Looking for a small, basic rural property to rent

Hi All,

I'm not 100% sure if I'm putting this in the right place or if I'll get any responses. However, I thought I'd give it a bash. If anyone reading this has any bright ideas that might help us progress in the right direction, then they'd be really gratefully received :)

Anyways, with my business going predominantly online, my family and I are looking to take advantage of the 'freedom' this affords us and attempt a bit of an experiment where we go 'off grid' for a year. Obviously this would be a big challenge, but one we feel would be rewarding for all of us (what ever doesn't kill us makes us stronger right??).

We have a list of 'challenges' to overcome that is as long as my arm, but I'm confident that with a lot of hard graft they can be overcome. However, the first hurdle seems to be the hardest to achieve and that's to find somewhere super basic & remote to rent. It seems EXTREMELY difficult to find remote properties of the ilk we're looking for.

Essentially we're looking for a small, basic & low cost rural property to rent. This could be stand alone OR be part of a farm. We're not looking for anything remotely posh but would need it to be fundamentally livable & serviced with the basic amenities. We're looking for it to have enough land around it to grow fruit & veg and have a few chickens for eggs and a goat for milk.

If on a farm, I'd not be opposed to offering my graft to the farmer on occasion either. Seems like the neighbourly thing to do and very much fits in our ethos to become a valued part of the community (even its just for a short time).

Anyways, after hitting brick wall after brick wall, I thought I'd reach out directly to the farming community. I figure asking those that know the land like the back of their hands might actually be a much healthier way of tracking down what we're looking for.

So I guess I'll submit and see what happens :)

Highland Mule

Livestock Farmer
Shouldn't be too tricky to find something on the west coast Highlands of Scotland - Wester Ross or Sutherland would be my advice for a search. You don't need a farm up there either as most rural houses would have a decent enough area available for a few chickens and a veggie patch.

Only issue I can see is how you define off-grid and how that's compatible with running an online business.


Hi Highland Mule & thanks for getting back to me. I'll check out those areas. Would the smaller, rural rentals be on standard agencies OR is there a particular forum / website you can recommend?

I've also been advised that some farms have 'workers' cottages that might also be an option. Though I have no idea how to inquire about those! Any ideas?

Re off grid. All I need is a bit of electricity to power a lap top, a few phones and to power a radio based broadband connection (if there's no signal). I think the new solar / battery options are pretty effective (even in overcast conditions). They can be installed on the ground so no need to impact the property at all. Re gas etc. I'm investigating a bio digester.

All very exciting but a LOT to consider. But where there's a will there's a way!!

Highland Mule

Livestock Farmer
Hi Highland Mule & thanks for getting back to me. I'll check out those areas. Would the smaller, rural rentals be on standard agencies OR is there a particular forum / website you can recommend?

I've also been advised that some farms have 'workers' cottages that might also be an option. Though I have no idea how to inquire about those! Any ideas?

Re off grid. All I need is a bit of electricity to power a lap top, a few phones and to power a radio based broadband connection (if there's no signal). I think the new solar / battery options are pretty effective (even in overcast conditions). They can be installed on the ground so no need to impact the property at all. Re gas etc. I'm investigating a bio digester.

All very exciting but a LOT to consider. But where there's a will there's a way!!

Start with the major websites and look for who the local agents are, then go from there. Generally the further you are from SE England the more space there is.

As for offgrid, there will be minimal places out there with no electricity supply, but if they don't have that they most likely don't have mobile phone signal either. To be honest, your post comes across as laughably naive and overly romanticising the challenges of rural life. As for surviving on only solar - that may work in some parts but won't in plenty others.

Suggest that you start by getting boots on the ground and seeing what's important to you. If all you want is to "find yourself" then maybe switch off the devices and life simply from home - no more fast fashion, ready meals and the likes.

But hey, I'm a cynic who probably doesn't appreciate what I have(n't) got..


Mixed Farmer
Hi Highland Mule & thanks for getting back to me. I'll check out those areas. Would the smaller, rural rentals be on standard agencies OR is there a particular forum / website you can recommend?

I've also been advised that some farms have 'workers' cottages that might also be an option. Though I have no idea how to inquire about those! Any ideas?

Re off grid. All I need is a bit of electricity to power a lap top, a few phones and to power a radio based broadband connection (if there's no signal). I think the new solar / battery options are pretty effective (even in overcast conditions). They can be installed on the ground so no need to impact the property at all. Re gas etc. I'm investigating a bio digester.

All very exciting but a LOT to consider. But where there's a will there's a way!!

I think that you might be underestimating the hassle and cost in making sure that your new way of life is 100% connected in the more remote areas, which from your OP, would seem to be a must.

But no doubt, they can all be resolved.

Good luck anyway.


Thanks for your feedback.

Please note that I'm not for one second belittling the rigors or challenges of rural living in the UK. I've set up and lived rurally in the likes of Bangladesh & China & have had to deal with a number of significant challenges. However, at points it seems like it's going to be harder to make it happen in the UK. There are certainly different challenges but not I'd consider unsurmountable. But as you can imagine there's definitely WAY more people looking at us asking why on earth we'd want to simplify and helping us find reasons not to try.

I don't for a second believe that we'd achieve an off grid situation in this first phase. It's not feasible in a year. Hence the reasons why we're not attempting to go full or even half hog. We're looking for properties with utilities & we will still need Local Stores & the like! When I say 'off grid' what I really mean is, like you said, as simple as we can achieve in the time we have.

I read my message last back and I did make it sound like the solutions I mentioned were supposed to be 100% replacements for basic utilities. Not so!! I mention solar and the digester as these are both areas that I am excited to try out. Not as the ONLY way to get the required utilities, but as back ups or simply for interests sake. I've suffered from intermittent electricity provision overseas & I think it'd be a good idea to have a back up in place IF a property suffers from sporadic electricity. Especially as my lively hood & the girls education requires it :) Same goes for internet if there's no OR iffy mobile reception. Satellite Internet has proved to be unstable & insanely frustrating. However, it's a potential solution non the less.

Re the solar stuff.... Over the last couple of years I've work in innovations in the renewable energy industry & there's some exciting tech on the horizon which is proving both affordable and effective (on paper anyway) so I'm quite eager to test out the practicalities when the kits not attached to some plasticy new build! Re the digester, this has worked for me elsewhere and is also a little personal project I'm working on. Again not as the soul source of gas this time but i'd like to see if i'd be able to utilise it usefully.

Anyways..I digress. I will continue to drill down into agencies to get a feel for the kinds of properties on offer. Thanks so much for the heads up. Where there's a will there's a way!


Yeh. I think by stating 'off grid' I've made it seem like we want to be utility free. What we really mean is we want to simplify as much as we can for a year... :)


Yeh. I think by stating 'off grid' I've made it seem like we want to be utility free. What we really mean is we want to simplify as much as we can for a year... :)

Sorry Steve. It seems I accidently deleted your reply re the cost of going 'off grid'. SORRY!!! But this answer was to your point :)

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