Thinking of starting to measure grass with agrinet grass software at the main farm.
Hopefully it will help with magement decision such as when to take out paddocks for silage to keep quality swards and which fields need reseeded etc.
The problem is with 50 paddocks, 6 mobs of sheep and 3 mobs of cattle would the software work with this many mobs.
Does any sheep and beef farmers who rotationally graze sheep and cattle have any experience of using this software and measuring grass or any advice?
Hopefully it will help with magement decision such as when to take out paddocks for silage to keep quality swards and which fields need reseeded etc.
The problem is with 50 paddocks, 6 mobs of sheep and 3 mobs of cattle would the software work with this many mobs.
Does any sheep and beef farmers who rotationally graze sheep and cattle have any experience of using this software and measuring grass or any advice?