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Payment timings for Mid/Higher Tier


Livestock Farmer
East Sussex
I rang NE today to ask what the score was with last year's payment (we started the scheme in Jan 17). The answer was that they were working on my revenue claim, so all being well they said we would be paid within the next few days. We shall wait and see..........

In my experience their next few days is "we hope it is sometime soon" to get people off their backs! This should have been paid in the Autumn of 2017 with your balance payment made before June 2018. Are they going to pay you the whole amount or only 75%?
In my experience their next few days is "we hope it is sometime soon" to get people off their backs! This should have been paid in the Autumn of 2017 with your balance payment made before June 2018. Are they going to pay you the whole amount or only 75%?

They paid me about 15% back in July or August. I guessed that they were going to pay us the whole amount now, but to be honest any amount would be better than nothing. I did have an email last week about a missing soil sample, that got lost in the move from Bristol to Newcastle so they must be looking at something.

Were a newish business, only been trading 5 years, so this "environmental diversification" was kind of factored in to our cash flow (more fool us) to counteract seasonality of lamb sales, so getting a little twitchy. We have had to jump through fair hoops too, loss of production on environmental land, etc
An update on how close my revenue claim is to being paid. As my earlier post said, I rang them last week and they said it would be a couple days. I rang earlier today, and they said the same as last week, "it is being worked on, but the person isn't here at the moment".

But now they are saying it will be at least a fortnight.

Has anyone out there actually got paid the full amount for Higher tier starting January 2017, just to give me abit of hope?

Neddy flanders

BASE UK Member
Yes received it yesterday. Emailed NE area manager for Eastern area then rang twice to Worcester processing office. Was told it had been paid 4 days earlier and I shouldn't expect anything for another 5. Quite where the money was going to be for nine days, I'm not sure. Anyhow it arrived last night. Good luck


Anyone else got a form to claim the mid-tier annual payment for 2018...but still not yet heard if the application submitted last year has been accepted? UNBELIEABLE. still I hope the staff at natural England(or whoever it is now) had a lovely long break for easter


Anyone else got a form to claim the mid-tier annual payment for 2018...but still not yet heard if the application submitted last year has been accepted? UNBELIEABLE. still I hope the staff at natural England(or whoever it is now) had a lovely long break for easter
Ha ha , unbelievable . I’ve still not heard despite a promise that we’d know end of March . If we are accepted I’m having serious doubts( again ), about signing up.
As a tenant I can’t afford acres of options, but not getting paid

New Puritan

East Sussex
@worker - I got that form in the post too. When I logged into the RPA site to look at it, the previous year's (i.e. 2017) claim now has a status of 'withdrawn', which seems mysterious. It could probably go without saying I've not been paid anything at all yet though.


South west
Anyone else in similar situation as us, apllied for organic conversion on 240 acres starting 1st of Jan, chased it up and received letter stateing we should have sign up letter by march, now april! if we cant even get signed godness knows when we get paid!


North Yorks
Anyone else in similar situation as us, apllied for organic conversion on 240 acres starting 1st of Jan, chased it up and received letter stateing we should have sign up letter by march, now april! if we cant even get signed godness knows when we get paid!
Well I rang them to see where my advance payment was for 2017 and was told they had until end of June to pay me, I asked to talk to someone higher up and to be fair they rang me later the same day, I stayed calm and put my case across and said I only got paid last June’s 2016 balance in Feb 2018 so I didn’t believe them, also the contract I signed said I would be paid by the end of Dec so which month do I put it in my budget, they thought Dec I did ask how many advance payments had been made and it was around 50% so 7 months from the beginning of the payment window they have done half, busy 3 months they have coming up!


Anyone else in similar situation as us, apllied for organic conversion on 240 acres starting 1st of Jan, chased it up and received letter stateing we should have sign up letter by march, now april! if we cant even get signed godness knows when we get paid!
I also got an email saying I would hear by the end of march. On the 1st April I emailed him back to ask what is happening, only to get reply that he will not be back from holiday till the 5th April. I will email him again on the 5th to welcome him back


North Yorks
Well I rang them to see where my advance payment was for 2017 and was told they had until end of June to pay me, I asked to talk to someone higher up and to be fair they rang me later the same day, I stayed calm and put my case across and said I only got paid last June’s 2016 balance in Feb 2018 so I didn’t believe them, also the contract I signed said I would be paid by the end of Dec so which month do I put it in my budget, they thought Dec I did ask how many advance payments had been made and it was around 50% so 7 months from the beginning of the payment window they have done half, busy 3 months they have coming up!
Well I have an update, the team leader I spoke to Monday last week rang just now to say I was paid yesterday, and the balance payment will be here soon also, so a gentle prod with a few home truths seems to have done the trick, so to all of you still waiting give them a call, miracles can happen!

