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roscoe erf

Livestock Farmer
Yep, sorry to say the arable East does not lend itself much to a great insect and bird population ( excluding cluster flies and buzzards ffs ).
Had a flier only last night from the local wildlife trust talking about re wilding in Suffolk...
missing a trick really these re-wilders just go back to mixed farming no need to reintroduce long dead species

roscoe erf

Livestock Farmer
I've seen a lot of people recently complaining about the lack of insects due to intensive farming in recent years. However, every night im out with the LEDs on i cant get out of the cab without hundreds of the damned things buzzing into my face and inevitably into my cab. I can provide a picture of them all swarming around the lights if anybody doubts this. How does this compare to other people's experiences with insects at night? I expect the reason we have so many round here is that it is a largely mixed system, with plenty of grassland and woodland around, which is very different to other parts of the country.
I think its area specific


Livestock Farmer
We have an old bakehouse behind the farmhouse, which is leased to a wildlife trust as a bat roost (apparently one of only two in Wales for this species).
Every year they come out over a few nights and count the numbers using the roost, to gauge what the population is doing. Numbers dipped drastically in 2012 and 13, a cold, wet summer followed by a long cold winter, which reduced insect numbers. Since then, numbers have climbed well ever since, which they think is directly down to them having plentiful food (they eat insects).

Incidentally, we moved here in 2012 and farm far more intensively than the previous tenant, although always with one eye on nature, like most farmers. I have gapped up a few hedges to reconstruct feeding corridors for those bats (who apparently wont cross a gap of more than 5m), but nothing else specific for insects or bats really, just carried on farming ‘normally’.
I see the bats in the late dusk flying up and down the tree lines and darting out into the fields a short way. One even brushed my hair..and I thought there were no flies on me!


Mixed Farmer
I’m sure there are noticeably less insects about now. 30 years ago if you opened the cab door at night with the lights on for too long you soon had what seemed like hundreds of the buggers whizzing round in the cab with you. Not the case these days
I disagree. if i open the door at night with the lights on i get hundreds of the buggers flying around the cab with me. i know this because ive swatted so many of the barstewards!

That would involve them admitting two things:
1) Farmers can be good for the environment
2) Red meat production is a beneficial component of the UK ecosystem.

Can’t see it happening any time soon tbh
the media are in a large way responsible for this trend towards hating meat. they've been pushing chris packham and his ill informed vegan nutters for years pretending eating meat is bad for the planet, and without anybody actually putting the opposing argument forwards, people believe them.


Better day a couple of days back , and I opened the landing window for a bit of fresh air . I now have four quite big clusters of hibernating ladybirds on the inside window frame corners . I don't mind them being there , in fact I'm quite pleased and I haven't got an O.H. to complain . I just hope they don't think Winter is over when the central heating comes on , is there anything I can do to help them survive the Winter , or shall I just leave them to their own devices ?
Careful not to get too many because they stink to high heaven. Don't get me wrong I do like them and have been host to millions of them but they do smell awful.


I've been riding motorbikes since the mid 1970's. I used to get splattered with insects of all sorts.
Nowadays, I can ride around with a visor up quite easily - hardy any insects around.
Same routes, same time of day.
Something has happened.


I would expect that in the east the decline of mixed farming since the war is bound to have had an effect on insects. In the west which hasn’t really changed much, the insect levels are probably healthier. I know where I am I’d say there are good populations but we’re also surrounded by trees and every farm carries stock.

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

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Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

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On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...