Most unlike me to even think about this stuff but having spoken to a mate in London today I could hear the fear in her voice. She said the atmosphere is horrid, especially in confined spaces like the tube. And now she’s stuck in a flat until further notice. Anyway, I walked around the farm after that, fed a few sheep and just took a bit of time rather than the normal rush to get everything done. Saw a couple of hares shagging or boxing (I’m never sure which is which), let the dog have a swim in the river, that sort of thing. I’m quite sure that this virus and it’s effects will all pass but in the meantime it made me realise how lucky we are to live where we do and just have space and nature around us, I suppose it’s reassuring to see how things like that just carry on as normal.
Anyway, that’s quite enough flowery boll*cks, I’ll be back to bathing In organophosphate and drinking petrol in the morning.
Anyway, that’s quite enough flowery boll*cks, I’ll be back to bathing In organophosphate and drinking petrol in the morning.