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Download PDF Spring barley destined for Budweiser is helping an estate in Buckinghamshire deliver wider sustainability benefits. CPM finds out how. As a continental type, Explorer develops at an unbelievable pace. By Rob Jones There’s much to like about a premium barley which yields well on difficult ground, ill-suited to traditional malting production, all for an input cost of less than £65/tonne. The Budweiser barley-growing maths certainly add-up for farm manager, Chris Singer and his team at the Carington Estate in Buckinghamshire. Even though the margin is promising, it’s sustainability that is the main reason the estate routinely grow around 200ha of Explorer on contract for the leading brewer in their diverse, 1400ha cereal-based rotation. Spring barley was introduced into the rotation in 2013 to help manage blackgrass on the farm. “It’s good to have a secure local market, especially one offering a guaranteed minimum 2021 premium of £15/t for a 1.75-2.05% nitrogen specification in such uncertain malting market times,” says Chris. Having a spring crop that can be planted relatively late but still reach harvest ahead of wheat is a real boon for the three-man estate team, who also lamb 400 mule ewes and deal with cropping spread across…
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