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Download PDF Initial findings from a farm trial in Lincolnshire suggest there may be scope to irrigate potatoes with slightly saline (brackish) water without compromising yield or quality. CPM finds out more. The salinity of soil water can affect the physical properties of soil. By Paul Spackman and Rob Jones An AHDB-funded Innovative Farmers (IF) project was set up last January after members of the Nene Potatoes grower group in the Holbeach Marsh area wanted more information about using brackish water to help alleviate pressure on limited freshwater supplies for irrigation. In parts of South Lincolnshire, the only available irrigation water is from ditches which is slightly saline, even in winter, given the low-lying nature of the land. As sea levels rise, salinity poses an increasing risk to freshwater supplies in areas like this, which makes it doubly important to understand how brackish water affects potatoes along with any lasting effects it may have on soil. “We know that applying saline water overhead can cause leaf scorch and impact on yields, but very little research has been done in the UK,” says the University of Lincoln’s Dr Iain Gould, who was research lead on the project alongside technical specialists, including…
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