I have been developing algorithms to optimise the collection of bales (i.e. best trailer placement etc). Enough people were interested that I made a usable prototype. The idea is that when baling you log GPX waypoints at the bale locations or maybe map them with a drone afterwards (only worth it for big fields really). You then upload the .gpx file of bale locations and the webapp generates a .gpx route you can follow when collecting the bales. It assumes a single tractor/trailer combo.
It's here-
[Currently GAE free tier so might die if lots of people click]
I'd be interested in feedback if anyone wants to try it as I am hoping to improve it before next season. It's a computationally difficult problem to solve exactly so currently uses clustering heuristics and straight line distances only.
Also if anyone happens to have a GPS track from collecting bales (with a single loader) that would be useful to benchmark algorithms against humans.
I have been developing algorithms to optimise the collection of bales (i.e. best trailer placement etc). Enough people were interested that I made a usable prototype. The idea is that when baling you log GPX waypoints at the bale locations or maybe map them with a drone afterwards (only worth it for big fields really). You then upload the .gpx file of bale locations and the webapp generates a .gpx route you can follow when collecting the bales. It assumes a single tractor/trailer combo.
It's here-
[Currently GAE free tier so might die if lots of people click]
I'd be interested in feedback if anyone wants to try it as I am hoping to improve it before next season. It's a computationally difficult problem to solve exactly so currently uses clustering heuristics and straight line distances only.
Also if anyone happens to have a GPS track from collecting bales (with a single loader) that would be useful to benchmark algorithms against humans.