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Download PDF Every step the Faccombe Estate in Hants takes towards Net Zero carbon emissions is turned into a commercial opportunity. CPM visits to explore the inspiration behind the changes. If we’re not already at Net Zero, that’s exactly where we want to be. By Tom Allen-Stevens Al Brooks looks on at the 400hp Wood Terminator 10XL as it munches its way effortlessly through 75cm diameter trunks of diseased ash, and you get the sense there’s rarely a moment of his working day he doesn’t enjoy. The seasoned woodchip that flies from the spout of this wood-chopping beast is sourced from areas of the 1720ha Faccombe Estate in Hants beset by ash dieback and now being sensitively felled and replanted. Very little of the brushwood and branches escape the jaws of the Wood Terminator and up to 300t/day can be processed for use through the estate’s wood-pelleting plant. This supplies fuel to the estate’s properties – the village of Faccombe which opened its own pub and guesthouse two years ago. “We have long term plans to upgrade to a community heating system for the majority of cottages in the village, and for the dryer in the grain store,” says Al,…
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