Two Tone

Mixed Farmer
What an absolute bar-steward this whole situation is! I have managed t speak to somebody at Worcester who genuinely seems to want to help. I won't give her name because I don't want her inundated by the rest of you!

It appears that just about everybody else at NE I have already spoken to has just given me the run around to get rid of me. Finally, I am told that NE are checking with the Forestry Commission that there aren't any double funding issues. I already know that there aren't!

I enquired with this poor lady as to what the news is about RPA taking over Stewardship from NE. Everybody working at Worcester is worried about it. They do not know if or how long they will keep there jobs and/or how many of them will transfer to RPA!

Just imagine working there and having to speak to irate farmers, chasing their money. It must be hell for them! I made sure I thanked this lady and told her not to give up. She suggested I email her with all my points and concerns which I have done, being:

1. We have made a substantial investment in MTS and taken out 29% of our arable area to put in MTS crops. We have purchased expensive seeds, performed intensive cultivations to plant the crops in ideal conditions and given up the Cash-crop income from 29% of our arable area.

2. We have as of yesterday, postponed delivery of this year's AB9 Winter Bird Food seed until if and when we are going to be paid for 2017.

3. We are seriously contemplating abandoning our MTS scheme altogether and planting all 29% of arable land it uses with spring Cash-crops unless we urgently hear when we are going to be paid.

3.1. I wonder just how sad would that prospect would be for this farm, the Environment, all the public who appreciate and enjoy what we have done here, Natural England, Defra, RPA and the enormous population of wild birds that survived this cold winter here, because of our MTS scheme?

(Sub note - not included in my email) Just imagine what would happen if the press were to get hold of the fact that somebody is ploughing up all his Environmental crops, because he isn't getting paid for it?
OR the RSPB?

4. We cannot fill in our 2018 BPS forms until we know what the situation re our MTS payments is, when it is coming and do we plough it all up and replant it with Cash crops?

5. Unfortunately for all of us (including NE), finances, time, patience and decision making times are fast running out!

Anybody else on here thinking along the same lines?

Are any of you members of RSPB and want to start a thread about this?
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We are seriously contemplating abandoning our MTS scheme altogether and planting all 29% of arable land it uses with spring Cash-crops

Can't do that - you've still got a contract.

Which very clearly stated, as pointed out several times above, that, if pushed, NE might not actually pay out at all.

Here's another scheme, from Barclays Bank, no less, which might interest you:-


Mon, 2 Apr 2018 1:35

Kareem Belhasa ([email protected])To:you (BCC) + 1 more Details
Good Day,

My name is Kareem Belhasa and am a banker working with Barclays Bank in United Kingdom/Middle East (U.K)/(U.A.E). I write to contact you over a very important business transaction which will be of our best interest and benefit to both our families.

In 2006, Mr. Alkhafa Shaibu who has no next of kin, made a fixed deposit for 48 months, valued at $14,500,000.00 with my bank. I was his account officer before I rose to the position of branch accountant.

The maturity date for this deposit is 16th of September 2010. Sadly, Mr. Alkhafa Shaibu was among the dead victims of May 12, 2008 million earthquake in China that left over 70,000 people dead while he was there on business trip.

Since the last quarter of 2010 until today, the management of my bank has been finding means to reach him so as ascertain, if he will roll over the deposit or have the contract sum withdrawn.

When I discovered that this will happen, I have tried to think up a procedure to preserve this fund and use the proceeds for business.

Some directors here have been trying to find out from me the information about this account and the owner, but I have kept it closed because, I know that if they become aware that Mr. Alkhafa Shaibu is late, they will take the funds for themselves.

Therefore, am seeking your co-operation to present you as the one to benefit from his fund at his death as his rightful next of kin, so that my bank headquarters will pay the funds to you. I have done enough inside bank arrangement and you only have to put in your details into the information network in the bank computers and reflect you as his next of kin.

