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Avoiding the main migration period for cabbage stem flea beetle by drilling either very early or late has become the new norm to give oilseed rape crops the best chance of establishing. CPM looks at the implications on disease control. Anything that injures the leaf makes the plant more susceptible to infection. By Lucy de la Pasture Many growers have been taking advantage of the early clearance this harvest and oilseed rape has been going in the ground since late July. Although disease may not be the first priority, time of drilling has an influence on the diseases that affect OSR, says ADAS crop pathologist Dr Julie Smith. For grower’s planting early, light leaf spot (LLS) is the foliar disease that crops are most at risk from, she explains. “LLS is initiated by ascospores which are released as soon as the previous OSR crop is harvested. If early sown, then the crop is exposed to ascospores over a longer period of time and we tend to see higher levels of disease in earlier sown crops.” “LLS lesions can form as early as two weeks after infection when average temperatures are 15⁰C although we often don’t see infection…
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