Following a post by @SmallRobotCo it seems there is no real statistics around how many farms establish the majority of their combinable crops
For the purpose of this poll definitions as follows and not counting rakes or rolls as cultivators
Plough - full soil inversion tillage pre additional cultivation and drilling
Mintill - none inversion but heavy deep cultivation 3 inches or more pre additional cultivation and drilling
Scratch Till - surface cultivation ( no deeper than 3") pre drilling
Direct drill - single pass establishment with drill that moves soil, Claydon, Mzuri, Sumo etc
Zero-till - single pass establishment with low / minimal soil disturbance
For the purpose of this poll definitions as follows and not counting rakes or rolls as cultivators
Plough - full soil inversion tillage pre additional cultivation and drilling
Mintill - none inversion but heavy deep cultivation 3 inches or more pre additional cultivation and drilling
Scratch Till - surface cultivation ( no deeper than 3") pre drilling
Direct drill - single pass establishment with drill that moves soil, Claydon, Mzuri, Sumo etc
Zero-till - single pass establishment with low / minimal soil disturbance