i was asked about maize after grass yesterday and my knee jerk was no sonido is gone i cant risk it, because im sad i was thinking about it in bed this morning so decided to check the crd website.
so i searched by product name and found both sonido and mesurol, cool, both of their authourisations on the face of it run for a bit yet so i started looking at the notices section down the bottom but unless im confusing myself neither has actually been revoked.
so got over to the ctl page and sure enough down the bottom is the withdrawal notice with the dates we all know on it.
so i was hoping someone like @Brisel who reads the crd database as a bedtime story could take a look and tell me if im right or wrong.
so i searched by product name and found both sonido and mesurol, cool, both of their authourisations on the face of it run for a bit yet so i started looking at the notices section down the bottom but unless im confusing myself neither has actually been revoked.
so got over to the ctl page and sure enough down the bottom is the withdrawal notice with the dates we all know on it.
so i was hoping someone like @Brisel who reads the crd database as a bedtime story could take a look and tell me if im right or wrong.