I've a fiona seed drill, its an astra dr model and I've reconditioned the drive chains which are contained inside the 3 plastic chain and cog casings between the metering wheel and seed drill gearbox. The problem is I've only had 10 minutes at it now and again over the summer and I must have stupidly rebuilt those 3 plastic boxes in the wrong order because when drilling wheat the other day it was sowing twice the amount I'd calibrated for. I know the problem is that I've those plastic boxes the wrong way round somehow. Should have taken pictures before dismantling
Anyway, would anyone have picture or a diagram of the order of these parts? I've rung Jim Price machinery for help and I'm waiting for an email with a drawing but I don't think they're having much luck. Some of the newer models have numbers written on each end of the case to indicate the teeth on the gear within

Anyway, would anyone have picture or a diagram of the order of these parts? I've rung Jim Price machinery for help and I'm waiting for an email with a drawing but I don't think they're having much luck. Some of the newer models have numbers written on each end of the case to indicate the teeth on the gear within