Upon your agreement with this proposal, I intend for you to retain 50% of the funds while 50% shall be for me. Please Kindly respond back to my personal email [email protected] address for further confidentiality proceedings.

Kareem Belhasa
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North Yorks
I hope you get paid soon Two Tone, there is a lot of work goes into these schemes at farm level and takes a lot of time and worry on the farmers part with all the hoops to jump through and the spectre of inspections at any time, the thing is it is hugely rewarding on a farm level just through what we see with the increase in birds, pollen and nectar plots just lifting with feeding insects and bees, I do find myself just taking a minute to stand and take it all in sometimes! However we need payment to be made in the payment window then everybody is happy and trusting we are all working towards the same goal, I feel very sorry for the folk at NE in some ways and for every calm rational farmer who rings them I bet there are plenty more who loose it and launch into a tirade!
The points you make in your email to NE are valid home truths just like I made last week, Mr Gove and many of the top brass at NE, RPA & DEFRA need to take heed as to what is happening at ground level right now or there ideal of a ‘green Brexit ‘ will be in tatters befor it’s even started.

Two Tone

Mixed Farmer
Can't do that - you've still got a contract.

Which very clearly stated, as pointed out several times above, that, if pushed, NE might not actually pay out at all.

Here's another scheme, from Barclays Bank, no less, which might interest you:-


Mon, 2 Apr 2018 1:35

Kareem Belhasa ([email protected])To:you (BCC) + 1 more Details
Good Day,

My name is Kareem Belhasa and am a banker working with Barclays Bank in United Kingdom/Middle East (U.K)/(U.A.E). I write to contact you over a very important business transaction which will be of our best interest and benefit to both our families.

In 2006, Mr. Alkhafa Shaibu who has no next of kin, made a fixed deposit for 48 months, valued at $14,500,000.00 with my bank. I was his account officer before I rose to the position of branch accountant.

The maturity date for this deposit is 16th of September 2010. Sadly, Mr. Alkhafa Shaibu was among the dead victims of May 12, 2008 million earthquake in China that left over 70,000 people dead while he was there on business trip.

Since the last quarter of 2010 until today, the management of my bank has been finding means to reach him so as ascertain, if he will roll over the deposit or have the contract sum withdrawn.

When I discovered that this will happen, I have tried to think up a procedure to preserve this fund and use the proceeds for business.

Some directors here have been trying to find out from me the information about this account and the owner, but I have kept it closed because, I know that if they become aware that Mr. Alkhafa Shaibu is late, they will take the funds for themselves.

Therefore, am seeking your co-operation to present you as the one to benefit from his fund at his death as his rightful next of kin, so that my bank headquarters will pay the funds to you. I have done enough inside bank arrangement and you only have to put in your details into the information network in the bank computers and reflect you as his next of kin.

Upon your agreement with this proposal, I intend for you to retain 50% of the funds while 50% shall be for me. Please Kindly respond back to my personal email [email protected] address for further confidentiality proceedings.

Kareem Belhasa
Laws regarding Contract work both ways. If the scenario takes place, it would be interesting if it went to court wouldn't it?

I wonder if Kareem Belhasa still works for Barclays?
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it would be interesting if it went to court wouldn't it?

Unfortunately, Two Tone, none us will ever have a hope in hell in court against NE.

As to Kareem's latest simplified offer, I pass it on to you only too willingly, given that I usually get several similar every day.


South Suffolk
No payment here either, been in since 1st January 2017.
Been told we would only get 70% when we get paid and the rest will follow end of year.
No wonder there wasn’t the uptake on these schemes rumour has it the official figure was less than 20%.

How is your SFI 24 application progressing?

  • havn't been invited to apply

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • have been invited to apply

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • applied but not yet accepted

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • agreement up and running

    Votes: 8 10.3%

Webinar: Expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive offer 2024 -26th Sept

  • 2,394
  • 49
On Thursday 26th September, we’re holding a webinar for farmers to go through the guidance, actions and detail for the expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) offer. This was planned for end of May, but had to be delayed due to the general election. We apologise about that.

Farming and Countryside Programme Director, Janet Hughes will be joined by policy leads working on SFI, and colleagues from the Rural Payment Agency and Catchment Sensitive Farming.

This webinar will be...