Agricology are running some focus groups in November for an ELMS test about the effectiveness of videos and podcasts as learning tools for farmers. They have asked if any TFF members would like to participate. Places are limited.
Each participant (needs to be a farmer, based in England) who completes the attached Participant Information Form and attends one focus group session will be reimbursed £100.
Each participant (needs to be a farmer, based in England) who completes the attached Participant Information Form and attends one focus group session will be reimbursed £100.
Introduction to the project: Agricology and The University of Reading have been awarded a DEFRA Environmental Land Management scheme Test to research in partnership, how effective videos and podcasts are as tools to learn about farming practices. As part of this study we are conducting a series of focus groups and an online survey for farmers to understand their preferences and experiences of using these tools. For the purposes of this study, we are inviting experienced Farm Managers, based in any region of England to take part in an online Focus Group discussion. While we would like to hear from farmers that are regular users of podcasts and videos, we would also like to encourage those who do not use podcasts and videos to participate in these sessions as well. Optional: If you would like to contribute further to our study, you can also fill-in our survey on the use of videos / podcasts to gain knowledge on farming practices by following this link. (Closes 13-November-20). Each participant will be entitled to receive £100 which can be claimed on completion of the focus group |
There are limited places available, so farmers will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. To participate please email [email protected] who will send further information and terms and conditions. Please advise which slot you are available for: Session 1: 23 November: 3:00 - 4:30pm Session 2: 23 November: 5:30 - 7:00pm – SESSION FULL Session 3: 30 November: 3:00 - 4:30pm Session 4: 30 November: 5:30 - 7:00pm What will happen: Prior to the session, you will be asked to submit a form to provide some general information about yourself and your farm, as well as a bullet-point list of your thoughts on the questions that will be asked during the sessions. On the day, you will be asked about your preferences in terms of getting information/knowledge on farm practices, with a specific focus on the use of videos and podcasts for this purpose. The data will be used as part of a Test & Trial report for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to better guide provisions around the Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme and may be used in a research publication by the project team. Time commitment: The focus group sessions will last approximately one hour and a half. You will also have to complete the above-mentioned form and return it to us one week before the session. Confidentiality/Anonymity: By attending the focus groups, you consent that your data will be recorded, stored, and analysed for the purpose of this project. Your data will be kept securely and destroyed following publication of the report and publications. Defra is not provided with raw data, but only with the final reports. Whilst we cannot ensure anonymity during the focus group and data collection, we will anonymise your input in the final reports. |
Participants’ rights: Your participation is completely voluntary. You may choose not to participate and you may withdraw at any time during the session. You may also withdraw your consent at a later time, but the latest by one week after your scheduled session. You can do so by contacting us directly. Benefits and risks: There are no known risks for you in this study. If you need any more information or want to know how your data is used you can contact the lead researcher at: [email protected]. If you choose to opt out we will remove your data from the study. |