioch in Mint Number 5.... there was one other known example in the world.... in a museum in Vienna, but they couldn`t find theirs! So, with the landowners consent, the coin now resides in the British Museum. Value? Commercially maybe £100.
To me...having a coin in the BM .....priceless.
So much more to the hobby than money.


New Member
It’s awful when a farmer/landowner gets ripped off by detectorists leave a bad taste in there mouths. We only do events for charities
Yes we do pay the farmers for use of land.
Yes everything bit of money made after paying the farmer goes straight to the named charity.
No we don’t do the event to make money for ourselves.
All the detectorists are insured with NCMD
All holes are filled
All finds are show to farmers even the trash.
If any items of value are found then an agreement with finder and farmer is drawn up and split 50/50 we do not take a percentage as organisers of the event.
All finds recorded.

This is our hobby not a business.


New Member
I fail to see why anyone would want to be involved with this idea. A measly £1000 to give access to 400 acres to the unwashed and unknown and all armed with a spade and a trowel. You’d have to be nuts to become involved with this.

We are not all like this.
I do agree that £1000 isn’t a lot of money for 400 acres
We only do events to raise funds for charities not to make a living out of our hobby.
Yes farmers are paid for use of land and all money after that is given to the charity we are doing event for
This year we are doing an event for R.A.B.I.
To support farming families who are struggling with price of crops being low.

Some of us do care about farmers and there families.
If it wasn’t for farmers allowing us on there land then we would be able to enjoy our hobby and find history items that would never be known about.
I have many things in museums that help to understand the history of Norfolk
Most I have donated and with no payment for the items
My landowners were shown each item.
If they wanted to keep them they could but most agreed to donate to save some part of history.

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

  • havn't been invited to apply

    Votes: 33 34.7%
  • have been invited to apply

    Votes: 19 20.0%
  • applied but not yet accepted

    Votes: 30 31.6%
  • agreement up and running

    Votes: 13 13.7%

Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

  • 3,069
  • 51
On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...