See if anyone can give any advice/suggestions on the following -
I am proposing to buy just over 1/2 acre of ground from local farmer, with view to putting building up that will 100% fall under the caravan act (if go ahead this will be built from scratch on site) ground in Scotland/Fife.
Ground in question is triangular corner of a field next to main B road, has good wide vehicular access and good visibility both ways from entrance.
Ground was previously used as grazing for sheep, but due to recent works under taken & now completed by water company this area is now no longer grass, and is now separately fully fenced off from the rest of grazing field it belonged, and is also now all hard standing (compacted hardcore etc)
Land obviously still probably showing use as agricultural, so would it be better/easier/quicker for the current owner (farmer) to change the use of the land to residential before selling to me as obviously cant be used for grazing any longer, or am I just better off applying for change of use and at same time apply for planning to site residential caravan (which will fall under the caravan act in all sense of the act - but visually will look like a cabin more than a static as will be built like 2 statics and put together with apex roof etc) which will then hopefully become my main residence.
Just wondering if anyone on here has cane across/done similar or know of anyone who has, many thanks in advance.
I am proposing to buy just over 1/2 acre of ground from local farmer, with view to putting building up that will 100% fall under the caravan act (if go ahead this will be built from scratch on site) ground in Scotland/Fife.
Ground in question is triangular corner of a field next to main B road, has good wide vehicular access and good visibility both ways from entrance.
Ground was previously used as grazing for sheep, but due to recent works under taken & now completed by water company this area is now no longer grass, and is now separately fully fenced off from the rest of grazing field it belonged, and is also now all hard standing (compacted hardcore etc)
Land obviously still probably showing use as agricultural, so would it be better/easier/quicker for the current owner (farmer) to change the use of the land to residential before selling to me as obviously cant be used for grazing any longer, or am I just better off applying for change of use and at same time apply for planning to site residential caravan (which will fall under the caravan act in all sense of the act - but visually will look like a cabin more than a static as will be built like 2 statics and put together with apex roof etc) which will then hopefully become my main residence.
Just wondering if anyone on here has cane across/done similar or know of anyone who has, many thanks in advance.