The Claydon direct strip seeding technique was developed to increase profit margins and yields whilst improving soil health and plant rooting. It is central to the Opti-Till® range of machinery for sustainable crop establishment, which includes straw harrows, light cultivators and inter-row hoes.
Soil health
With extreme weather becoming the norm, soil has to withstand weeks of intense wet and dry periods. What is the impact on soil? How can it sustain a healthy crop? Dick Neale from Hutchinsons carried out tests on the Claydon farm to see what shape the soil is in after nearly two decades under the Claydon establishment system.

Crop health
The 2019/2020 sowing season proved extremely wet, whilst this spring we have experienced week after week of dry, warm weather. What effect has this had on crops, especially those that were sown this spring? Take a crop walk with Jeff Claydon and Dick Neale. A few weeks after this crop walk, and the spring-sown oats still had received no rain. They have made full use of the moisture in the undisturbed banks of soil.

Worms - a good indicator of soil health
Although much of their work goes unseen, worms are a huge benefit to farmers. They improve nutrient availability for crops by breaking down surface residue. Where there are worms there are also more bacteria and fungi which help release nutrients from organic matter, further increasing nutrient availability to crops. Their deep burrows help to break up the soil and improve drainage and they improve soil stucture and productivity. Simon Revell carried out an AHDB worm count on the Claydon farm recently to find out what population levels signify in terms of soil structure and health.

Mechanical weed control
The TerraBlade inter-row hoe is an additional weapon in weed control armoury. It severs the head from the roots, and is a final method of control for resilient weeds before the crop is harvested. The tilth created by the TerraBlade acts as an insulative layer, preventing moisture evaporation and releasing nutrients for the growing crop.

As Claydon-drilling leaves soil between the seeded row undisturbed, the TerraBlade has a wide window of opportunity to run as the soil's surface is able to support it without leaving wheelings and causing compaction. The operation is simple, fast and low-cost and is a perfect method of mechanical weed control for organic and conventional farmers alike. See up close how the TerraBlade can pinpoint and take out weeds.
For an overview of the Opti-Till® range of Claydon machinery, and how it contributes to soil health, Jeff Claydon, CEO, gives an overview:

With harvest not long off, it will soon be harrowing time to manage stubbles, break up straw and rake out weeds.

For more information on our product range, how you can improve your soil health and reduce your establishment costs, call us now to speak to one of our team on 01440 820327 Option 3 or email [email protected]